It seems perfect
Didn't even know hovering would give that information...Thank you for addressing this issue! I do have a question on what calculation triggers the 3 stars to appear, however. Currently, a trade posted requesting 10,000 of a T1 good and offering 10,010 of another T1 good will trigger a 3-star rating. It is a 1:1.001 ratio. Hovering over the stars shows the rounded down ratio correctly at 1.00 but the 3-star rating floats this trade to the top. Will there be a greater ratio between the offering and the request that will trigger the star rating itself? Visuals are powerful which is why the current star rating is dissatisfying. Not many hover over the stars to check the actual calculation.
This change doesnt discourage cross trades at all, if market will miss 1 type of goods (this will happen at any given time) you will only see 1:4 or 1:16 ratios like it is now, no change at all.The more we discourage cross trades, the better!
actually it doesnt, trades are not sorted by ratings, they are sorted by amount at first place on same ratings, so you will see trades on first place like 101K T1 : 100K T1+1, unless they change it, which would fix much moreEspecially because now the correct 3* trades come in front of the line.
Zero effect? there is no crosstrades in wholesaler.What effect will these changes have on the wholesaler?
Currently, wholesaler costs are at 1:4:16 ratio, i.e. 2750 of T1 costs me 500K coins, but 2750 of T3 costs me 8mm coins.Zero effect? there is no crosstrades in wholesaler.
Es ist nicht das Problem 1 zu 4 zu 16 sondern die nicht fairen Angebote, auch der Kreuzhandel gehört dazu. Wie Luna Star, das beschreibt, sie haben keine Fabriken, die Holz, Marmor oder Stahl produzieren. Sie bieten 1000 Elixier gegen 12.000 - 16.000 an. Wenn es 1,5 oder 2 ist, wird dieser Kreuzhandel bestehen bleiben. Auch dieses gebe 500 nehme 600 ohne Stern, ist nicht ok. Die Fristen für diesen Handel müssten viel kürzer sein.
Also wenn es sein muss bin ich für 1 zu 2.