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Fight is very hard


Hadn't realized what initiative was for - that's great to know. Thanks.


I agree with Bobbykitty. the armies get smashed in a matter of 5 minutes. what is the point? First of all I am not here all the time to keep training and training. But yesterday was a day off, so I was on top of training. And managed to train a few troops. But what is the point? Although I do not lose battles (yet), these troops get smashed pretty bad and you have to train again for hours and hours. Battles are something to do while you are waiting for your buildings to upgrade or research. Otherwise what are you going to do? Just look at your city? The map is huge and potentially even if you do research, all you can keep playing, discovering new lands and players. But not if its not possible any more and takes a week to train some more a less decent squads.


No offense but...yeah well you could also do something like... "real life" you know. ^^ Games like these are not really meant to be played 24/7 infront of your monitor. You are still allowed to do much more aside of playing, which is the advantage of these type of games compared to other PC or Console Games in my opinion. Everything is still doin fine even without you being around. :)


lol yeah Katz, I do get a life, but the thing is when you come to play this game, you cannot. this is the problem. unless you do not get a life and sit here training your troops all the time. LOL. otherwise there is nothing to do in the game. this is the thing, i cannot sit and train my troops all the time.


the slow playing games like that are meant to be that you leave it, get on with your life and from time to time log on so you can play again, not just sit here 24/7. ok they encourage you to log on quite often, I know, hence the smaller production gives you more stuff, but the troops training and the impact on troops is not levelled, so you can train and train and then they are gawn in 5 min. that's the problem...


I know what you mean and I'm on your side when it comes to having to fight armies which are way too large, costing you too many troops of your own.

But then again I wouldn't really consider the time to rebuild as the biggest problem in here. For me the number of enemy troops is what really needs to be either changed or limited. I don't mind loosing a battle or half of my army, I can rebuild them. But I wanna be able to win and that's something which to me is impossible when my enemy troops are 10 times larger at some point, and that really needs to be changed and soon!


The problem is the gamedesign.
You can theoretically get unlimited knowledge points by fighting, you can theoretically get unlimited expansions by figthing (and other than in FoE get all expansions without diamonds). So the fights must be impossible at one point.:)


The problem is the gamedesign.
You can theoretically get unlimited knowledge points by fighting, you can theoretically get unlimited expansions by figthing (and other than in FoE get all expansions without diamonds). So the fights must be impossible at one point.:)
Wiki: "For now, you will be able to get a total of 34 Province Expansions."
So you can't get unlimited expansions with fighting and can't get all expansions without diamonds. (8x8 = 64 is maximum city and you can get 60 without diamonds (You start with 6, can get 34 from fighting and 20 from research) )
It's not nice how more and more disappointing fighting becomes the further you progress. I got a squadsize upgrade to 108, but still i have barely a chance fighting, since even when the number of squads are even the enemy already has 150+ squadsize and already Golems II who really shred my armys atm, so right now I can only fight victorious in 1-2 encounters per province when i could bring a good tactic against the enemy and for the rest i have to negotiate, or wait 5! weeks until i got Golems II myself and a squadsize of 144.


I have a squad size 84. But it doesn't matter, because in every battle they still ship away a lot from your squad even if you win. Then you need to train again, and it takes ages. Armouries don't give you that much of extra training, unless you get like 10 armouries which is not possible, because they take so much culture and people. With every level they may give you just one more person to train, which is nothing. So basically now I am lucky if i get 2 or 3 fights a day. boring.


Armories give a lot if you upgrade them, a level 5 armory provides around 10 slots.


It does but it only increases the number of troops you can rebuild at a time, not allowing them to rebuild faster. So it cannot help you to regain your army faster either.


Wiki: "For now, you will be able to get a total of 34 Province Expansions."
So you can't get unlimited expansions with fighting and can't get all expansions without diamonds. (8x8 = 64 is maximum city and you can get 60 without diamonds (You start with 6, can get 34 from fighting and 20 from research) )

Ok, i dont know that the provice expansions to get with fighting are also limited.


Quick shout out to everyone who helped with describing the battle system. I have figured it out and I'm now winning battles again. The guide is very helpful, but frankly the biggest barrier was all the quirks of cursors lagging or not showing at all, and an utter lack of description about how the archer moves (he can run, then shoot, which is kinda like two turns). The lagging still gets me - sometimes I click on one (finally) yellow hex and the little guys move to the last one that was lit before that - 3 hexes away from my cursor. So the fighting is very buggy. But at least knowing what I *should* be seeing is helpful, since *not* seeing it makes it very difficult to intuit how it works, and seeing it work differently (thanks to the lagging/bugs) from the way one would intuit it works definitely makes it hard to figure out!

I'm disappointed to hear that it's not possible to get the whole grid through a combo of fighting and research expansions. (Especially since this is not a game I'm willing to spend money on). But that is consistent with Innogames and so it's not a huge surprise.


Reading your post makes me assume, that you don't know, that you can select the graphics quality of the battle screen ('options' in the settings menu). I would advise you to set it to low, this helped me a lot.


Thanks Methusu, I'll try that. I haven't even looked at settings in a while.


It does but it only increases the number of troops you can rebuild at a time, not allowing them to rebuild faster. So it cannot help you to regain your army faster either.
Why not. 5 Slots per normal 10 troops are trained within 1-2 hours.
With armories i have a recruit queue of 7-9 hours which nearly covers my whole offline times (work and sleep) so it helps indirectly a lot retraining your army.


Chimere, armories help if you aren't playing the game much. If you are, they don't help at all during the time you are here.

Katzen, my assumption is that those of us playing want to play a game and so a game that stops us from playing it won't get played and players will look for new games to play. (Try saying that three times fast. lol) Inno is trying to create a game here, not a paint drying factory. ;)

Anyone who understands fighting, please go take a look at the new thread about how battles and damage is calculated. I can't figure out what they are talking about, so I can't say anything.

LordB, when they say that for now you will be able to get 34 province expansions, they must mean from the research tree. I visit 76 neighbors each day. I did see something about them expanding the number of possible neighbors you can have with one of the last updates in the past month or so. Since we all have so many problems not having enough trading partners, you'd think they would want us exploring as much of the world map as possible. If they need to balance the KP because you'd get too many if you won too many fights, then lower the kp you get per battle. I'd like to see us being able to do lots of fighting.

I finally got sorceresses and apparently using them harms you because they have programmed them incorrectly. So....great. Sigh. I have 120 soldiers I can send into battle and most of the time I just negotiate. It is faster to gain the goods to negotiate than it is to train all the troops (and I have a level 15 barracks).

There is a new update coming in 5 days. I am hopeful for what it will bring. :)