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Fight is very hard


I'm saying that, in the current situation, if the battles don't become unwinnable, they will eventually become free wins. I agree something should change, but they should change the way your troops get stronger, not make provinces always winnable.


@Goryn who are you? I don't find your name in elvenar...

I use a different name in-game to avoid getting moderator related questions. i want to spend my time in-game by building and upgrading, and simply have fun, just like the rest of you :)


I'm saying that, in the current situation, if the battles don't become unwinnable, they will eventually become free wins. I agree something should change, but they should change the way your troops get stronger, not make provinces always winnable.

With numbers of troops limited to 192 as right now I highly doubt you gonna win any fight for free, even if the NPCs have the size of around the 10th ring.


This game was a lot of fun in the beginning. As I progress it gets less and less enjoyable. All I do is wait. I too take my armies out and days worth of training gets wiped out in 5 minutes. That doesn't equal fun.

I don't want to read a manual on how to beat an enemy. I want to play and figure out my own strategies. But, the fighting is so uselessly hard that anything I learn from one little fight I have to remember 3 days later when I get to try the fight again.

There is very little to do in this game as it is. Can't we make the fighting a thing we can do regularly?

It seems to me the big problem is that the fighting is tied to kp which is the needed element for the research tree. Therefore the devs don't want us winning because then we get through the tree too fast. So, why not untie the two? Or lessen the kp reward? Another thing fighting is tied to is trading and we all need a LOT more trading partners.

More people would play this game if they could fight more often because fighting is fun.
More provinces would get discovered and we all would have trading partners if we could fight more easily.
The only downside is that people would get through the tech tree too fast, so lessen the kp reward and that won't be a problem.


Kp reward for province! Get here your reward! :D 2Kp for a province!


It is possible, it just takes longer ;)

Maybe we should start a discussion on what the best strategy per province is, so that players can take the right armies into battle, increasing their chance to win. We do have a guide made by player ThePhantom, you can check it here https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/encounters-guide.488/

That guide is helpful, though still missing a few units (or perhaps the names are changed).

It would also be helpful if the wiki made it clearer how to move the troops around on the battlefield, and what the limitations are. It seems I can only randomly move some squads, not others. I can't select a squad to move it. And when I do move them, they don't actually fight anyone. Sometimes I get the red icon for the attack, sometimes not. This doesn't seem especially correlated with distance from target, either (which would have been my first guess as to what the problem is). I've tried clicking on them and tabbing, and neither actually selects a squad.

The battle system is incomprehensible, yet the wiki is silent on how you're supposed to manipulate your troops.


It should all be quite clear.
Right now there are some problems with cursors not always changing, but other than that, it should work just fine. Moving and attacking should also be pretty straightforward. Move range and attack range are all easy to find in the info.


Clear as mud maybe.
You are a well known member and have figured out a lot by now. Grace is a new member. As you say, there is a problem with the cursor right now not always turning red....this is slightly annoying to those of us used to fighting, but, I can see this being very confusing to someone new. How could it not be?

Also, you need to turn to a guide that another player wrote in order to figure out which one of your men will be placed where on the field. Does it have to be so difficult? Do I really need to have two windows open while I fight? And after you have a few different kinds of soldiers, some move first, then others move later. I have been playing this game nonstop for a while now and I am still confused. For example, why do some of my treants/ents move in a turn, but others don't?

Anyway, my point is, the fighting is complicated, and after you finally figure it out it becomes too difficult to do.


Alright, there are some confusing things, that's true. But he was talking about things like attack range, which is quite clear.
But I agree that some things should be more logical/easier to understand.


The range is clear. Attributes are clear. The guide is helpful for those of us who elect not to spend a ton of time on math for a game. (I'm manipulating a lot of Excel spreadsheets for work right now, so I appreciate having someone else play with the numbers in Elvenar). Though the guide does suggest that you can surrender and the topology will change - which doesn't seem to work for me (after 6 attempts, always getting the same obstacles).

You mention a cursor, which I've yet to see in the fight screen. I usually see one of my squads highlighted in yellow/orange. When I hover over it, sometimes it will highlight where it can move (sometimes not). Sometimes I'll see red showing me I can aim at an enemy squad, but usually not.

I have no ability to select a different squad - even of the same type of unit. I don't know how one would select a different squad to move. I've tried to click on a different squad (both in the hex area and below), I've tried tabbing between squads, but nothing happens.

In a recent fight I had two archer squads near (2 hexes away from) an enemy squad. I couldn't select to move them. I couldn't select them to aim and fire at anyone. This whole "hit and run" thing makes more sense if you can actually do either the "hit" or the "run" - I can't do either. The wiki and the guide keep telling me to move squads and I keep trying to figure out HOW. If I choose to have the pre-selected squad miss a turn in an attempt to try to select the next squad, I just go to the next round. If I move the pre-selected squad in the hopes that I can then get to the next one, I can't - I just get asked to move the same squad again.

What are the rules? Do I only get to move one squad per round? I get that different squads move different ranges like in chess - but don't I get to choose which squads move or not? I get that the setup/placement is predetermined by the order you select squads, but from there how do I get to choose who moves?

It's incredibly frustrating.


Clear as mud maybe.
You are a well known member and have figured out a lot by now. Grace is a new member. As you say, there is a problem with the cursor right now not always turning red....this is slightly annoying to those of us used to fighting, but, I can see this being very confusing to someone new. How could it not be?

Also, you need to turn to a guide that another player wrote in order to figure out which one of your men will be placed where on the field. Does it have to be so difficult? Do I really need to have two windows open while I fight? And after you have a few different kinds of soldiers, some move first, then others move later. I have been playing this game nonstop for a while now and I am still confused. For example, why do some of my treants/ents move in a turn, but others don't?
Mud is not a good description. Why? Mud is earth that is too wet. A good potential once it has dried. Now if you said Amethyst I would grant you that. And I will tell you a secret, I got the hunch fine on my own, i never even looked at the wiki besides seeing what elven culture buildings look like.


Sorry Grace, I see posts a bit too late. I'll check the encounters guide of Thaphantom and see if I can improve it for people like you.


Grace, I sent you a message via the forum messenger to explain fighting a bit more.


You can move 1 squad per turn. What squad you can move depends partly on what kind of squad it is, but is also sort of random. I don't even really know how it works, I just work with it. You can't choose another squad to move first. The game decides the order in which squads move and you can't change it.
If it's a squads turn you should be able to move it, unless it's completely blocked by other squads/terrain. Depending on the squad it can move 2 to 6 (?) squares. If there is an enemy unit your squad can reach and you click it, your squad will move towards it until it is in range and then attack it. Although there is a bug with changing cursors, this should all still work. It's just a bit more confusing without it. I'm not sure why you have so many problems with it.


You obviously cannot CHOOSE which unit to move. That's why it's called turn-based combat. Units take turns to act.


"Initiative" is the thing you need and which tells you what units move first and last. The higher that number is, the earlier your units gonna move or even attack. You can find it if you click onto the small white and blue "i" button in the upper right corner of the picture of your troops in your barracks. The number to the far right of the Attributes is the Initiative.

A thing I would like to see, especially with long range units, is the range my archers or Golems can shoot once they move.


I agree with Katzeprinz: you don't need to know a lot of informations about how troops move. It's simply necessary to know their iniziative level and you'll be ready to destroy your enemies :D