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Discussion Fellowship Adventures


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it will actually be version G and if it will stay as listed, no schedule in beta1 client. I guess it will appear there only at 18.07 along with ingame banner...


Well-Known Member
good news , this time announcement is right on time , we know we have to prepare our cities this week end ,

the bad new not a week break as usual between the event end and start of adventure ...


Well-Known Member
Mixed feelings here about the FSA.
Mostly the fact that there is no difference in the rewards whether one completes 1 path or all 3 paths on a map. Let's be honest, the rewards are ok, but not really worth an extreme effort. It would be nice if there was some kind of small extra reward for completing each of the paths on each map.
The last part in the Pit has no real interest for me at all; the rewards consist mainly of bragging rights. Definitely not something I'd like to spend my precious teleports on.

Don't get me wrong, that is just my view, I know enough players who like to go bonkers over the FSA, but I'm not one of them

But the main, most important change I'd like to see would be an ability for players to donate badges to a 'store' (maybe call it the 'mages strongbox?) at a 3:1 ratio so that mages can use them when they are needed.
At work I am not allowed to carry a phone on the floor, so during working days I'm really limited in how often I can be online. Which means I often end up with craploads of badges that I can't use at the times I am on.
If I could use i.e. 3 necklaces to create 1 necklace in a store that could be used by the mages it still would be more efficient than having them sit and not be used at all.
The 3:1 ratio should be enough to make it unattractive to be used by fake FSA cities, but would at least offer players with limited time and access a way to contribute more.
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Well-Known Member
When should one expect the in-game notification with timer? Will it be 48h before the start? Or I'm the only one who has the issue of not having it 72h before the start?


Well-Known Member
But ingame countdown banner would be much more comfy. And it doesn't require efforts from CMs to update it manually like news. Devs should just change 48h to 72h in their serverside code (clientside it's 72h from the beginning, when there were no serverside cutoff, and all events appeared in the list right after devs added them, sometimes few weeks ahead).
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Well-Known Member
It will start on July 20th as it was announced, there is in-game news about it as well. The FA is already scheduled and it will be on time.
This reply doesn't answer the question that sounds "when the timer will appear [for players]" ("we decided to stop this praxis" is also an answer). June 20th is 24 hours + 24 hours of different time zones (yes, I do play long enough and can guess with +-1h precision when it will be, but still) :erolleyes:
As Karvest told, it is really much more helpful to see countdown, not general note about date.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
This reply doesn't answer the question that sounds "when the timer will appear [for players]" ("we decided to stop this praxis" is also an answer). June 20th is 24 hours + 24 hours of different time zones (yes, I do play long enough and can guess with +-1h precision when it will be, but still) :erolleyes:
As Karvest told, it is really much more helpful to see countdown, not general note about date.

If is it on time, then it will start at 10 or 11am, German Time, on Thursday, July 20th, which means it starts in all US time zones while almost all players are still asleep, 5am, I think, for me here on the East Coast.


Well-Known Member
Is there really a difference between fewer beverages or fewer coins and requiring more badges?
What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
Quicker turns for more players.
I'm used to small Fellowships where we all do alot of work. In these it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference.
I've recently changed Fellowships here in Beta. This will be my first time with a Fellowship that is virtually fully active.
They expect to do at least all 3 paths in stages one and two.
This will be a first and very interesting experience for me - and I don't have to help organize!