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Confirmed [42015] Can't visit neighbours/provinces


We know at least the number of players who reported the issue in the forum or to our supporters, this can be a different case for the developers, who may have an exact number. But we can tell it's not 100%.
You will logically know this number if the error is acknowledged and a warning occurs and everyone receives the message. How easy it is to get an overview of who has this bug and who doesn't! Why don't programmers take this simple step to get information?

Thank you for the information, I believe that it is not easy for you right now.


Ex-Team Member
You will logically know this number if the error is acknowledged and a warning occurs and everyone receives the message. How easy it is to get an overview of who has this bug and who doesn't! Why don't programmers take this simple step to get information?

Thank you for the information, I believe that it is not easy for you right now.
We don't know about the specific steps developers take in the fixing process.


This problem still persists!

Also broken for me

It's going to be a problem collecting coins

If it isnt possible to fix the bug with our neighbours
Since Fellowship Adventure has begun, and no fix for all affected players on the horizon and no changing in adventure model, I'm going to give NH only to MH, so those who can't visit neighborhood can at least collect some coins. I guess it's the only way to help each other.
and at the end of the Adventure you will pay my physioterapist bill, considering that I've got more than 350 neighbors ;)


Well-Known Member

since the community adventure has now begun, I visited ALL the neighbors again because of the coin bags.

After I was done with that, I looked over the map again.
I noticed that a neighbor is not on the list, but I can still visit him.
...but only via the map.

He's right on my edge and seems like a fairly new player.
It is the player DPAKOH.
He is ranked 9,171.
He only has a Luminious Signpost, a Residence Level 2, a Workshop Level 1, and a Builder Level 2.
The Main Hall is Level 1.

As I said, I can visit him via the map, but he doesn't exist in the neighborhood list.

When I go to the neighborhood list, which doesn't list him, he shows up on the map as someone I can't visit, so he's presented as if I can't visit him.
The list call then deletes him from the map.
But I can still visit him.

It's something different :).

With kind regards
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Because of Ludwig’s reply I went to look on the outer edge of my world too. I was able to visit a few people too. Not many, just a few.
This bug does affect the game very much though. It really is a vicious circle. Not enough provisions, because no visits to neighbours. Not able to do tower. Not able to make power of provision. Making fighting troups is getting difficult.
Hope the fix is coming soon.
Good luck to the team!
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Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the bug.

I know on this forum, even though English is required, it is not the first language for a lot of the helpers and employees, but a lot stronger word than "inconvenience" applies to this major bug Inno can't seem to fix. If one of my Beta accounts were having this problem, for the length of time some of the players have had to deal with it, I would have probably already quit playing that city and deleted the account and put out negative reviews warning of the programmers' incompetence.


Well-Known Member
So what do you mean by this:

I have a friend who ONLY plays on Live and he was documenting this issue, back in early September.


Well-Known Member
Hello again,

I have a second account on the beta server.

Here I have the same error with calling the neighborhood list.

Since he appears here in the middle of the explored field, I can "photograph" him better

The image on the right shows "Epsilonjens" before calling the neighborhood list
and the image on the left shows this city after calling up the neighborhood list.

In both cases I can enter the city.
The city does not appear in my neighborhood list...
...and is completely identical to the city of DPAKOH, with which I have the same problem...

Very unusual, the perfect equality.

Do something with this information...

With kind regards


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Ex-Team Member
Because of Ludwig’s reply I went to look on the outer edge of my world too. I was able to visit a few people too. Not many, just a few.
This bug does affect the game very much though. It really is a vicious circle. Not enough provisions, because no visits to neighbours. Not able to do tower. Not able to make power of provision. Making fighting troups is getting difficult.
Hope the fix is coming soon.
Good luck to the team!
That's interesting, can you contact the support and let us know which cities you are able to visit! Maybe these are cities that are affected by the same issue, too. We can find that out.
And thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.

I have a friend who ONLY plays on Live and he was documenting this issue, back in early September.
Has this friend reported the issue to the support team? If not, please ask them to do so. If yes, please let us know the number of the ticket.
According to our information, this issue is only affecting Beta. If there is a similar case at a different world, this could help the developers a lot in resolving and preventing the issue. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I think I've been misunderstood, or maybe I wasn't clearly enough taking for granted that everyone here knew Beta.
When I say
Could you please recall me one bug of this scale?
I absolutely don't mean
Beta players are used not to be affected by such a major bug

Here is Beta. What's Beta purpose? Testing. Finding bugs. This is what we have been always told, and this is the reason why we never get a reimbourse except if it involves diamonds.
We have more than 90 Fixed Issue pages, so we are used to be affected by issue of various severity.
What leave us (a lot) confused is the way this issue was handled:
- we never had a fix player-by-player, but always had an hotfix
- we never (as far as I can remember) to wait 2 week for a "major issue" fix, overall in combination of a Fellowship Adventure that can be affected

I'm not a tech, so I have to trust that this issue is not really simple to fix; but, with the modified model G FA upcoming that require the highest quantity of coins ever, why don't you simply changed model? This already happened in the past, and so you would get less complaints without changing scheduled "events" postponing FA...

Just a thought: here is Beta, and here we don't get premium discount like in live servers... but we have premium buyers too.


Active Member

On it1.elvenar.com I can see this. I don't know if it is the same problem reported here, but I hope this could help to get more information.
It could be related to the procedure that remove inactive player.
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QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
View attachment 10394

On it1.elvenar.com I can see this. I don't know if it is the same problem reported here, but I hope this could help to get more information.
It could be related to the procedure that remove inactive player.
I do not think this is the same issue, this has to do with a new player or and inactive player who got active again and is moved back to your map. I think that person will be visit able soon. (maybe once he finished tutorial, or maybe some other reason)

I cant of course know for sure without looking at the player in question, but since im not affiliated with IT realm I can't check.


I do not think this is the same issue, this has to do with a new player or and inactive player who got active again and is moved back to your map. I think that person will be visit able soon. (maybe once he finished tutorial, or maybe some other reason)

I cant of course know for sure without looking at the player in question, but since im not affiliated with IT realm I can't check.
This would be interesting to know though, cause it certainly looks the same. Only on a smaller scale.

That's interesting, can you contact the support and let us know which cities you are able to visit! Maybe these are cities that are affected by the same issue, too. We can find that out.
And thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.
I will do that. By a support ticket than?


Ex-Team Member
I think I've been misunderstood, or maybe I wasn't clearly enough taking for granted that everyone here knew Beta.
When I say

I absolutely don't mean

Here is Beta. What's Beta purpose? Testing. Finding bugs. This is what we have been always told, and this is the reason why we never get a reimbourse except if it involves diamonds.
We have more than 90 Fixed Issue pages, so we are used to be affected by issue of various severity.
What leave us (a lot) confused is the way this issue was handled:
- we never had a fix player-by-player, but always had an hotfix
- we never (as far as I can remember) to wait 2 week for a "major issue" fix, overall in combination of a Fellowship Adventure that can be affected

I'm not a tech, so I have to trust that this issue is not really simple to fix; but, with the modified model G FA upcoming that require the highest quantity of coins ever, why don't you simply changed model? This already happened in the past, and so you would get less complaints without changing scheduled "events" postponing FA...

Just a thought: here is Beta, and here we don't get premium discount like in live servers... but we have premium buyers too.
It's understandable that you question the devs in that situation. But we have the trust in the development team that they make the right decisions and that there is most certainly a very good reason why the issue can't be hotfixed (yet). We ask you all for a lot of patience and it may also not be understandable why we're not postponing FA. And we know beta players have certain expectations we want to meet, like any other player, paying user or not. We won't forget the feedback we received so far regarding the issue and how we handle it, it's very appreciated and we'll do our best to learn from it and do better if a similar situation emerges.

I will do that. By a support ticket than?
Yes, please!


Thanks a lot. Could you please recall me one bug of this scale? Maybe I'm too old, maybe 6 years here and there in Elvenar clouded my memory, but I really don't remember... I mean, a modified Fellowship Adventure, that required LOTS of coins (have you see some signatures stating "I survived the coin drain?), is going to start, and (too many players in my opinion) can't gain sacks of coins using neighbors helps... But I for sure remember that one single time, an adventure was postponed because something wasn't working fine.
Sorry, Primrose. I have been thinking and thinking. But can’t remember what it was.


Ex-Team Member
I do not think this is the same issue, this has to do with a new player or and inactive player who got active again and is moved back to your map. I think that person will be visit able soon. (maybe once he finished tutorial, or maybe some other reason)

I cant of course know for sure without looking at the player in question, but since im not affiliated with IT realm I can't check.
We'll ask IT CMs to check for us, that shouldn't be a problem.


Well-Known Member
Has this friend reported the issue to the support team? If not, please ask them to do so. If yes, please let us know the number of the ticket.
According to our information, this issue is only affecting Beta. If there is a similar case at a different world, this could help the developers a lot in resolving and preventing the issue. Thank you.
I will relay your words but I wouldn't hold my breath. He was forced to change his username, which he considers a shocking violation of his right to free speech, and truly dislikes Support as a result. He might end up breaking a game rule, just sayin'.
Also, apparently no one has informed you, bugs routinely make their way live. I could find you a long list of complaints (from US and EN servers alone).


Active Member
I do not think this is the same issue, this has to do with a new player or and inactive player who got active again and is moved back to your map. I think that person will be visit able soon. (maybe once he finished tutorial, or maybe some other reason)
Yes, you are right, now Susy.78 is as normal as the other neighbors and I can visit her and help without any problems, sorry.


I just had to update my app to play in Beta...and was hopeful that it was because the bug was finally fixed.
Nope. It's not. Twelve days later.
Now it's the weekend for the devs and cm...and they have a holiday on Monday too.
This is painful to see happening. Much more than a simple inconvenience, indeed. Lack of caring and/or willingness to fix something, more like. I'm sure it's a tough bug but there's no reason it should take this long, ever.