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Discussion Sorcerers' Homecoming


Well-Known Member
Last hour is last hour, doesn't matter which time zone you are in, 09:00 UTC is 09:00 UTC everywhere.
This still requires that inno is calculating per time zone if there is no server per time zone.....entry of player who said that event is already finished makes no sense if last hour is uniform worldwide....with multiple servers it will be different...
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Well-Known Member
entry of player who said that event is already finished makes no sense if last hour is uniform worldwide
Ah, so this is the cause of your confusion. The event is uniform worldwide. That player probably meant that he/she finished all the quests and spent all the event currency. And because today we got the last daily quest and the last daily login reward, the statement “beta évent Ended tonight for me” kind of makes sense.


Well-Known Member
hello elvenarians, beta évent Ended tonight for me, completely left to wait for the result for the league, Will I stay in gold or go to silver
View attachment 9132
How many diamonds did you spend? 8300? 395 staves is at least 100 more than expected or 2,000 currency.
we got confirmation that for Live the balancing will indeed be a bit tighter than it was on Beta. For Live it will be more in line with the balancing for the Easter event.
So not some magical "bug" that reduced the milestones and dailies and linear quests :oops:
I'm shocked! :rolleyes:

My favorite part is how the main positive feedback on Beta was:
"The league mechanics aren't so bad, because we can get the full set without spending diamonds anyways."
To which inno promptly replied"
"Halte mein Bier..."
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Well-Known Member
20% less rewards for me it's not a bit tighter , it will be very difficult to get a full set , and it's not as evolving building where it's possible to have extra artefact in FA , or we need a big change in FA to win missing set building


Well-Known Member
I didn't spend a diamond or buy thingies, I was very lucky with currency in chests, I still have one task to finish so I will make a few more points but unless I am insanely lucky will stay in silver ( at least I hope I will).

Screenshot at Jun 08 21-14-07.png


Well-Known Member

i will probably regret not to collect 2x 250 rewards when i could , the 100 scroll lost will probably make silver gone...


Well-Known Member

No diamonds and not extremely lucky. And I will add 1 staf more tomorrow morning.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Extremely unlucky (almost no event currency back):

Waiting with the 400 event currency for the last hour, but even that won't be enough for bronze.
Giving up on leagues for live, just going for the few kps from the event there, expecting ending there also in Amateur.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Giving up on leagues for live, just going for the few kps from the event there, expecting ending there also in Amateur.

Maybe. Much larger number of active players on the Live servers versus Beta, so the number of players that can be in each League will be larger too. Though I think Bronze will still need enough points for a complete set, or 260 points.

As for the event and League, I am more annoyed I am stuck at 297 points, 3 points short of a 2nd marble building, than I am annoyed at being 20-25 points short of Silver.


How many diamonds did you spend? 8300? 395 staves is at least 100 more than expected or 2,000 currency.
I don't think you can assume its all down to spending huge amounts of money. I'm on 402 staves and yes I did buy some event currency - I spent $35 or thereabouts early on because I wanted the spell shop buildings. I also won 1200 currency. I would have preferred to not end up in gold as I wanted a carting library.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can assume its all down to spending huge amounts of money. I'm on 402 staves and yes I did buy some event currency - I spent $35 or thereabouts early on because I wanted the spell shop buildings. I also won 1200 currency. I would have preferred to not end up in gold as I wanted a carting library.
I mean my point was that ~400 staves is almost certainly the result of some diamond spending and you gave a second example of a player with ~400 staves which is also due to some diamond spending.

Now I feel even more confident in my assumption :p

Deleted User - 70079

Now that the event is about to end I can confidently say I do not like the league tables. They are very pay-to-win. In this event I played daily, finished all quests, fed my level 10 ashen phoenix right at the start, always chose the best chests for staffs, and got the full set of the grand prize, but did not spend any diamonds or real money. With 40 mins left of the event I am ranked at the very bottom of Bronze league (286 staffs, need 285 to qualify for Bronze). It's unreasonable that playing daily, finishing all quests, and choosing a strategy that optimises how many staffs you get is not enough to get decent league prizes, and the only only way to do it is to pour large amounts of real money into the game.
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Well-Known Member
Ended in Bronze (just 1 away from Silver) and had around 960 SK extra out of the chances. Whoop... for gold you must be extremly lucky, please remove this luck factor next time when you call it a league.


Well-Known Member
Ended in Silver, I was demoted from Gold in the last few hours. (I was working, so no idea when exactly.)
This league system is a bummer, first time there is an element in Elvenar that I don't like.

I think it could be improved in two ways:
  • Make the treshold for each league an absolute quantity, not relative.
  • Make extra (repeating) quests, after no.75, for players who like to invest some extra effort and get more points.

Deleted User - 70079

This league system is a bummer, first time there is an element in Elvenar that I don't like.
I think it could be improved in two ways:
  • Make the treshold for each league an absolute quantity, not relative.
  • Make extra (repeating) quests, after no.75, for players who like to invest some extra effort and get more points.
Preferably both. I think the upper prizes should be available to anyone who puts in sufficient effort, rather than just those who are willing to pay real money for it (and lots of it, too). Paying real money should be optional, and should just make things easier. It should not be the sole means by which certain prizes can be achieved.


Well-Known Member
i'm amateur
quite a shock, since I finished the quests, collected 3xdaily around the town and chose the most rewarding chests.
well, I got 10 kp and 2 rr so, I'll take that as a gift