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Discussion Secrets of Alchemy


"App version 1.166 is required for the event to function properly. This app version is released separately from the event."
The release won't happen today for sure. A release tomorrow can't be confirmed by me today.
No extra days. As the disclaimer states, the update to 1.166 is the requirement to play the game on mobile (should read "1.166.1 (...) zz 1.167" instead of "1.165.2 (...) zz 1.167). At best, the required mobile version gets released before the event start, but that's one reason why we include a disclaimer in the announcement, since we can't guarantee on Beta that the live release of the necessary version will happen in time.
The other reason is that the app platforms roll out updates in a staged way, so some players will always have a new update available before others have it.
Like Verde suggested, after playing on Beta in the Browser the event seems to work for the account in the mobile app, too.
I can't say if this is a reliable and bug-free workaround, so for now, I would suggest to play the event on Browser only if possible to prevent any issues caused by the different versions between the platforms.
Signing in through the browser and then the app does not fix this issue. It will give the event quests but you cannot open the event window on IOS.

Sad for players who can only play the app version of the game. So many disappointments for beta players over the last few weeks. :(

Why is this event copy/pasted from a previous event? Why ask for our feedback to improve future events if you're just going to go back and use the exact quests from something 2 years ago? That's wild.


Well-Known Member
... my memory isn't always amazing, but wasn't this a 'hidden' workaround for quite a long time, before it was officially adopted...?
Maybe at least some of the code of the Event, as well as the text fields, has been copy/pasted?
Yes, it works because task requires to collect 3 hour productions from standard manufactories even if quest says "marble mosaics, precious rings or wooden figurines", and the same is for 9h productions.


Ex-Team Member
It's unfortunate that 1.166 isn't ready yet for live servers and we made sure to forward your feedback to the team so that it won't happen again in the future.

The frustration about the wrong text is understandable, and we would like to see events that are created from scratch, but reusing old assets saves time for new stuff for the future. I'd like not to see this mistake just like you do, but I can understand at the same time why it was made, that it was not intended and that it's going to get fixed as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Can we please have the quests looked into for the Tier 1 sets, request to have those updated to the newer format
Change from only "Tier 1 only" sets, to "Any Basics" . Also, the "Standard Only" to "Any Produced" or, a confirmation this is on purpose?


Well-Known Member
It's unfortunate that 1.166 isn't ready yet for live servers and we made sure to forward your feedback to the team  so that it won't happen again  in  the future.
I was eating my lunch when I read this! I might need a towel for a wet clean up.
This happens pretty near every event, but the update usually occurs in the afternoon of your business day. So if you launch events during your lunch hour, that leaves only an hour or so of complaints from your mobile customers.
In this case 'you' refers to the time in Germany. Typically you launch events at 4, sometimes 5 am local, for me, but it looked like a 2am start. I don't usually have to explain to mobile customers why their lock is gone but no event has started yet (as I did today).


Well-Known Member
An announcement in the game would have been nice, that the event for app players will not start to play.
You shouldn't have to go to the forum just to find out what happened.

I managed to start the tasks in the event logging into the game with the desktop mode of my browser on the tablet


I noticed this line
"But that's not all! The Sleepy Titan, an expiring building that produces Broken Shard's, has its comeback on both prize lanes!"

So we get a building that makes Shards when we are still capped at 10 and would appear to be a most useless building except for its use as Spell Fragments.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
I noticed this line
"But that's not all! The Sleepy Titan, an expiring building that produces Broken Shard's, has its comeback on both prize lanes!"

So we get a building that makes Shards when we are still capped at 10 and would appear to be a most useless building except for its use as Spell Fragments.

Well that wild be a silly thing to do, unless you don't build any Wonders at all, or have them all at max level. I save all expiring buildings that give broken shards, and then when a Wonder reaches a rune shard level, I put some of them out and make broken shards, since it could take 70-80 broken shards to fill the wheel, if you are low on shards, or have bad luck.


I still can’t get that version for the iPhone and cannot see the event. Then to add insult to injury I get this quest to collect event only event


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I just spent a lot of points on the event. I re-rolled twice. I won two "Sorcerers Gathering" that don't show up in my inventory. Happened to anyone else?



Well that wild be a silly thing to do, unless you don't build any Wonders at all, or have them all at max level. I save all expiring buildings that give broken shards, and then when a Wonder reaches a rune shard level, I put some of them out and make broken shards, since it could take 70-80 broken shards to fill the wheel, if you are low on shards, or have bad luck.
I guess I have never had that issue of not having enough runes for the wonders when needed.

Deleted User - 101740

Same version here (1.165.2-f7673c-256 (zz 1.167)) on android and still can't see the event...
Try logging in on a pc then log out and try your phone again. That's what I did and its working for me now

Deleted User - 101740

No extra days. As the disclaimer states, the update to 1.166 is the requirement to play the game on mobile (should read "1.166.1 (...) zz 1.167" instead of "1.165.2 (...) zz 1.167). At best, the required mobile version gets released before the event start, but that's one reason why we include a disclaimer in the announcement, since we can't guarantee on Beta that the live release of the necessary version will happen in time.
The other reason is that the app platforms roll out updates in a staged way, so some players will always have a new update available before others have it.
Like Verde suggested, after playing on Beta in the Browser the event seems to work for the account in the mobile app, too.
I can't say if this is a reliable and bug-free workaround, so for now, I would suggest to play the event on Browser only if possible to prevent any issues caused by the different versions between the platforms.
The work around has worked for both my cities

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
I guess I have never had that issue of not having enough runes for the wonders when needed.

If you are focusing on one Wonder, it is easy to use most shards up on one rune shard stage and then barely get any more before you reach the next rune shard stage, especially if barely anyone is working on the same one you are, making it hard to replenish shards.

Or the problem of having zero shards when you research a new Wonder that you want to build. When I finished chapter 20, I had maybe a couple of shards for those two Wonders, so out came 12 ferris wheels for broken shards, so I did not have to wait months before I could build either one.