I can understand
@little bee s concerns. This new system has a huge amount of leverage.
It will definitely lead to the early-game wonders being levelled a lot more and much faster than before. I cannot say if - because of the penalty formula- this is destructive for the cities, or not, because I cannot calculate the benefit vs penalty of wonder-levels. A bit more of wonder levelling would be good, I suppose, because many players neglect their wonders.
It will also lead players, who have an abundance of relics (endgame/engaged tournament players) investing their hundreds or thousands of runes. Not only in their own FS, but god-knows-where on the planet and likely paying much more for the chests, than a chest-hunter or rune hunter would and than what they are worth. (because this way they can exchange useless runes for valuable chest-reward KP which can be spent in endgame wonders). I have seen that in my own FS, an outsider investing a high amount for the first chest, always in the wonders of the same small player, always an amount dividable by 15, always substantially more than the worth of the first chest. It is a nice donation for the small player (taken too far would lock them, though), but a nusiance for the wonder chain participants, and if more people would start doing it, it might have a strong impact. Levelling wonders of infrequent players might be one amongst others.
AWKP and KP have been handled with care, so far, but now I feel like super-rich, with my excess of a few hundred runes, and I have been throwing some around for fun, giving presents to some people, levelling a sanctuary's 1200 KP and other wonders within a few hours via chain with another player who did a similar thing. And that was really fun. So, yes, there is a lot of leverage and things will change.
Actually I hope, that one of the changes will be people playing the tournament round 6 more often, because now every tournament province brings a reward of 15AWKP in the last round.