The whole event is a mess. Its a disgrace that even someone consider that it could be a success.
I like that the moderator ask apart the lottary system is there anything else we liked?
Well moderator the answert is WE CAN NOT SAY
1. the millestone achievement
is it good is it bad? it all depends on how it will be implemented in the game. if it as it is now is a HUGE let down, and why you may ask? because you move 3 artigfacts there and thus reducing the currency of the event so much , the chances to win daily prizes will be much fewer than in the past.
a millestone gifts woudl make sence if it coem to give you extra gifts not come in and silent removes gifts form you.
so how many dialy prize are removed 3-4 depedning your luck even 5 .
2. all "cehst" will cost the same. is it good is it bad?
well no one can answer that. how many chest have to open to get a daily prize, hoe mnay currency can you win to play the game, and htus win dialy prizes?
are we goign to ahve a chance to win the same amount or you nerf the system to end up winnign less an dless?
and as it seesms that the case to win less rpizes of any value.
3. 1 relic? 1 kp? what is that a joke? thats not a gift thats an insult. even for a new palyer that start the game this are no GIFTS
and not let me start on the grand prizes which they do nto deserve neither the word prize or grant
4. the evolving building? is that a joke? i start the game January and i have so far seen valentines and phonexi event with 2 disappointing evolvign buildings.
yeah i knwo you favour the old palyer and you try to give them somethign new to keep their itnerest but this is a joke.
5. to advance for a grand prize you introduce another luck of chance to make sure some peopel will get even less artifacts A BIG NO
remove the luck of the advance to grand prizes asap, it will just make th eevents unplayble for some players tha twill constant get only 1 and end up with very few artifacts
So about the lottery system
how you could make it to work
1. remove all stupid rpzies and put actuall good one.
instead of relics you can give vapour point for magic academy , if you go to kp give at least 10 or 20
make the prize worth the while not be a fake prize.
2. the shuffle shoudl nto be automatic and you shoudl be albe to shuffle even before you open all chest.
put a cost in re shuffle of 1 chest to open , and when you win the resuffle just store it out as 1 free re shuffle
this way people will have a bit better control on the prizes
and lets face it many will go for a daily prize, so instead of punishing people to open 16 or what ever amount to get the prize , you will give them the chance if they open it early to reshuffle and try for a new one and skip the gifts the majority will not matter anyway