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Discussion Gathering of the Phoenix Cults

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@cestbienmoi The only way is to wait until event ends (beware, it can take few hours to disappear, after last event I clicked on it without checking and got event currency after event ended).

@Marindor Not even a KP day? Still few days left for it.

Deleted User - 70079

Just checking, is there any limitation on the amount of artefact conversion recipes we can get? I used one the other day to convert 2020 phoenix artefacts into a 2019 phoenix artefact, and since then i have only seen 2019 to 2020 artefact recipes, and no 2020 to 2019 artefact recipes. Just wondering if this is coincidence, or if we're limited to using one each.


Phoenix Nest... Tower of Fire... Burning Pool.. Golden Palace... Phoenix Excursion... Mysterious Egg...

All these structures appeared repeated in the daily prize, with no sign of the Rise of Phoenix... what is the reason???????

Deleted User - 81190

Forget Rise of Phoenix... so there is literally not a single day with a somewhat universal event currency sink - like KP/AWKP?! Really, Inno? Just 1 day with a prize that would be useful for everyone? It doesn't even have to be particularly good / high amounts. But nothing?

Was that too much to ask?..


What a waste of time this event has been.
Some troops instants and other chest rewards perhaps, but not one single daily being worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully all this feedback will be taken into account, when preparing a new event. The fact they removed WWs from this event I understand, the same with boosters. Well, kp aws is a bit question for me, since these are not provided in spire, so I might assume, this might be some kind of experiment, where they try to figure out how do players evaluate event with building prizes only (and looking at data like "which building will be the mostly taken" when it is not influenced by other-type prizes). This opinion might be pretty well supported by statement about wishing wells not appearing in this event in every live official announcement.
Not sure how will Inno develop future events, but hopefully this is not the way. If something is not worth playing it, even though it fits the balance of the game, maybe it's time to rethink it's core idea..


Well-Known Member
Forget Rise of Phoenix... so there is literally not a single day with a somewhat universal event currency sink - like KP/AWKP?! Really, Inno? Just 1 day with a prize that would be useful for everyone? It doesn't even have to be particularly good / high amounts. But nothing?

Was that too much to ask?..
What a waste of time this event has been.
Some troops instants and other chest rewards perhaps, but not one single daily being worth the effort.

1 day for each troop instant would have been cool. a missed opportunity, just gonne blow it al somewhere on my main, doesnt matter anyway.


I am very satisfied with the phoenix! I have been able to evolve it four times... thanks thanks!!


This event is mainly good for those who don't have a fire phoenix yet. but burning pool is pretty good for mana, so good for those in the early mana chapters who dont have the old sets which produced so much more.


Well-Known Member
It's good event to stack up lacking old phoenix artifacts using Lolfail Phoenix artifacts.
I've got 3 old from quests, 4 old from crafting, still waiting for 1 more recipe.

Please don't give coldfire artifacts only in adventure without option to change it to 1 old artifact, it's pointless.
Add coldfire + old to adventure, coldfire only + hold recipes in academy for this time, or don't launch adventure at all and launch "Embassies" CH16 faster.
Ofc if there is any adventure after that because last year May was the only month between events without FA.


Well-Known Member
another few fire artifacts from MA recipes, and now i have decent 7stage Flaming bird.
conclusion - that was good event, i got my pleasure hunting fire artifacts, but apart that there was nothing interesting. instants instead of instant producing buildings? that could have sense if quests would be endless and i could grab more of them.


Well-Known Member
Well, on to the May event and chapter 16.

Considering both are almost ready i don't know when you will eat and sleep :D
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Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Arthus Well, that's easy, if both happens at the same time and there will be something usefull from the event - chapter 16 can wait few days/weeks (plenty of time to do it in next months before chapter 17 comes out), otherwise event will be the one to suffer.


Well-Known Member
@Arthus Well, that's easy, if both happens at the same time and there will be something usefull from the event - chapter 16 can wait few days/weeks (plenty of time to do it in next months before chapter 17 comes out), otherwise event will be the one to suffer.

I think it's their plan to start Chapter 16 on live just before event starts, so people could get CH16 building and dailies, but i might be mistaken.

They did start chapter 15 in the middle of autumn zodiac which was not cool.

There's a lot of dailies, i just hope they won't skip Venar's Rocks III.
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