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Discussion Fellowship Adventures

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have an idea when the next FA will be on Beta? My thinking was perhaps this Monday (tomorrow) or later this coming week seeing as the fairy event has ended. We don't exactly get told in advance here on Beta.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have an idea when the next FA will be on Beta? My thinking was perhaps this Monday (tomorrow) or later this coming week seeing as the fairy event has ended. We don't exactly get told in advance here on Beta.

Same as the last two, probably, so either Thursday or Friday of this week. And they do give some notice here on Beta, since players need to be in a fellowship at the start, if they want to participate.

Deleted User - 70079

Does anyone have an idea when the next FA will be on Beta? My thinking was perhaps this Monday (tomorrow) or later this coming week seeing as the fairy event has ended. We don't exactly get told in advance here on Beta.
I'm expecting one mid to late this week. It won't be Monday or Tuesday though. That's too soon, and we always get 48 hours warning before it starts, even on beta.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
It was just mentioned on the US forum that there is some German holiday this week and Inno will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Does this mean the FA won't start this week, like we were expecting it to?

@Marindor anything you can tell about this?


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
I can't answer the question on when it will or will not start.
But unless there is something new in the next Fellowship Adventure, I don't see why a holiday would impact the start of it.

There is no manual action at all involved to start an Adventure, its not similar to an update or something, where everything is manual and there needs to be follow-up to check if everything went ok.

For me this is similar to spire of eternity and weekly tournament, they don't get moved either because of a holiday.

If this Adventure features new things however, and they want to test it properly on beta, then that would make this a different story of course.


Well-Known Member
I know that we can't make an assumption that an FA will start when we expect it to. Usually I wait for the announcement, but because on Beta we get exactly 48 hours' notice, on this occasion I decided to build my shanty town early so that I wouldn't have a delay in getting my first collections in. My own silly fault, I suppose, but I've created a huge problem for myself in removing all my usual production and burning through about 40 teleports. I've planned to survive for about a week without supplies coming in, but it's starting to feel like I will either need to leave myself destitute and unable to operate, or otherwise rebuild my city now and lose all those teleports.

What this amounts to is - I know this doesn't normally work, but I'd be most grateful to anyone knocking down the devs' door and getting them to say "yeah it's gonna start on Friday" or "we've delayed it by a week because we have new features"... anything really, so I can decide what to do.


Well-Known Member
It would be just my luck if the one time I decide to go early and rip my city to shreds before the announcement is the one time they decide to cancel it. If they're doing that, though, it would still be nice if they could actually say that is the plan.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
This time last year there was no FA. And while this event didn't give as many "extra" artifacts as may tree -event, it did give more than previous ones. So maybe no FA at all.

No, last year we did not have an FA after the Air Trader June event because it was set buildings, not evolving. And that is the type of event coming next. So this month will have an FA and next month will not.


We usually do get a notification when we're having a Fellowship Adventure, here in Beta. Sometimes we don't...and really, they don't need to announce it here on the testing server, if nothing has changed with whatever map we're playing.

I agree with Tii..., we did have several events at this time last year where there were no Adventures to follow. :)


Well-Known Member
well if they aren't having one something should be said,, players are disgruntle enough over this on again off again FA
Over bearing 7 day event
aka No Fa to follow or FA coming soon date to be announced ( at least
that would take some guess work out of the equation and players can move on in their chapters


Well-Known Member
There's not gonna be an FA then huh? At least not before the weekend... I think I will soon have to make the difficult decision to get rid of my shanty town and put my city back together. Like I said, my own fault for jumping the gun. When I flushed 40 teleports down the drain though it would be nice to be given some sort of clarity on this.

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Just because the FA didnt occur this time last year doesnt mean there wont be an FA again this time. We have had more evolving buildings this year than last too. Rather safe than sorry, I'll wait even if it has an impact on my productions on Beta. It gives me more time to attend to my city on live worlds.