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Discussion Fellowship Adventures


Well-Known Member
Fellowships who only do one path per stage do not care about any of that. They want to make sure people do not waste badges on the paths they are not doing, because the sooner a path on each stage is done, the sooner they can go back to normal and ignore the last few days of the adventure.
Yep :)

Deleted User - 70079

I really like the sound of the path highlighting tool. I'd prefer it if we could highlight individual waypoints though, so that we can customise the paths a bit more, but this is a good start, and still provides a lot of benefit to the majority of fellowships.


Well-Known Member
yeah simple stay green all the way
or orange( personally I prefer Green)
all the way one path each time you get to know what is on that path each time you play
Players can simplify the FA it is not that complex, Its only as hard as you make it


Well-Known Member
Are recipes for phoenix artifacts still available during FA?
On my main account they don't appear after 1500 diamonds in refreshes and multiple days of wait, i feel cheated as hell, waiting with blueprints and no chance to use them. You sorted players with "lucky" and "unlucky" during spire now luck also decides who will craft artifacts, i have enough of your LOTTERY SYSTEMS

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Are recipes for phoenix artifacts still available during FA?
On my main account they don't appear after 1500 diamonds in refreshes and multiple days of wait, i feel cheated as hell, waiting with blueprints and no chance to use them. You sorted players with "lucky" and "unlucky" during spire now luck also decides who will craft artifacts, i have enough of your LOTTERY SYSTEMS

Yes, the frequency of the two recipes seems much lower this year than last year. I have seen one of the recipes once since the end of the event.

@Marindor tell them to turn up the dial on these, so they show up more often.


Well-Known Member
Oh, is the new tool just to highlight a single path? Meh. I wasn't sure I wanted it anyway, but that doesn't sound like it will help all that much. I thought there was going to be a little icon where you would place a tick or a cross on a waypoint, for e.g.

If all it does is highlight a path - well that's not really any better than the old trick of changing the FS flag colour.


Well-Known Member
Oh, is the new tool just to highlight a single path? Meh. I wasn't sure I wanted it anyway, but that doesn't sound like it will help all that much. I thought there was going to be a little icon where you would place a tick or a cross on a waypoint, for e.g.

If all it does is highlight a path - well that's not really any better than the old trick of changing the FS flag colour.

we are doing this and still, badges are flying around (aside) the chosen path. TBH, first time I didn't even notice that the FS flag color has been changed by the AM :D :D :D


Active Member
Why are the FA rewards Carnival artifacts (that evolve Everblossom Sleigh)? Aren't they supposed to be Ashen Phoenix artifacts???

Deleted User - 92139

The new Path Hightlight option is a very good idea, but:
- does not work in the application
- the path highlight should be in color- orange, green, blue and not white because is hardly visible on the map.

Ursus Major

Well-Known Member
Well, the new option is quiete interesting but it doesn't show on the phone or on a tablet... so it means that all members who aren't playing with a pc can't see the right path...
Are you planning on making a change?


Well-Known Member
The new Path Hightlight option is a very good idea, but:
- does not work in the application
- the path highlight should be in color- orange, green, blue and not white because is hardly visible on the map.
Well, the new option is quiete interesting but it doesn't show on the phone or on a tablet... so it means that all members who aren't playing with a pc can't see the right path...
Are you planning on making a change?
Did you use the last update?
Maybe it needs an update to roll out. it takes several days for an update to roll out to all players.


Well-Known Member
Asking feedback for a function only available to a few members (mages) in a FS is not very usefull. I cannot see any of it because we complete map 1 and 2 and a selection of 3 in my FS. But I sure would like to be able to judge this new function since on live I will have to work with it.


Well-Known Member
highlighted one path for you. Not like it's useful for active FS in current implementation.
Thnx Karvest. I appreciate that. And I agree about not being usefull for active playing FS's. But we are not the majority.
First impression: it is not very clear, had to look more then twice. But once you see it, you see it.


Well-Known Member
I discussed the highlight function with the mages from my live FS. We agree as a team that for us highlightning a path is not usefull since we follow all the paths every time whether we play for a top 10 position or just for fun. Our FSA-coördination would rather like to block individual points (skip) and/or highlight individual points (extra).