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Discussion Fellowship Adventures


Well-Known Member
I would also prefer to be able to block some of the points.
map 3 which has been the last few times, there are some points that require too much in relation to pts it give.
It will be nice if it was possible to block (and I know the point after also will be block)


  • Kort3.png
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This is a great start with highlighting one pathway on the browser. Thanks!
Hope to see more improvements down the road, where we can use this on the app and also to have more controls as to where the fellowship is headed down each map. Great start though! I love seeing this suggestion start to come to life in the game. :)

Deleted User - 70079

We complete 2 whole maps and not a single full path on stage 3 (switching in the middle)...
Similar for us. In my experience the easiest route on map 3 is Green path from Start to the second multicoloured waypoint, then switch to Blue path til the chest. i.e. the waypoints completed are:
Start --> Green1 --> Green2 --> Green3 --> Green4 --> Green5 --> Blue5 --> Blue6 --> Blue7 --> Blue8 --> Chest.
Needs much less of the really difficult badges, and more of the super easy ones that are always plentiful.

Deleted User - 70079

I'd rather just have the ability to put a big red X on spots.
I really like this idea. I'm still having trouble with players adding badges to waypoints that are not highlighted, and which I have explicitly told people not to add to. I honestly thought waypoint highlighting would be enough to resolve this issue, but apparently not. I don't know what's going on, whether they just haven't learnt the new system yet, or they're mobile users who haven't got the latest game version yet, or if the highlighting is too subtle, or something else?


Well-Known Member
I really like this idea. I'm still having trouble with players adding badges to waypoints that are not highlighted, and which I have explicitly told people not to add to. I honestly thought waypoint highlighting would be enough to resolve this issue, but apparently not. I don't know what's going on, whether they just haven't learnt the new system yet, or they're mobile users who haven't got the latest game version yet, or if the highlighting is too subtle, or something else?
Something else.
I've been checking on mobile and can't see the highlight. I've been to the Play Store, no update there. It's rare that I can manually update anything, generally my phone is on top of that anyhow.
Edit: my phone is loading 1.127, so the error must be at Inno's end, not ours.
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Well-Known Member
Nice of you to implement new features like the path’s highlights but you only implement those for browser. For people like me on mobile, we don’t get those improvements. So thanks but no thanks.
Perhaps could you think also to people on IOS or android?

Hi @Velours , thank you for your feedback. This functionality will also be implemented in the app, but because the currectly released app version is an earlier version than the game version we're currently running on Beta, for this round on Beta you can't see it in the app yet, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Hi @Velours , thank you for your feedback. This functionality will also be implemented in the app, but because the currectly released app version is an earlier version than the game version we're currently running on Beta, for this round on Beta you can't see it in the app yet, unfortunately.

then all APP user must TEST the new FA funktion when we have FA on live server.
Then we must hope every Thing is allright.
I've always been a fan of FA, I really liked it.
But all the changes to FA that are made gradually, sequentially, only spoil the fun and become more and more tiring.
For me, the first problem is the duration, the length of the FA.
These first adventures were much shorter 4 1/2 days or 5 days and therefore more dynamic.
On the living worlds in the first 2 days, we finish the first 2 maps, and then we sit almost to the end on the third ... it's boring and monotonous.
The third map is very difficult compared to the previous two ... it becomes discouraged ...
Adventures should go back to where they started - they shouldn't last longer than 4.5 to 5 days if they have 3 maps.
Or if they are to be so long, lasting more than a week, then they have to be more dynamic more maps, e.g. 5 but easier, comparable - an increase in the number of badges e.g. by 10%, not 8-10 times more.
It would be faster, and when something changes, it becomes more interesting, you want more. At the moment, the third map is just waiting ....
Or maybe one map and multiple tracks and rewards for completing each track, or specific stages along those tracks.
But something that will change.

Another problem is repeating the same FA model over and over again ...
I know the maps ..., I know how many badges there will be ... what is needed ... in what order .... everything ... Something should change here too. In the beginning, there were at least 4 models, something was changing, there was some rotation.

Now boredom ....

These are all just ideas from discussions after the last FA on living worlds.
When everyone unanimously stated that they are fed up with FA and they actually do because they have to ..., Because there's always someone who needs an artifact. And fallowship is doing FA for these people.

The option of setting a priority path is great :)
Like these ideas with the ability to block points or paths that fellowship will not complete.
But the time limit ... I don't know ...
I think this will mean that not every fellowship will be able to claim rewards for every map. And it will hit weaker fellowship. And that's not the point.


Active Member
Thank you Inno….. I’m on zz 1.127 on iPad, and even if I don’t see the highlight, now I can produce from all the factories with one click. It is very helpful. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
11 hours left still showing 1.127 on mobile while the Release Notes for here are for 1.126 so I am really puzzled how the browser can be further behind the mobile.
But still no path marking on mobile app.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
11 hours left still showing 1.127 on mobile while the Release Notes for here are for 1.126 so I am really puzzled how the browser can be further behind the mobile.
But still no path marking on mobile app.

Beta is 1.127 on both browser and mobile. The path highlighting will not show in mobile until Live is 1.127 also.

Deleted User - 70079

Ok, sounds like I won't see the effects of the path highlighting until the next FA, as it hasn't been fully rolled out yet. Glad to hear that's all that's going on, although frustrating that this feature is so patchy and inconsistent. I did think it had a lot of potential to solve the misplaced badge issue. I look forward to being able to test it once it's fully operational. Would have been nice to know in advance that's what was happening though.


Well-Known Member
Hey all
My phone updated this morning AFTER my FS had moved to the Pit. Does anyone have a visual on whether the path is marked??

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know when the Fellowships Adventure will be on the living worlds?
It's been 3 weeks since the start of the FA on beta ....

Roughly 48 hours after we get the in-game announcement for it. ;)

But seriously, Thursday or Friday of this week is most likely, or Tuesday of next week, if it has to be delayed for some reason. But it will not be later than that or the end of it will clash with the start of the current event.