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Discussion [Discussion] Release Notes version 0.16


@Katzenprinz I don't know how many neighbors you have to keep an eye on and how your abilities are to remember how far he/she was days ago all ;)

For me it's not the solution and its no fun to study all that neighbors I have with such a great interest all days.
Again from "feeling" I can say, that more than half of my neighbors don't move forward.

I mentioned that point, because the way it works doesn't help me to confidence into the intents and further plans of involved devs about the game.
On same line is the point, that the game in this stadium of creativity was started on liveserver in US :oops:

IMHO that is the argument, that there will not be deeper work into failing mechanics,
but only bugfixing and some cosmetic things.
And after a while a new additional feature that doesn't work either and/or brings a bunch of new bugs with it.
That is speculation, I know. But this speculation is due to experience with other similar browsergames, and sorry to say that: I can't see any difference here.


@sorella: No worries, I'm not really bothering with keeping a list of what building which of my neighbors got new after my last visit yesterday. I don't really care THAT much for any of them. So it wasn't really meant as a solution either.

I just figured it might be the easiest way to keep track if one of your neighbors is active by keeping an eye out for building buildings. At least its much easier to notice for me then to check the barracks in every city. :)

However, knowing very well how Innogames is working from other games, I'm afraid the basic mechanics of the game won't probably changed that much in a very long time. I sometimes have the feeling its too much complicated for the devs to do so after a while. And no, at least in other games, none of them is an active player. :)


Yep that's true but nobody complain about that values( I didn't see that somewhere ).

ETeam, is chance to do that? :(


the real activity detector is the builders hut ;)
if you suspect a neighbour of being inactive, visit and motivate the builders until they are fully motivated
then observe ....
I did the test on one guy last week; this week he was active again, with buildings being upgraded; maybe he received a nice reminder from the Kind Elvenar Fairy ;)
(in the line of "show some activity or your city will disappear !" :mad:)


the real activity detector is the builders hut ;)
if you suspect a neighbour of being inactive, visit and motivate the builders until they are fully motivated
then observe ....)

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Could you clarify?
My understanding is that aid given to builders wears off after 8 hours, even if we don't use it. No?
So while a building in scaffolding would indicate activity, used-up builder-boosting might just be expired.


I don't know for sure, Alexander1972, but it seems to me that I've had messages that someone motivated my builders while I was off line and there was no boost available by the time I got back to town. I concluded that the boosts wear off like the culture boosts do. But maybe I'm wrong.


so far, it seems that when you receive a builder's boost, it stay available as long as you do not build/upgrade anything :)
at least, that is what I remember having experienced.
and regarding inactive neighbours, it would mean many people motivate their builders (at least 2 daily) as I know many cities in my neighbourhood where builders are constantly motivated, and nothing happened there beyond what was built during the tutorial :)


Over all good changes and is nice to see them using our feed back :)

I agree about the inactive change not helping that much but even a little wont hurt.


By the way - meanwhile I'm thinking about the Ghosttowns and the discussion regarding bad neigbourhoods all around and the never ending story from deleting inactive / deserted villages.

So I'll make a suggestion to this:

Why not shorten the time to come back an help down to eight or ten hours, or / plus make the given help lasting longer. It seems to me, that this would be the shortest way to get rid of the 'neighbourley help Problem'.

What is your opinion?


Well, if you wanna help more often, you have to be able to give help to more buildings first. I mean if you wanna help every 8 hours but the help you give will last 10-12, it wouldn't really make much sense if you have to stick to one building only per account. ^^

However, I'd rather like to see the neighborly help lasting a bit longer, like for example 10-12 hours. That would definitely be a plus. Together with a lowered cultural level it probably won't be a solution for the neighborly problem, but at least help the cities staying active and not having to build so many cultural buildings.


shorten the time to come back? oh my god! It's a pain to work through my lots of neighbors and I don't want that more often a day. What I want: fun in a game I spent time in. That's no fun for me and my mouse, it's a boring and lonesome click-marathon without any communication. Meanwhile I decided to only click through neighbors, if I need money or supplies (via sidequesthopping) and prefer most just to wait for those instead of spending time with that. So I'm not a good neighbor further more and I'm not alone with that behavior


Yes, sorella - your'e right in this - it would be better to increase the time that help is lasting - but not that way that they lower the cultural level instead.

And I can fully understand your frustation regarding the endless clicking through - whereever it may be (wordmap, sidequests). I already have some aches in my wrist caused of this and I would really love another solution for navigating during the whole game.


I've not this problem yet, 'cause I've discovered only 25 neighbours since now, but I agree with all of you: step by step to give help to neighbours'll become more and more boring if developers'll not find a nice solution about...:(