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Discussion Autumn Zodiac

Deleted User - 81190

really, I think this tweaks are just a little disturbance for the hard core players, while a big punishment for the casual players = total miss
I agree - this event is a massive nerf to a vast majority of players, most of them in no position to benefit excessively now or then. We keep hearing about this dramatically outsized success of players in the Mermaid event. Well, did that even happen for a meaningful number of players? I did some datamining on that; you can draw your own conclusions:



@Shino if he was able to max out 6 Bears in just 2 days, I'd say that would be a perfect example of why the lower event currency cap was needed. Aside from that, I do think some things should be clarified before this story is going to lead its own life. First, as soon as the decision was made to lower the cap, we posted it here on the forum, so there is no way any "inside info" could have been there before it was already public information and certainly not a day in advance. Second, obtaining more Pet Food than other players is also not possible, so I don't know what kind of stories are being spread on your Live server, but I'd advise to take it with a grain of salt :)

No, he did a lot of 188 keys quests which no one other did, and he has thousands of keys advantage over other players, who were maxed out at 80 keys.

Why we were not allowed the same, just because we were not fast enough?

He had tons of time quickeners and somehow knew to use them in first 24h of event.

Maybe you have a whistleblower in your IG team. I would double check that.

Well, then congratulations for him, because he has now 3 browns, 3 polars maxed out, and its 8th day of event.

Maybe after he hits 10 bears each, something will change.


Well-Known Member
Hi @Shino , as said: There is no way he could have known that before we posted it, for it was posted as soon as this decision was made. :)


Hi @Shino , as said: There is no way he could have known that before we posted it, for it was posted as soon as this decision was made. :)

You skip the source of the problem just as Nino perfectly skipped all the questions about 188 to 80 in facebook live.

He did know but he couldn't know, but he knew etc. No consensus here, i understand your point but you won't convince me.

The source of the problem is that he will win every tournament from now on.

To be honest in the end, you just destroyed joy of this game. You killed an essence of peacefullness and slow, calming pace of the game.

In the dream scenario, meteor strikes into our Elvenar City, destroying all these evolution failures and bringing old good limited quests and building sets back. I miss Kirit, Krakak, would love to get them instead of this bear.

That's all what i wanted to say.


i have some suggestions going forward,

Part A: A lot of advanced players have eliminated most advanced workshops and tier 1 because they can get the same amt through Ancient wonders or set buildings which take up less space and dont use population. So if you want us to have advanced workshops and tier 1 mfg, then give us more space. Lift the max on province expansions and give us around 6-8 more province expansions so we have space to place these if this is the future of events.

Part B: If you cant fix the algorithm of the random quests and stop us getting the same impossible quest every other quest, then revert to a sequential quest line. You could still set up the quests in conjunction with using advance workshops and mfg but this would stop us getting the scout a province every other quest. i have gotten that quest numerous times, i stopped counting after about the 15th time.

You could set up the first 90 quests sequentially so we dont have numerous repeats and then once it gets to 91, set up a set of around 30-40 more difficult quests and have those repeat

Part C: If you are worried about too many prizes being won, then set a limit on how many evolving buildings you can win.

Part D: That being said, you have taken away one of the greatest pleasures of events and that is planning for them. I used to love preparing for events, planning what to build and what prizes I would try to get. All that is gone now and everything is up to chance and its boring. Getting scout a province, boom, i am out of event for several days and then get produce toolbox, i am out again for another day. It is just not fun being stuck on 1 quest for days and not being able to try for prizes because you havent earned enough for any of the chests. So because of this change, i am basically spending less time on the game whereas before i was on quite a bit doing quests and trying for prizes.

Part E: Give us some down time between events. I have been playing this game for 4 years and there used to be only a few events a year. Now its something almost every week and a lot of people have event burnout. Its just too much. Let us have time to work on our cities between events. That would also give you time to fix what is broken and find a middle ground on quests for events. Come up with something that would make it fun again......


Alright guys, enough dung has been thrown at each other now. I get the frustration about the subject but making it personal (also towards our team members) is not helping anyone, so please keep the discussion about the subject itself. Thank you :)

As I explained before, for us as a company this is a new kind of system as well and we're still learning how to properly balance it. The new system so far shows some positive sides (which we hoped to achieve with it), for example keeping players enganged during the whole event instead of rushing through the questline within a week and have nothing to do anymore but the daily quests, and making it more rewarding for very active players to be able to get more evolution upgrades than less active players.

We also found out it has downsides as well in our current setup. One of these is that the "old" event strategy of building tons of level 1 buildings has way too big an impact in an endless quest system, so we had to adjust something there. I agree with you that the wording "abusing the system" was not in place there, so sorry for one of our team members phrasing it that way. It was a perfectly legit strategy of playing an event. It just had too big an impact in the new mechanics, so we had to make some changes. As you were able to see from the different tweaks with the "Workshops of your current advancement" and stuff, we're not quite there yet, but please allow us some time to find the sweet spot there :) Aside from the feedback, we'll also need to go through the data we're collecting from Live servers and such.

Another downside we found, was the repetition of similar quests. There needs to be more variation in event quests and this is also something we're looking into for future events. It's quite a complicated matter however when you connect it to balancing, so although it might sound as something very simple, it's not just a matter of throwing new quest conditions in. Therefore we weren't able to have this changed in time for this event, but it's certainly a hot topic we're looking into for future events.

All in all, we're still learning how to make these new mechanics work as well and your feedback for that is very helpful. If you have any more good suggestions (and with good suggestions I don't simply mean "get back to the old system", for there is a reason why we changed it ;) ) to make the events work better with the new quest system, please share them. Thank you all :)
Hey @Marindor , that's all very nice and dandy but many of the player feedback here have already been suggested since the Mermaid event. So, apart from changing the artwork and introducing yet another unwelcome challenge (chapter -1 production buildings), could you tell me what exactly have you guys been "improving"? It took you less than a month to code in chapter -1 prod buildings but improving the lousy quest randomizer, even just a bit, wasn't doable? that's not convincing me. If it's a priority to you, you'll do it. Just like how earning money is a priority so events get pushed out even when they work badly. so why don't you cut that corporate PR spiel and start saying what you mean and meaning what you say, a.k.a. "walking the talk"
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Well-Known Member
@Shino, did you see these bears that you speak of in the player's city with your own eyes? Even if I discount the fact that the player got inside information in some magical way, I would very much like to know how it would be possible to have so many maxed bears so early.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Shino I think the Inno's solution for this is obvious:
Implement even harder quest system.
So that 99% of players gets punished even more while few players gets even more advantage over the rest.


Well-Known Member
@Shino, did you see these bears that you speak of in the player's city with your own eyes? Even if I discount the fact that the player got inside information in some magical way, I would very much like to know how it would be possible to have so many maxed bears so early.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Sirsmithy If that player used enough real money for his bears, then it's ok - maybe Inno won't punish us all with even harder quests. The real problem would be if he got too many bears without using large amount of real money.


Well-Known Member
Completing a lot of quests on the first day could have been done not due to insider info, but to get first daily prizes. And that was always a good strategy, the earlier you get your event currency the more variety of prizes you have to choose from.


So I do not believe that any information would ever leak. I just believe those who escape keep it to themselves. The only way this information could not escape is that the reduction was designed, approved and applied in a short time.

But not only I have noticed that elvenar teams are keen on some players. There will never be evidence, but from analytical observation one will notice. So I do not think that inno were not popular among volunteers, for example, they say and they tell their favorite or in their association where they play.

But no one can claim that this situation exists 100% or does not exist. But human behavior can reasonably be assumed to exist.


Second, obtaining more Pet Food than other players is also not possible, so I don't know what kind of stories are being spread on your Live server, but I'd advise to take it with a grain of salt :)

In other words, you confirm that reducing the number of feeds was not because it would bother anyone, but to be sure to punish those who get more than intended? I think you exaggerated it. I only have one fenix, I feed 3 times a week and since your change, my feeding is constantly decreasing week by week. I watch all four slots in the academy.

My bear is full but I haven't fed it yet and I won't be able to feed it often. Because every week I end up with -1 or -2 feeding compared to last week. Do you think it is right that you have one fenix and one bear appropriate punishment?


Well-Known Member
I expect pet food in new ways to get. As said in announcement. Don't see a reason to worry right now, we just need to wait for that occasion.
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King of Bugs
i dont think all 9 pet food recipes will come back to crafting ever again, there was possible abusive gameplay which has nothing to do with pets, so they had to stop it as soon as they realised, for that reason i believe pet foods will come from different sources in the future or recipes itself will be changed


Well-Known Member
I think you are wrong. I, too went in with a huge number of timer instants, and have managed to collect around 7500 keys, and I still think it's a poor event. The quests are tedious, they repeat to often, they don't teach us anything about the event or our cities or the history of Elvenar. The mechanic is boring. People need to feel like if they work hard they have a decent chance of getting the best prize. They shouldn't have to have hundreds of timer instants to avoid being bored by an event.

The developers seem to be struggling to manage pace, and failing in the struggle. If events are intended to engage players, then they need to be engaging. Regardless of how easy or difficult the current mechanic is, it is tedious and not engaging.

I went in wilt 156 days of time instant on live, I am now a bit shy of 300 days of time instants and most likely end up with 300-400 days of time onstants or more.
I am glad I found somthing cool to dump my time instants into, because it only seems to grow instead of decreasing and I like it :D
But I must admid that none of the daily buildings I like, so I went for time instants instead.

Chest 18 and 85 are absolutly awesome, they are "cheap" per main prize cost and give beyond daily prizes also a good chance on 2x 2h and 4x8h boosts
Those chests are absolutly amazing.


Well-Known Member
i dont think all 9 pet food recipes will come back to crafting ever again, there was possible abusive gameplay which has nothing to do with pets,
What can be abused there? Crafting them then disenchanting for fragments to craft more useless stuff to get mystical objects?(Despite the fact that those mystical objects not worth bothering.) For any useful staff there is enough fragments form other sources...
Any craft is limited by CCs and their relics. Why also limit pet food recipes by t3 relics if not for reducing amount of pet food as is?


Well-Known Member
It seems like @Jasper decided not to stay and watch this play out. That is a big pity. I played with him for quite a while and found him to be very knowledgeable and helpful. Too bad that it came to this.