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Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

Deleted User - 95013

"Some of you may have noticed an anomalous granting or doubling of Diamond rewards in the last weeks, and we needed to correct it, to both protect the balance in the game, and also ensure fairness throughout all players."

Funny how they always say buying diamonds is no problem for the balance, because there is no pvp and rankings are just for fun etc. etc., but suddenly some free diamonds would risk the balance. I would expect at least some honesty after mistakes like that.

Deleted User - 88322

Hello everyone, please check the announcement.
"Some of you may have noticed an anomalous granting or doubling of Diamond rewards in the last weeks, and we needed to correct it, to both protect the balance in the game, and also ensure fairness throughout all players."

Funny how they always say buying diamonds is no problem for the balance, because there is no pvp and rankings are just for fun etc. etc., but suddenly some free diamonds would risk the balance. I would expect at least some honesty after mistakes like that.
Furthermore it is still unclear what the mistake was......no explanation why the numbers are so different for different players....given the comments it looks like the correction was not ok thus a bug in itself.....

Deleted User - 88322

We believe this issue is related to the additional Diamonds some players received last week, and a possible correction to those additional Diamonds.
We will of course update you with further information on this as soon as possible
Please provide us with an explanation of the bug which apparantly happend last week.....i cannot find anything in the bugs history which is strange and not transparant.....


New Member
Ok, I'm glad I'm not alone in having this problem. I was pretty surprised when I saw my diamonds! From 1300 to 0!!!
That means I should have mistakenly won an additional 1000 diamonds - you can tell that, or does INNO think we're stupid! :oops:
The explanation from the support is standard (like in the announcement), no suggested solutions or similar.
I'm so pissed off :mad:... I was actually thinking about buying a house on Live... but hey, never again!
I want my diamonds back and no stupid excuses!

By the way, I haven't received any additional diamonds in the last few weeks.


Active Member
INNO Crime

No consultation with us THE PLAYERS. They just stole our money.
I have closed down 2 worlds and looking at closing down Beta my senior world. I am tired of heavy handed decisions that affect my gaming life away from a crime filled REAL WORLD. I do not need it in my gaming life.
Inno has proven itself as NOT WORTHY of our TRUST


Inno has handled this very poorly. While it does seem that diamonds have been granted in error their corrections have not been properly justified and many players feel as I do that they are incorrect and that too many diamonds have been taken back, They need to address this issue urgently as if they do not then players will walk away from the game.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
@InnoGames is not going to listen to anything we say here because that would require the mods and CM to pass our complaints along the Chain of Communication. And there is no guarantee the people they would tell would bother to keep passing this along, until it reaches the people in charge who matter. Better is for everyone to go to their Apple and Google Stores and leave poor reviews for the game and to get this information out to the news sources that cover browser and mobile gaming, so that Inno cannot hide that this happened.


Active Member
Inno has handled this very poorly. While it does seem that diamonds have been granted in error their corrections have not been properly justified and many players feel as I do that they are incorrect and that too many diamonds have been taken back, They need to address this issue urgently as if they do not then players will walk away from the game.
" While it does seem that diamonds have been handed out in error???????
Nothing has been proven to anyone other than the fact that INNO has just decided to take our diamonds with a VERY pathetic excuse AFTER THE FACT....

Their explanation is WEAK and the amounts of diamonds varies from player to player...
If any company loses my trust be it a BANK, Credit card company or a gaming company they will lose me as a future customer.

Long AGO when items started going missing I questioned INNO about it. Got no where.
THE worst thing that a company can suffer is lack of confidence in their Company and INNO has certainly caused me to lose faith In INNO brand of justice. SO INNO are you just gonna hang me now then explain to my dead corpse why I was Hanged????? :p
I agree that this issue could have been handled much better. I suspect that many players, like myself, take it on faith that our diamond balance, as the part of the game that is used as currency and represents real money, is handled carefully by people that take their responsibility to the players seriously. As such, I do not track my diamond balance on a daily basis.

When it was brought to my attention that there were issues with diamond balances a few days ago, I could not be sure what my original balance was, or how much it had changed. I began tracking the balance with daily screenshots to note the fluctuation, and I did indeed receive excess amounts, but I don’t know how much. I do know that my balance was reduced by about 5.5k suddenly yesterday, and though I still have some remaining, many of my fellows have been left with a balance of zero.

This was your mistake, and if, as you claim, you were concerned about fairness in the game, why did you not choose to simply increase the diamond balance of the players that were previously unaffected by the increase? This would have retained fairness along with the players faith in the game and your management of game currency - our money.

There was very poor communication all around, and now yet again more disappointed players (a common feeling on beta lately). Please reconsider your handling of this issue.


Active Member
Several questions arise about the different amounts deducted/Stolen from numerous players accounts?
For example.... I am approximating my diamond quantities...
Feb 27 balance 1000
Feb 28 I bought 3000 Diamonds
March 1 Balance 137
So I will assume I owe nothing back to INNO because they did not TAKE/STEAL all my diamonds.

Can the same be said of players who lost everything? Do they owe anymore?

We were never given a chance to see a proper accounting.

What about the numerous players who say they received nothing yet they lost 1000's of diamonds. Are they lying?

Are the Logs of transactions totally full proof can they be at fault and NOTHING ever goes missing?

In any relationship TRUST and RESPECT is huge up on the list of relationship priorities...

Inno has lost both in my eyes.... Once broken 2x as difficult to get back>>>

Inno choice to not explaining to us lost my respect.
Inno choice of just SEIZING my recent purchase and more lost my Trust.

IF I had not purchased diamonds prior to my asset seizure by INNO. I would have a zero balance and only would have lost less than a 1000 diamonds.... MY BAD LUCK buying Their diamonds the day before Mar 1 asset seizure Day


To be honest, I noticed that my diamonds were increased, but just because I use quite them all to buy magical workshop (yes, Spire isn't generous with me) and I went from about 1000/1500 diamonds to over 2000, I don't recall exact amount. But I agree with all other players: a better, prompt and accurate explanation is absolutely needed.
This is beta.
Bugs (and other things...) happen.
We're players, and overall customers, and you gotta have clear in your mind that here in beta we never ever get a diamond discount, and every purchase done is a pure acquisition.
We deserve some better treatment than this.

Deleted User - 88322

What happens if the Diamond balance of players was not enough to reposses the gained amount ?
Will it still be taken when these players ought to gain a number of diamonds.

If INNO doesnt do that it will be unfair against customers where all diamonds were taken..

PLEASE explain as this really does represent a legal problem by discriminating in between players....
EQUAL treatment is mandaten..

We all deserve an explanation !
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Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team

Thank you everyone for giving your feedback about this issue in this thread.

We are very sorry, that this issue occurred in the game and we needed to remove the Diamonds from your accounts balance. If you feel, that we removed too many Diamonds, we would kindly ask you to get in touch with our support so we can look at it on a case by case.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this issue has caused all of you. We know that Diamonds are a very sensitive issue and can understand, that this is very frustrating to all of you. So please, get in touch with our support and we will sort it out.

Your Elvenar Team

Deleted User - 88322


Thank you everyone for giving your feedback about this issue in this thread.

We are very sorry, that this issue occurred in the game and we needed to remove the Diamonds from your accounts balance. If you feel, that we removed too many Diamonds, we would kindly ask you to get in touch with our support so we can look at it on a case by case.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this issue has caused all of you. We know that Diamonds are a very sensitive issue and can understand, that this is very frustrating to all of you. So please, get in touch with our support and we will sort it out.

Your Elvenar Team
PLEASE answer my question regarding unequal treatment of players if amount was not enough to repossess the, in your opinion, inadvertadly gained diamonds. If your balance was 1000 and you would owe inno 5000 diamonds what will happen if you later gain diamonds.....
This does constitute real legal issue as you discriminate in between players.....the only way to solve this is either continue to take diamonds of players if they gain diamonds or roll back the so called bug fix which constitute unequal treatment. I advise to consult your legal departement as this constitutes a real problem. The same is true for customers who bought diamonds in between the occurren e of the bug and the fix.....not sure if you understand the legal consequences...nor the People who should be made aware of this legal liability....you have been made aware of this....

Deleted User - 88322

Thanks anyway @Deadeye Jerry for your kind support offer, I know your delicate position between the improvident decision maker(s) and "customers".
Players' trusting is more worthing than some diamond, especially in beta. Please report this to the improvident(s).
Unfortunately the answer i got from support is useless and is only a reformulated "announcement"...providing no proof and no indication of what and when things actually happened. Advice to escalate this to the reponsible management which would also be in your interest as CM.



Thank you everyone for giving your feedback about this issue in this thread.

We are very sorry, that this issue occurred in the game and we needed to remove the Diamonds from your accounts balance. If you feel, that we removed too many Diamonds, we would kindly ask you to get in touch with our support so we can look at it on a case by case.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this issue has caused all of you. We know that Diamonds are a very sensitive issue and can understand, that this is very frustrating to all of you. So please, get in touch with our support and we will sort it out.

Your Elvenar Team
I would like to reiterate that if this issue is not sorted out quickly then you will be losing players permanently indeed probably already have