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Discussion [Discussion] Release Notes version 1.4 + Tournaments


Is this confirmed then? Is the level 6 meant only for diamond players? It has been nearly 2 weeks, 2nd tournament finishes in a few hours, it would be good to know for sure what the duration is supposed to be.

It's not confirmed yet, but that is the current situation.


I received a chest as reward for the tournament and can't find it anywhere, can you tell me where to find it, what to do with it?


There are several time zones in the us.

If you start at 8pm pacific that it 11pm eastern and all the workers are in bed. I assume you mean 8 pm eastern.

So, 5pm pacific (while a lot of those folks haven't gotten home from work yet), then day 2. 1pm pacific. Ok now, for sure they are all at work. then the next day 9am pacific ...well....now all the workers are at work and many of us who don't work aren't even up yet, then 5am....and well....that is the time of day that someone gets shot if they try to wake me up and then if you try really hard, your next time is 1am.

The workers can't be on at 5am and 1am. The non workers can't be on at those times. Plus, it isn't as if all the tournaments start at exactly that time. You have to clear the levels before the next level can be unlocked.

I can report that half my fellowship is saying they are physically exhausted. I am physically exhausted from trying to hit these crazy times. I didn't make it to level 5 and I tried my best. Some will, but some WON'T.

And what if you DO have people from time zones from all over the world playing on the US forum? It seems silly to have a feature that actively harms players who aren't in the right country. And what about the people who work different shifts? The day shift people, the swing shifter, and the graveyard folks?

Only people who want to make themselves ill trying to hit all these times can do 5 levels and then, only diamond buyers can reach level 6.

Plus.....level 5 doesn't give you anything anyway! The players in my fellowship reported zero kp zero shards for clearing the first five levels of the tournament. NO REWARDS?

Come on. This blows. You have beta to test what this game is like for people in all kinds of areas. It was horrible if you were on the wrong schedule no matter what time zone you lived in. Or....as people have said...geeez....it is just a game...don't make yourself sick...just don't play it moron! (Is that the message you want your players to hear....just don't play it moron?)


We are 24 hour creatures you are putting on 20 hour cycles for four days and worse, you are spreading the cycles over the whole 20 hours. That isn't a good part of this. It leads to unnecessary problems.

I am a tester. I have tested this. This is my report on this issue. Believe me, don't believe me. That is up to you. I am sick of needing to argue when I report facts. If you can't see how this time issue leads to problems for people, I don't know how to dumb down the issue any further. I have no stock in this company.
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Is this confirmed then? Is the level 6 meant only for diamond players? It has been nearly 2 weeks, 2nd tournament finishes in a few hours, it would be good to know for sure what the duration is supposed to be.

Not only that, but tournaments are geared toward people who have no life. Friday and Saturday nights? Really?


Edit: This was written off the cuff, so I'd like to clarify that I 'm speaking as a person who has frequently prioritized gaming during the past year. So, by "no life", I mean "currently no life priorities / preferences above games". Making it through to a Level 5 Tournament would, the way it's now structured, require prioritizing tournament play every evening including Friday and Saturday. A 2-hour window is tight - and i really hate the thought of having to missing out on boosted Relics because I need to attend a family function, or work event, etc.
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And yet....here we are on a Saturday evening chatting about it. I think they got that right about their demographic! :p hehehe


Well-Known Member
I received a chest as reward for the tournament and can't find it anywhere, can you tell me where to find it, what to do with it?

in the same popup was listed your reward,and it's imediatly added,in my case it was 8 steel relics. so after clicking the popup away I had 8 more steel relics.


Regarding the duration of the tournament, i think the problem lies that the timers for a province to level are too unforgiving, especially considering that we can't even open level 6 as it is. I doubt anyone would complain if the tournament lasted 7 days, if the timers stayed as they are, because that would give players more time to do the provinces and still have time to level them, instead of feeling like they have to be online the minute the 20h pass or they might miss out on a chance to go up another level.

EDIT: And if you think the tournaments are fine, when we can't even open level 6 without spending diamonds, the fights are so hard in some cases that are nearly impossible ( is it a bug or not?), catering costs are now so high that a mid level players has no chance to do more than a few handful of provinces at most and the rewards are all over the place and inconsistent ( again, is it a bug or not?), then we have a bigger problem than poor communication skills.

Edit by Muf-Muf: removed part of post that was discussing a now deleted post. :)
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I doubt anyone would complain if the tournament lasted 7 days
The precedent is the Forge of Empires Guild vs Guild and the similar PvP tournaments.
  • The GvG stats are frozen for several minutes on Sunday evening, during the recalc
  • The PvP tournaments end on Sunday evening, and then randomly start about about 8 hour later, on average
The Elvenar developers are undoubtedly aware of those established patterns, so it's more than likely that they're experimenting to see if avoiding the weekends would be preferable. Making the reset shorter, perhaps 10 hours or so, would allow the eager players to do all 6 cycles in 4 days. Whatever the solution, the timing is probably parameter driven, so it's not likely to be a programming issue.

Edit by Muf-Muf: removed part of post that was discussing a now deleted post. :)
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Well-Known Member
20 hours is perfect, allows all players to participate and succeed, even if you have a job or a life.
but unless level 6 is only for the paying players, it should be extended for a day, ending it on sunday.

I dont see a reason why the weekend is a problem with having a life since it's a daily cycle and with 20 hours you can essentially make it playable at any time in the weekend using those 4 hours to get the tournaments earlier later in the tournament week.

I expected it to be progressive somehow, that would have made it a jobless/housewife tournament, now it's a tournament for all (paying) players.

the only real issue I see now is that the units are wrong for lower level players, I brings to newbies way to strong advanced units like Paladin III or Golem III which are unbeatable when you just unlocked the tournament research. right now it's a how many goods can you spare game instead.


20 hours is perfect, allows all players to participate and succeed, even if you have a job or a life.
but unless level 6 is only for the paying players, it should be extended for a day, ending it on sunday.

I dont see a reason why the weekend is a problem with having a life since it's a daily cycle and with 20 hours you can essentially make it playable at any time in the weekend using those 4 hours to get the tournaments earlier later in the tournament week.

I expected it to be progressive somehow, that would have made it a jobless/housewife tournament, now it's a tournament for all (paying) players.

If you only cater then its fine, but fighting takes time. And doing dozens of provinces, as some players have been doing takes hours. That makes the 20h timer too long.

I agree that it is not likely a programming issue. However, it is an issue that has deep implications in the game and the success of the tournament. If they want 4 days tournaments then the timers need to severely adjusted, 10 hours like you suggest seems a good option. If players feel that they have to plan their Real Life around the tournament timers, in order to have some success there, then the tournament is destined to fail, as the majority of players won't be willing to do that for long.

There has been two tournaments already, and we still don't have an answer to this question. That worries me, because the US server has already received part of the 1.4 update, and there was a post in the EN forum saying that it was planned for the tournaments to be tested in one world next week. Now, we don't know if the schedule is still that, but I think the tournament is nowhere ready to be released in the live servers. Not only because of all the bugs we have at the moment, but also because the duration issue. And seeing mods disregard this completely doesn't bring me any hope that this will be fixed before going live.


20 hours is perfect, allows all players to participate and succeed, even if you have a job or a life.
but unless level 6 is only for the paying players, it should be extended for a day, ending it on sunday.......

Level 5 is only accessible if you play in the time windows explained by Goryn above in this thread. If, for example, you don't play early enough on Friday (Level 4), then you won't have time to access Level 5 on Saturday evening. True, you could play Level4 any time Saturday...

...but the whole thing is yet another example of Inno's relentless "wait or pay" obsession. They don't seem to be able to devise any other strategy, which is sad, considering how much we like the Elvenar concept.


The tournament could last 7 days, but then your army will shrink pretty fast, having no time to replenish it.

I would like to answer to this specific sentence :
our army would shrink pretty fast because we could not replenish it fast enough, and it does shrink fast, and this is because we cannot replenish it fast enough !
and the reason is : barracks are way too slow !
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I have to agree with @bobbipiazza in few aspects. Forcing players to "windowed play" in tournament is one big no-no. Tournament should be with fixed time and no cycles. This way strong players will finish as many as the want and then simply will have time to recreate army. Or tournament should last at least few cycles more as additional "gap" to allow players finish it. Creating strange and unnatural time windows which aren't multipliers of some sort connected to working day or shifts (8h, 12h, 24h) will end with players participating in them only partially or avoiding them. Because why to bother? This way Inno will be shooting itself. Why? If there will be too small amount of participants, provinces will b no getting enough points to "level up" with rewards. This way even paying players will stop doing this, because this will be waste of moneys for them. Who except of them will be reaching high tiers in provinces?

Mentioned already rebuilding of army... Now people are having huge armies in backup, but later on? People will loose tons of troops during first few weeks and in later ones they stuck. They stuck in mad circle: we have no army, so we don't participate in this tournament, because we lost our army in last tournament. Every week will be more and more such kind of people. That is why people have to see their efforts aren't profitable only to game owners.

As for achievements in game... I raised such solution many months back and even gave a lot of examples for what they could be, how categorized and so on.

Infuriating or frustrating players is for me also risky strategy. Because of such I already said "good bye" to many popular products/games. Many of them after few more months died or were in agony. Maybe we are here group which on live servers is minority - there is such probability. Maybe majority is throwing their moneys into Inno pockets? But there is one thing which is not "maybe" but "for sure". This minority is at least few times more active (bug reports, ideas, discussions, comments, generally feedback) than whole majority. Without this "minority" Inno would be like people in fog, not knowing what is good, what bad and so on. And listening only to peoples compliments always end with backstabbing or with fall from cliff :)

Edit by Goryn. Personal attacks on other players are not allowed.
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I would like to answer to this specific sentence :
our army would shrink pretty fast because we cannot replenish it fast enough, and it does shrink fast, and this is because we cannot replenish it fast enough !
and the reason is : barracks are way too slow !

Then we should be pressing for an answer to the Mercenary Camp description. What is meant by "....share the same queue.." with Barracks? If the two new fight units are in one queue with all other fighters, we will likely see either the Camp or the Barracks producing singly, not simultaneously. The variable production lengths would make it near impossible for one queue to feed both productions simultaneously.

Aside from the fact that this will mean even slower production, it means we are forced to have yet another large useless building. Why have a separate production building if it doesn't have its own production queue?

Edit by Muf-Muf: removed part of post that was discussing a now deleted post. :)
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Dear community,

As some of you may (or may not) have noticed, we felt the need to delete a number of posts from this thread, including posts from staff members. On behalf of the team, I apologize that we let this discussion go out of hand the way it did, and we will make sure that this does not happen again. We have spent more than a year in building up a welcoming atmosphere on this forum, and we are usually quite loose when it comes to moderation, and intentionally so. We do not want to be "super strict", because Elvenar as a game is not like that either. Elvenar (and its forum) should be a place to come and relax, a place to hang out and have a good time. Strict moderation does not help with that and does not fit the Elvenar world, we believe. This means that we are normally strive to accept as many different kinds of posts as we get, provided they abide by our forum rules. Take the fact that we felt the need to step in here and delete several posts and comments as a general warning that this kind of behaviour is not and cannot be tolerated.

As for this thread in particular, it would be good if we could return to its original topic: the discussion regarding the game version 1.4 and the release of the Tournaments as a feature. Should you have any further questions regarding what was removed and/or "hostile situations" on this forum as a whole, please send me a private message or send in a support ticket under type "Forum", because that will reach me as well. Do not post regarding this in this thread, as that would be offtopic and would go against our forum rules. We are always open to feedback on how we can improve our services further, and we hope that we can continue building this community together.

Thanks for your continued support. :)
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Thanks Muf-Muf. :)

I would like to ask a simple question which hopefully gets a simple answer too: Why is the time between two rounds of the tournament 20 hours and not 24 hours?


... or not 12 or 8 ?
why 20 ?
it looks like devs try to make the game complex, but they only make it more frustrating ...
Good question, though unfortunately not one I have an immediate answer for other than "for balancing reasons". Also, the time it takes to unlock the new tournament levels is still being evaluated and subject to potential rebalancing, also with an eye on the currently unreachable 6th level for players not using diamonds.


Well-Known Member
Level 5 is only accessible if you play in the time windows explained by Goryn above in this thread. If, for example, you don't play early enough on Friday (Level 4), then you won't have time to access Level 5 on Saturday evening. True, you could play Level4 any time Saturday...

...but the whole thing is yet another example of Inno's relentless "wait or pay" obsession. They don't seem to be able to devise any other strategy, which is sad, considering how much we like the Elvenar concept.

level 5 can be easily reached playing each dat at the same time, as long as it's somewhere before 8pm.
day 1 8PM, day 2 between 4 and 8 pm depending on you preference and speed of completoin of previous round, 3rd day you can if desired move the time another 4 hours before, or just play at the same time as the day before.

There is no need to be online te instant they become aviable.
Level 6 on the other hand is a different thing, you can make it even if you have instant finish powers, so that doesnt matter anyway.

Thanks Muf-Muf. :)

I would like to ask a simple question which hopefully gets a simple answer too: Why is the time between two rounds of the tournament 20 hours and not 24 hours?

simple the other 4 hours are to give you time to complete the tournament round.
Its the same reason neighbourly help only takes 23 hours instead of 24.

If it was 24, then every day you will be later and later on your help,(you cant instant finish your neigbourly help the same second its unlocked) by making it 23 hours, you always have this 1 hour window of oportunity so that for example you can always do your round of neighbourly help when you come home, and not somewhere in the middle of the night.

Since tournaments if you fight take a lot more time, I guess they gave your a window of opportunity of 4 hours instead.
this also allows you to play with the tournaments and plan them in for you a better window of opportunity. for example if 5pm is a better time for you, then on day 1 you have to be online at 8pm and quickly finish it, this way tomorrow and onwards you can always play at 5pm instead.