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Discussion Winter Magic - The Snow Owl Express




Well-Known Member
Please feel free to share our Event Note with your friends and fellowship who do not play on Beta.

More information will be added later in the day and during the event.

We could do with maybe some separation on the quests where there is an AND and an OR....
Quest 15 reads : " 15. Produce Supplies to retool your craftsmen and workers OR Recruit a large amount of Units AND gain 1 Combining Catalyst - 28 "

It is (mathematically) unclear whether that means
a) Supplies OR (Units + Catalyst)
b) (Supplies OR Units) + Catalyst

?? Parentheses usually clarifies the intent

Or is it just me ?

Deleted User - 88256

We could do with maybe some separation on the quests where there is an AND and an OR....
Quest 15 reads : " 15. Produce Supplies to retool your craftsmen and workers OR Recruit a large amount of Units AND gain 1 Combining Catalyst - 28 "

It is (mathematically) unclear whether that means
a) Supplies OR (Units + Catalyst)
b) (Supplies OR Units) + Catalyst

?? Parentheses usually clarifies the intent

Or is it just me ?
An event quest will always be b). (It's a double quest with one part being an "OR" quest)


Active Member
Artwork is nice.
However, an event building producing BOOSTED goods???? What are the devs thinking? It's basically useless from the start, why not produce non-boosted goods, sentient goods, mana, or divine seeds? Also, if the pattern of not being able to get the full 10 levels when the event ends continues, why even bother building it? We can't adjust the productions to the different hours, so this building won't help with event, FA, or other tasks that require # of hrs-long productions. Not wasting my feed on this building, not going to keep it either, already sorry I built it.
Atop all that, I'm wondering how hard it'll be to find the light colored event "keys" once snow falls in Elvenar. I'd suggest a bright colored halo around them to make them easier to see, like Misty Forest.
More RNG based prizes... not a big fan because the RNG I've experienced has been dismal. If I try for the daily prize 6x or more and don't get it, it's disheartening, mostly because that's usually 2 days worth of event items I've saved up and feel like it's been wasted. I'd prefer prizes for which I can save event items and choose which ones I want. Most of the "prizes" are crafting fodder, and we get plenty of spell fragments from the spire, so not even helpful there.
Double quests need to go, or be more reasonable: asking for catalysts and long-builds, appears for no other reason but to slow players down. Why can't those of us who are able to finish early be allowed to do so? Oh wait... Inno wants to slow players down.
Seems like what devs may think is a good idea, players don't want; and what players like, devs don't want to do, for whatever reason. In any case, there's got to be a better compromise and more transparency.
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Well-Known Member
Beautiful looking event piece, but it might be just as well that the stats on it are not attractive as I am running out of space for keepsakes.

Thumbs down to the design of this event. The shuffle style event is the worst kind of design of the events and this redesign has just taken that down a notch.

The shuffle event could be better if 2kp was the minimum kp in a box, if there were a couple RR spells in each shuffle to replace some of the relics, and seriously, we need 4 presents on the map to go with the reshuffle. It looks to me that going for that reshuffle for already hard to get prizes is going to preclude getting artifacts.


Like the owl and when I read about the blizzard I visioned a blizzard to find things in, like the fog..... not..


Well-Known Member
"fight and win" should be banned and replace by "resolve"
Would settle for simply fight, win or lose ... at least then some resource would have been expended (surely the intention) even if the fight was then lost. A bit disheartening perhaps, however at least the task would be doable that way.


Well-Known Member
I have a suggestion: The devs should at least look at the research techs and what is needed before deciding what rewards to put on the main prize. I can't blame them for not having time to actually play the chapters, but the ones that are coming up with the amounts of goods given in main prizes are way, way off. If a research in the tech tree calls for 300,000 sentient goods, why would any main prize give less than 2,000 in 24 hours? That's more than 150 days of accumulating goods for one tech, and not including decay. This makes the prize seem just a teensy bit silly. Pretty, but just silly to put down. It needs to add a zero to make it even worth the space.


Well-Known Member
While the main prize looks nice it has no place in my city, and after getting 1 x 1 relic twice, plus the double prize of.... you guessed it... 1 relic, I'm so pleased to have used 75 keys for 4 relics.

I'm seriously underwhelmed by this event, keep nerfing Inno, and do surprise us, will there be yet another FA after the event?

My boredom factor is ramping up rapidly, I feel cleaning my house might be preferable these days...


Well-Known Member
don´t think it´s fair to count it like that
It's the only fair way i have found to account for roads.

Obviously 12 × 2 buildings are going to be much more road efficient than a 4 by 6 building and this must be accounted for when discussing building size and efficiency. any efficient city has a building on both sides of the road and uses the short side of a building to touch a road. yes in rare cases you will have a building that's at the end of a road, but that isn't sustainable in a large city, thatwill only occur a few times. so the fair way, is to take the short side of a building, divided by 2 and assume that's how many road tiles are needed.

Mana hut is the best mana building, and you forget the road !
I did account for a mana hut having 5 squares and since it was the best, I also added in a mana sawmill which I assume has 9 squares.

If you are using non magic residences, then it is worth a few more squares - somewhere around 24 to 25.

I already accounted for the culture :)


Well-Known Member
More than anything else I personally feel that the prizes offered really need to be changed. Its disheartening for people to make the effort to do quests to get the keys only to spend 25 of them to get 1 relic! The prizes really need to reflect the effort that goes into acquiring 25 keys. You can improve the game mechanics all you like but people will continue to be unhappy till the prizes are changed. The evolving building needs to be looked at as even fully evolved its still going to produce much much less sentient than one of my existing sentient buildings making it an unattractive option to place in the city using up a valuable 4x4 amount of space.

Deleted User - 92139

The Owl is not acceptable with such statistics. This is the worst evolving building this year!
Chapter XII
Mana on the 10 lvl:

Wise Golem -12,500
Owl - 7,492
Valentine Float - 7,480 but give also 1,296 seeds
*Moon Bear (3x3)in Chapter IX gives more mana - 9,600
*May Tree in Chapter XI gives more mana - 11,056
*Coldfire Phoenix in Chapter XI gives more mana - 20,100

Sentient Good on the 10 lvl:

Coldfire Phoenix - 9,750
Moon Bear (3x3)- 8,100
May Tree- 5,360
Owl- 1,074

Feeding effect - you copied effect from Crystal Lighthouse! If I have Lighthouse, i don’t need an Owl. Why didn't you do something new? Like lower costs in a tournaments for 5 days?

Please tell me INNO, why should I fight for this building? The Owl is useless. I expect you change the statistics for the better - much more Mana(more than Wise Golem) and Sentient Good(more than May Tree)


Well-Known Member
the worst event i have ever seen for beginners , after the fight and win quest , again production of CC without alternative (explore or something)

View attachment 8304

While it might not be the most fun assignment, this is actually a smart one.
this assignment takes 2 days, but it takes a lot less time if you actually spend a few diamonds in upgrading your magic academy.

Part of the game is designed to be a little but tedious to entice you to spend a few pennies. 40(level 2) vs 12 hours(level 5) is a great enticement.
and it's not that you can't solve this assignment without it, it just takes time.and quite a bit of it. but hey this event is 30+ days? so plenty of time.


Well-Known Member
While it might not be the most fun assignment, this is actually a smart one.
this assignment takes 2 days, but it takes a lot less time if you actually spend a few diamonds in upgrading your magic academy.

Part of the game is designed to be a little but tedious to entice you to spend a few pennies. 40(level 2) vs 12 hours(level 5) is a great enticement.
and it's not that you can't solve this assignment without it, it just takes time.and quite a bit of it. but hey this event is 30+ days? so plenty of time.
There's also the third choice, not to bother because the shuffle board prizes (with "maybe" the exception of the daily prizes) are rubbish and the owl has been seriously nerfed with what it gives in comparison to any other evolving building.

I've finally lost my FOMO when it comes to Inno events!