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Vacation mode - no decay while you are away

Are you in favor of this idea?

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  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Implement a (premium?) setting to put your city in vacation mode, pausing everything including decay of resources.

I will soon be faced with a problem that I am sure others have also encountered. I will be taking a vacation for more than 2 weeks to a location where there is no internet capability to play the game. Since I am in Chapter 15 I face losing a very large amount of mana, divine seeds, and sentient goods while I am offline.

Even though I have the wonders which reduce the decay I will still be hit hard. Consider the following: with wonder at that reduces decay to 6.4%. If I am gone for 14 days I will lose just over 60% of the item. That is a lot to have to recover.

One of the great things about your Forge of Empires game is that you can take a break from playing and come back to right where you left off. You will miss an event and other bonuses but you don't find your city decimated.

What makes it worse for me this year is that I actually have two such trips coming up. I may just take a long break from the game rather than work to rebuild and then lose it all again.

I would consider paying diamonds to put my city into "Vacation Mode" for a period of time to prevent these losses. Otherwise I have a LOT of work to do to get back to where I was. A longer period of "Vacation Mode" would cost more,

But a free "Vacation Mode" might keep some players from quitting the game. Players do need breaks, even from games but in the later chapters the decay concept makes it hard to stop and then be excited about coming back.

Possible downsides
Doesn't stimulate regular login.
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Deleted User - 81220

I support this idea, however this should be a "freeze mode", rather than a "vacation mode" to work in a fair way. So you do not just stop decay, but also the benefits: no production, no construction, no kp accumulation, no benefits from NH, no possibility for others to fill your AW, etc.

Deleted User - 70079

I like the idea of a vacation mode of some sort, although I think it should be free, or at least available without using diamonds. Some sort of restrictions should exist to prevent it being abused, otherwise people will just be using it as often as possible to avoid the decay. Maybe you could only activate it at most once a week, so you could switch it on before a long holiday and turn it off when you get back, but you couldn't be switching it on and off every day or so. Or like justpeeking's suggestion, where it doesn't just freeze decay, it also freezes timers in your city, i.e. production, construction, kp accumulation, etc. That won't be significant for someone going on a long holiday, but it would be costly for someone who wanted to use it just as a way to get around the decay.


I like the idea but only if its amended like justpeeking suggested.


Well-Known Member
a complete freeze (also wishing wells etc)
so all activity from that player is impossible, but receiving NH is ok; it benefits members. otherwise they will be punished for a normal RL situation from another member.
I don't see a problem with receiving kp's from others AS LONG AS IT IS FROM A DEAL ( NO PUSHING-kp's )

I would like to have a minimum of 5-7days and after that: up to a month choosable.

implement it with another suggestion on the forum about seeing activity; another option to see someone is away.


Well-Known Member
Good feedback. It makes perfect sense to me that all production would be frozen during the selected time period.
And no collections.
I never viewed it as a short-term freeze but saw it as a way to go on vacation and not come back to find your city ruined by multiple days of decay.


On another game, using paid unit (the diamond), you can stop decay for 24h but you can paid more than 1 day. After then they add spell we can craft, then use to stop decay.
Why not to add this to the spell "Inspiration Mediation" ? and of course, chains multiples spells to add time.

Deleted User - 81220

On another game, using paid unit (the diamond), you can stop decay for 24h but you can paid more than 1 day. After then they add spell we can craft, then use to stop decay.
Why not to add this to the spell "Inspiration Mediation" ? and of course, chains multiples spells to add time.
these are separate ideas and you should start its own topic, I am sure many would support them as well

while vacation/freeze mode should halt your entire city from all aspects, diamond purchase and/or spell should be used while you are otherwise active in your city, but want to avoid decay - the two idea, feature can live parallel in the game, they are not alternatives of each other

The Silent One

Well-Known Member
Although I have not reached this point in the game, I agree with Richord, don't feel I can cast a yes or no vote without more information. I do believe some form of freezing game would be a good idea. and again, not at a cost. I buy diamonds once a year due to budget but feel it is good to help support the game as I am able.


Well-Known Member
I believe that Marindor is looking for basic feedback on whether to look at the idea in more detail.

My original thought was to have a method to stop decay when players are on longer vacations.
Others looked at it as a way to 'freeze' a city and some wanted a shorter duration.
And some felt there should be a cost for doing this.

I am just glad that Marindor found enough merit in the idea to do a poll.


Well-Known Member
not up to 1 person.
it is (and should be) objective.
poll only not needed if inno (mod-only-) info states it won't happen.
I don't like that part, but better than 1 person's opinion.