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Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)


Well-Known Member
Much smaller here but I skipped more SS upgrades here as I started beta quite a long time after I started live so it is not easy to compare.
My fault between last weer en this week. last week was 5% from your regular SS this week?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Thank you for sharing your experiences so far. We are still looking into all account details, but what might be good to already emphasize, is that in this new setup, it will generally be more rewarding to play the provinces on higher levels, instead of e.g. 20 provinces on level 1. As said, we're still investigating the details and first analytics, but just wanted to let you know this already. Please keep sharing your experiences and thoughts. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
If they think that we can manual fight one encounter faster than autofight 4 then we need to find some new developers. Maybe I manual fight 1% of the time. I have been in this game for long enough to be able to tell if I have a decent chance on auto. If not I use goods.

The new system might get more early chapter players to do tournaments. It will be simpler for them in early provinces. No more learning which troops to stock up on for which tournaments. No more focusing on certain goods for certain tournaments.

But I doubt that they will go too far before they run out of troops or goods. And they won't be allowed to be part of tournament-focused fellowships.

Fellowships that have been doing once-a-month 10-chest pushes will be faced with major issues. Who is going to dump so many troops or goods into the effort? Certainly not anyone in my fellowships.

Somehow I do not feel this will draw more people in the tournaments at all.
In the old version the fights where pretty easy in the first bunch of provinces as well. and even if they failed the damage was very limited.

right now it's maybe even easier, but if they fail the damage is not very limited anymore.
I fear that this will be just another spire, people try to fight once, get one massive loss and just ignore it for the rest of there life.

Even when there obviously are people who fight to the top, so it must be possible, that 1 experience ruins it all for most.


Well-Known Member
My fault between last weer en this week. last week was 5% from your regular SS this week?
Again, is not easy because I did a few SS researches in between, 4 or 5 I believe. But anyway last week I did all my provinces, 63 if I remember correctly, at least up to round 5 and all the fights were pretty easy (with 6 life temporaries). No I get tough fights at province 16, 1st round more difficult then last week province 63 5th round.


I think most people know well what caused these changes. But developers forget that 99% of players have only 1 bear(or 0) and do not make 60+ provinces on 6*. If the problem was only related to the size of the squad, it could be solved in other ways. But now everyone who went to 2* will lose the source of income KP. First, the guest races were devalued, now the tournament is on the way - what will remain of Elvenar?

I also want to note that those newcomers who wanted to tournament-did it, and who did not want to - and now will not show such a desire.


Tried it don’t like it. The consequences of losing a fight now can be horrific and stop you progressing in the tournament. Also the troops types are boring as a complete mix of anything comes up which makes it harder in fights and every event is the same now apart from the relic reward whereas before you themed enemies and could prepare your troops to do battle if you needed certain relics. No benefit for all the other fellowships in rewards apart from the Uber tournament players who already get a huge benefit from the extra benefits in getting to 10 reward chests. How about adding in a blueprint reward in chest 6? Why add mana (and seeds?) as a resource required it is already in short supply if you are trying to progress in a chapter that needs it so slows down people progressing. I already stop at the 50 diamond level in spire because mana and seed requirements are too heavy and rewards are not worth the resources deployed After that point as most of the rest of the fellowship are doing the same so we don’t get to 75 diamond reward levels now. I can see the only people doing tournament in future will be the out and out trader people As they won’t probably have taken all the troop and barracks etc upgrades so they will get cheaper options to trade the tournament because of the way you changed the factors.


Feeling dejected at the decadent trajectory : Event buildings, daily prizes, grand prizes, spire costs and tourney costs.
Sometimes I’m really confused at what the intention is.


Well-Known Member
At the beginning this was a city building game and then they added more and more things - FA, events, spire, tournaments... now it seems they want us to go back to city building, forget tournaments, forget upgrading AWs, forget buying diamonds for premium expansions, forget spire, forget it all, back to how it was... just city building and waiting for months between Guest Races!


My numbers for last week combined all 4 encounters
I just double checked. Chapter 16, province 16, round 1: A total of 124600 goods. So it is hard to believe that you only needed 18k in same chapter? I have skipped nearly all optional SSU but the first ones.


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Well-Known Member
At the beginning this was a city building game and then they added more and more things - FA, events, spire, tournaments... now it seems they want us to go back to city building, forget tournaments, forget upgrading AWs, forget buying diamonds for premium expansions, forget spire, forget it all, back to how it was... just city building and waiting for months between Guest Races!
I guess this is why I started playing the game. Maybe this is what I'll go back to.

I don't think this is a good way to sell more diamonds Inno. #depressing.


With no changes, it will be very difficult to get 10 chests even for the top FS, here and live
6 provinces on 6 rounds are enough to get 10 chests. Hard to believe a top fellowship couldn't achieve that? The first 6 provinces are definitly easier than they have been before, especially on later rounds.


Of course 10 chests, but beyond it, it’s the personal venture. Almost every “interested” player goes more than 6 provinces 6 rounds, once they see the benefits.
And that’s taken away, big time. The 4-10k+ players will be maximally affected and they are ironing out those players with very strong hands.

Deleted User - 75213

Province 20, 0 star

But i produce 3000 T3/day (from elvenstats), thus more than 2 days production ^^ and the cost in military is insane (5x squad size like a province 100 in the system ^^) vs 160% ennemies but the reward is not x5 and useless ^^


Well-Known Member
The new system might get more early chapter players to do tournaments. It will be simpler for them in early provinces. No more learning which troops to stock up on for which tournaments. No more focusing on certain goods for certain tournaments.

Actually on all my smaller account i actually do much less tournament then on my main account. The fact that many units are not 3 star makes them so weak compared to 3 star enemies so it turn into a massacre very fast as well. So with increasing costs so fast, this just means i would do even less tournament before i think the cost is too high. The only tournaments i do more then the bare minimum is those where you can use a mage or light range booster, but with random enemies those tournaments don't even exist anymore aswell...


Well-Known Member
6 provinces on 6 rounds are enough to get 10 chests. Hard to believe a top fellowship couldn't achieve that? The first 6 provinces are definitly easier than they have been before, especially on later rounds.

The example should be 8x5 as most people do not make it to round 6 due time scheduling contraints
and in province 8 is more difficult than live + a lot bigger SS.

Off course the dedicated tournament player will make 8x5 easy but there are a lot of in betweeners in this game


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I joined beta today because of the tournament changes. Obviously I only have one province to play with. This was my result:
My squad size was 2, enemy’s was just 1. Somehow I fail to understand how this tournament rebalance is supposed to make the entry easier for small/new players. If I were new and if I had such cruel first experience, it certainly wouldn’t help with getting me hooked to the game. :confused:

From my point of view this change hits us, mobile players, too hard. I’m not against one encounter per province. I’ve got problem with the terrain lottery which I have no way to influence or at least identify.

As for the difficulty: I’ve got no feedback there. Not enough data in such a small city.