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Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)


Well-Known Member
I've done 25 rounds, catered the first 6 and battled the rest. Yep the squad size differences are massive but that may be helped a bit if we can open all past ss techs without guest race goods as I hope will happen. I placed one dwarven armourer only and I did lose a lot of troops but the less clicking is wonderful. Those without a brown bear are going to struggle I think (my fire phoenix is only stage 3 so I didn't bother to waste the pet food on it).
I don't mind training all troop types because the extra challenge in fighting makes up for it, it has brought back excitment in the tournament for me. The endless clicking of the same 2 or 3 troops to auto fight was becoming mindless. The random troops are fun and I can manual fight more battles as there is extra time. I did auto fight as well to see what the troop devastation would be. It gets expensive rather quickly.
I do want to say thank you to all the tech/maths brains on the forum as they do all the hard work for us and I appreciate it. I am more of an intuitive player and so rely on you :) I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out

Deleted User - 70079

A few thoughts on my experiences so far:

1. I generally quite like the new tournament changes. It's now much easier to get a higher score, as it doesn't require anywhere near as much tedious and time-consuming clicking. There's also a bit more thought involved as you need a different army for every battle, rather than the same thing over and over again. This makes it a bit more interesting.

2. In my beta city (Sorcerers & Dragons chapter) I skipped every optional squad size upgrade, and with the changes that made difficulty based on different factors, which more closely reflect city progression, I was actually expecting a significant jump in costs. I'm pleased to see that the costs I've experienced so far are still fairly reasonable. It's hard to see how much of a change has occurred though.

3. One small issue I can see: in previous tournaments that usually required a lot of one particular troop type, things like Magnificent Mage Multipliers were quite worthwhile. With the new randomised troop requirements, such buildings are much less useful. Generalised buildings like the Unlimited Unit Upgrade are still useful though. Perhaps the MMM and similar can be replaced with new generalised buildings that boost certain stats for all troops, rather than only some, e.g. defence or attack boosting building. Likewise, these should all expire after 5 days.


Well-Known Member
I am in Chapter 16 and not enjoying this experiment. Things ramp up quickly after province 10.
On province 16 it asked for 45K goods, 7K orcs. Enemy troops totaled 42K
Last week I needed: 18K goods, 670 orcs, 36K troops. Of course the mix of things is different but this is a BIG increase over the old.

On province 23 it asked for 4.1M coins and 410K supplies. Nearly 10% of capacity. And 51K goods. Absolutely ridiculous.
And the troops could not be beaten even on manual without major use of boosts.

It is nice to click yes but on browser I still have to go back to the province list frequently because the net province doesn't appear on the map. But that was always the case.

I am keeping my own data round by round just to see how fast things ramp up.

Absolutely HATE seeing 5 enemies EVERY time. No more single stacks and so far no more all one kind. Very little fun.

I hope the rest of my fellowship feels the same so we can cut out ever trying to do 10-chests.


Last week I needed: 18K goods, 670 orcs, 36K troops. Of course the mix of things is different but this is a BIG increase over the old.
Are these numbers for 1 encounter or total of 4?


Well-Known Member
It's all a bit concerning. The first few provinces are easy, but from what others have said it seems to be bolt-hard to go much past about the 7th province, even on the first round or 2.

So we have the catering to fall back on, which should have its costs halved, but if what @CrazyWizard says is right then it could price people out of the catering marketing right from the very first province because of the Orc costs. Some people aren't producing more than those 3,400 Orcs in a 12 hour cycle. How is that sustainable to cater many rounds like that?


Well-Known Member
I know that this system favours auto-fighting less, but let's take people that do auto-fight for a moment - I find that the time/effort involved in analysing completely different sets of enemies in one encounter is greater than the time/effort/clicks of fighting four provinces in the old system. The new way could be less tedious, certainly, but more time-consuming I think.

Ursus Major

Well-Known Member
Well. I am very disappointed by all this changes. I am part of the "old" players in elvenar. And I do have enjoy tournament before. But here, there is too too much loss and the game ! What's the point ? Where doest it make it easier ? I have loose 3/4 of my army with the 20 provinces I usually open.
And to have to train all kind of army each week it's just impossible.
The only thing which is ok it's to make one combat by province. That's all.
If these system goes into the live like that, you will loose a lot of players ! really !


Well-Known Member
well, I killed a humongous amount of troops, almost run out of mana ( I had 2m), run out of coins (had 54m) this is going to be a massacre of troops, coins, mana and ogres. I got to province 42 so far and did a few up to round 5 ( timewarp lvl 31 and polar bear fed means no downtime) Mercs is not that bad but I won't do 62 provinces again in this format. I shudder to think what awaits me live :(


Well-Known Member
Cruel and disappointing change

I hope, that those player supporting thid idea with yes will loose as may troops, goods and resources as possible to understand that whenever you request this kind of changes you will get less than before with a higher investment

:mad: that my personal sensation

Instead of receiving a reward of 152 KP in the second round, now I will get 12 because it is impossible to perform more fights with a good quote.
Thats more than 90 % less than normal (using fire phoenix and dwarven armorer). senseless to contine


Well-Known Member
well, I killed a humongous amount of troops, almost run out of mana ( I had 2m), run out of coins (had 54m) this is going to be a massacre of troops, coins, mana and ogres. I got to province 42 so far and did a few up to round 5 ( timewarp lvl 31 and polar bear fed means no downtime) Mercs is not that bad but I won't do 62 provinces again in this format. I shudder to think what awaits me live :(

Well that we could do less was expected, the main question is what would you be able to do next week?
Because it sounds like this week you trew in all recources you had saved up for "long" while.

If this was live I might have been able to brute force me trough this tournament using what I saved up for the past few years but that gives no representation of what is about to happen.

I also noticed you are one of the highest ranked players on this server with a modest amount of wonders, own any premium expansions?
How does that you expansions / wonders compare to your live city?

Deleted User - 86438

From a lower-chapter perspective: My beta city is in chapter 4 with no wonders, pets, or expiring buildings and no premium expansions. For round 1, the first 4-5 provinces are trivially easy, as expected. After that, the losses increased very quickly but I was able to win using auto-fight still. Province 10 was a non-starter and I had to cater.

In my very small sample size, the change to 5 troops per encounter and randomized troops makes it very unlikely to get a province that is fully even/favorable as there's usually at least one counter to the troop type you "should" be using for the matchup. This was definitely not the case in the old tournament, where a good number of encounters could be fully countered and therefore done with little loss. This allowed for a hybrid approach when you were near your border for difficulty where you could fight those that had solid counters, then cater the encounter that had a bad mix of troops.

That combined with the difficulty ramp-up meant that round one of the tournament to 10 provinces wiped out most of my army camp (which is admittedly small at this chapter), but I was previously able to do rounds 1 and 2 of the tournament at a break-even on armies with what my barracks would generate between chapters, so it's definitely a difficulty increase.


Well-Known Member
Well that we could do less was expected, the main question is what would you be able to do next week?
Because it sounds like this week you trew in all recources you had saved up for "long" while.

If this was live I might have been able to brute force me trough this tournament using what I saved up for the past few years but that gives no representation of what is about to happen.

I also noticed you are one of the highest ranked players on this server with a modest amount of wonders, own any premium expansions?
How does that you expansions / wonders compare to your live city?
I have a few premium expansions here on beta, the ones I was able to buy with diamonds from bugs, spire, genies and WW. I have much more live, more wonders levels, more provinces (and double points, I am over 2m live...) so the tourney will more difficult live ( too difficult, I am ready to bet)


Well-Known Member
I have a few premium expansions here on beta, the ones I was able to buy with diamonds from bugs, spire, genies and WW. I have much more live, more wonders levels, more provinces (and double points, I am over 2m live...) so the tourney will more difficult live ( too difficult, I am ready to bet)

I expected so as well, do you know how much your SS difference was beteen live and here in the first encounter?


Well-Known Member
I know that this system favours auto-fighting less, but let's take people that do auto-fight for a moment - I find that the time/effort involved in analysing completely different sets of enemies in one encounter is greater than the time/effort/clicks of fighting four provinces in the old system. The new way could be less tedious, certainly, but more time-consuming I think.
If they think that we can manual fight one encounter faster than autofight 4 then we need to find some new developers. Maybe I manual fight 1% of the time. I have been in this game for long enough to be able to tell if I have a decent chance on auto. If not I use goods.

The new system might get more early chapter players to do tournaments. It will be simpler for them in early provinces. No more learning which troops to stock up on for which tournaments. No more focusing on certain goods for certain tournaments.

But I doubt that they will go too far before they run out of troops or goods. And they won't be allowed to be part of tournament-focused fellowships.

Fellowships that have been doing once-a-month 10-chest pushes will be faced with major issues. Who is going to dump so many troops or goods into the effort? Certainly not anyone in my fellowships.


Well-Known Member
I expected so as well, do you know how much your SS difference was beteen live and here in the first encounter?
Much smaller here but I skipped more SS upgrades here as I started beta quite a long time after I started live so it is not easy to compare.


Well-Known Member
I think I will pause a bit on the tourney, hoping that some changes will be made in this tourney because like this is a massacre