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Discussion Royal Restoration Spell


The recipe to exchange BP to RR is useless if you have no BP.

But how is that any different to:
  • Relic recipes for a person with 1000+, 2000+ relics?
  • Relic recipes for boosted goods once you have max boost?
  • Military buildings for a cater only town?
  • Culture and unicorns for a town that has max culture?
  • supply and coin instants when you have 50+, 100+ of them already?
  • Spells when you have 500+, 1000+ of them already?
Could be more scenarios, didn't include time instants as most people always need more time ;). Isn't part of the point of the crafting system is to have useless recipes so you are tempted to spend :diamond: to move to a new batch?


Well-Known Member
I have seen not seen a BP -> RR crafting spell yet, but overall I think what has been described for this new plan is a huge improvement over the original plan and has lots of good stuff in it.

If you really can purchase a blueprint to finish these crafting spells I'd like to see a screen shot of that.


If you really can purchase a blueprint to finish these crafting spells I'd like to see a screen shot of that.

Just checked my MA and it had the spell there with 300 :diamond: to complete it, I have the 3 catalyst spells just not the blueprint. I am too lazy to do a screenshot as the diamonds only show when you mouse over the original cost.

It makes sense as there is normally a :diamond: cost to complete a craft, same thing for this recipe.

Got less lazy
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Mykan. Dropped 3 years off my estimate for when I might be ready for chapter 14...

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Well, I don't care how often they are there. My problem with them is that they require catalysts, which means even more time of MA for catalysts and less for other spells.
Therefore, unless MA spell creation is boosted greatly, i won't use this conversion.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Dony The problem is that I already had to sacrifise about half of my time in my MA to create catalysts instead of MM spell (before crafting I used 100% of MA time for MM spell creation).
I don't want to sacrifice the rest.


King of Bugs
thats the matter of choice, nothing wrong with that
its much better to have a choice then not having any choice at all
as far as i know all spells from MA can be obtained from different sources aswell

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Dony Yes, I'm getting them also from tournament, but not in enough quantity for daily MM use (without MA working 100% only on them).


@Dony Yes, I'm getting them also from tournament, but not in enough quantity for daily MM use (without MA working 100% only on them).

As @Dony mentioned, having a choice is a good thing. It's far more interesting to me when I have to make (often difficult) choices in a game, such as which spell(s) I want to produce, which units to use in a battle, how to rearrange my city for upgrades/a new guest race, or even which buildings to remove if I find I have to make space for something new (again, usually a guest race). Heck, sometimes even the crafting options contain multiple desirable selections but I don't usually view them at a time where I'm able to produce more than one before the next refresh. But I like that more than, for example, knowing there's only one thing worth crafting and checking sporadically to see if it's available.


The main problem is the catalyst for me. With academy lvl 5 and only catalyst production, it is enough to buy military buildings and we have a blueprint each week => the best solution will be catalyst reward in tournament or add upgrades to the academy !