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Discussion Rise of the Phoenix Cult

I think there is no need to convert these new artifacts into an old phoenix artifact at the academy.
I have a phoenix artifact in crafting at my academy - I can create it for 3 blueprints and 10,000 spells fragments.
Great option, the best possibl:esmile:


Well-Known Member
You know, unless there is a constant power creep, there are few prizes that could statisfy you, as soon as your established
Expiring buildings mostly avoid powercreep. I'd be more excited for carting libraries or ferris wheels than anything on offer the last 2 events.

Heck, I'd even be more excited for buildings with the EXACT same stats (zero powercreep) as the buildings I already have but with a new skin.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Heck, I'd even be more excited for buildings with the EXACT same stats (zero powercreep) as the buildings I already have but with a new skin.

We have already had that quite a bit in the past couple of years. Two different buildings could offer the same numbers, except one is 3x4 from one event and another is 4x3 from a different event.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
As for the six new buildings in this event, I like a couple of them for my chapter 10 Beta city that has had bad luck with dailies in previous events, while my chapter 17 Live city has no use for any of the six.

I would really like to get a couple of current chapter Burning Pools, though, in that city. And maybe a couple of other old Phoenix buildings we might see return.


Well-Known Member
I know I wouldn't replace my 4 sets at all no matter what. Why? Because I still have 6 normal T2 factories, and if you give me another set that efficiently gives me more T2 and some other goodies I'll replace my factories, not my moonset.

Also, a huge issue with this idea is the complete isolation of players from trading.
E.G. If the moonset gives me scrolls, and my boosted factories give me crystals, and the new set gives me silk, how many T2 trades do you think I need? So only boost+0 works for the new building set which, again means that players replace factories, not libraries.
By the way
You could make a second set of 4, and just move the Scroll to it after picking up the first.


Well-Known Member
By the way
You could make a second set of 4, and just move the Scroll to it after picking up the first.
Honestly, I hadn't even thought of that, thank you.
I've got all of the other parts for it too, but I'm running pretty much sustainable with 4 at the moment so I'll keep that idea on the back burner.
Plus I just rearranged my whole city on Khel for what might be the last time. :(


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I hadn't even thought of that, thank you.
I've got all of the other parts for it too, but I'm running pretty much sustainable with 4 at the moment so I'll keep that idea on the back burner.
Plus I just rearranged my whole city on Khel for what might be the last time. :(
You are welcome.
I have a couple more researches then I can tank the Elvenar chapter guest race productions.
I am going to make themes with the culture, shifting, rearranging and such. Too bad I sold Burukbrak's Bridge and the Wedding Altar.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Come on, get rid of this already!:

I want to do the quests, not see some stupid advisor blocking my quests every time i login. It's realy annoying.

uninteresting daily prizes
Depending if there are Burning pools and/or Lava eggs - my beta city has been waiting 2 chapters for mana hybrids which aren't in a waste category.

Maybe to a certain extend RRS has killed part of the event fun. without RRS each time you hit a new chapter events become interesting again.
now without power creep and a stagnant city it's all the same.
Now I have imagined not having RRs and having to use the horrible mana/pop/cult hybrids (or even standard(researched) mana buildings, maybe they are better than those pop/cult/mana hybrids) (or simply waiting a year to replace 2 chapters old Burning pools/Lava eggs like my beta city does).


Well-Known Member
So I'm helping TomatoeHu fill out her quest list and I ask her:

"Guess what today's quest is?"
-"I dunno, produce goods and 12 relics?"
"Hmmm, maybe some more variety would be good." :p

How about tomorrow? Solve some encounters and supplies? Then maybe some more goods? Yawn.


Well-Known Member
Now I have imagined not having RRs and having to use the horrible mana/pop/cult hybrids (or even standard(researched) mana buildings, maybe they are better than those pop/cult/mana hybrids) (or simply waiting a year to replace 2 chapters old Burning pools/Lava eggs like my beta city does).

Without RRS that burning pool or lava egg would be old and useless quick. that horrible mana/pop/culture hybrid then makes a lot more sense.
And why focus on that evo building, we still get a lot of cool daily prizes and then it doesnt matter that the pop , culture, pop/culture, culture/mana or culture/seed has a slightly higher or lower value in the same chapter. without upgrade possibilities then new one 1 chapter higher would almost always be much better.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Without RRS that burning pool or lava egg would be old and useless quick.
Not so much (at least not for the highest chapters). My beta city still uses them from Elvenar chapter despite being at the end of Unur's chapter. Despite being 2 chapters old, they are simply better than the mana/pop/cult trash in the current chapter.


Well-Known Member
Not so much (at least not for the highest chapters). My beta city still uses them from Elvenar chapter despite being at the end of Unur's chapter. Despite being 2 chapters old, they are simply better than the mana/pop/cult trash in the current chapter.

looks like the kinda dropped the improvement of those buildings in the past 2 chapters.
It's either little or almost the same.

Thats kinda lame. so it works for chapter 1-16, but 17 and 18 het almost no improvement.
Float of bubbles did not even get a single improvement from 17-18 and that was in the last event.

Thats should be another topic obviously, but it beggs the question why?

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@CrazyWizard Maybe because we will need crazy amount of mana for ch18 (depending of number of T3/6 manufactories we could have experienced it already in ch17 while upgrading them), so the logical thing is to give us little or no improvement in mana production.
Seems that the devs just hates us (or just tests how much harder chapters they can make before no one plays them).

little bee

Well-Known Member
Thats should be another topic obviously, but it beggs the question why?

It's most likely because manaproduction was growing so much faster than everything else in the earlier chapters. Here is some math I did on this:

Both the orcnest and the mana sawmill have the same size and give the same amount of culture in each chapter.
In chapter 9 the sawmill gives 720 mana in 6h =2880 per day and the orcnest gives 450 orcs per day. That is a ratio of 6,4 mana per orc.
However, in chapter 10 the sawmill gives 3800 mana and the orcnest 500 orcs per day. That is a ratio of 7,6 mana per orc.
In chapter 11 the ratio is 9 and it continues to rise each chapter until it becomes 15 mana per orc in chapter 15.
Then the developers finally recognised the problem and nerved the mana. So the ratio drops back down to 13,3 in chapter 17.

The "official" value (e.g. for the tournament) is always 8:1. So now, everything is out of balance. The devolpers have to either go back and rebalance everything to do with mana or they have to stop the increase in manaproduction until everything else catches up. Personally I would prefer the first, but it seems they have opted for the second. Assuming the orcproduction coninues to rise by 10% per chapter and mana production stays completly the same, they will be balanced again in chapter 21.
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Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@little bee They didn't. They have chosen a third path: Extremely low rise of production and extremely fast growing costs at the same time (especialy if you count Spire end tournament negotiation into it).
Seems that the devs have problem with balancing. Instead of smaller corrections they tend to go from one extreme to another.

ps: Doing a lot of encounters outside of tourney. Another unbalanced thing in latest chapters with scouting time around and over 100hrs. If they don't want us to make fights/negotiation easier then they should have 2 kinds of better scouts technologies: One with both effects (same as current) and second lowering scout times only, otherwise scout times will continue growing for the end game cities and those will loose the ability to replenish scouted provinces between events (for encounter quests - either those without alternative or outside of a tourney).
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Well-Known Member
There's one new quest so far (I think it's new)
Use troop instants x3 or negotiate 3 encounters
I don't recall a troop instant quest before.
Yes...Couldn't get the Troop Instants to work...reverted to negotiate 2 encounters


Well-Known Member
@little bee They didn't. They have chosen a third path: Extremely low rise of production and extremely fast growing costs at the same time (especialy if you count Spire end tournament negotiation into it).
Seems that the devs have problem with balancing. Instead of smaller corrections they tend to go from one extreme to another.

ps: Doing a lot of encounters outside of tourney. Another unbalanced thing in latest chapters with scouting time around and over 100hrs. If they don't want us to make fights/negotiation easier then they should have 2 kinds of better scouts technologies: One with both effects (same as current) and second lowering scout times only, otherwise scout times will continue growing for the end game cities and those will loose the ability to replenish scouted provinces between events (for encounter quests - either those without alternative or outside of a tourney).

there is no issue there since there is ALWAYS an alternative to scouting.

Just do the alternative,


Well-Known Member
Fist of all, 4 crafts per day don't need timeboosters. Even the longest possible crafting time is only 6h and most are shorter. So I only use timeboster to get two especially good rewards (e.g military booster+ petfood). I mostly craft the military boosts, petfood and supply instances, but when there is nothing better I might craft a 20 wp spell as well.

On my live world I have 2 libraries and my fragments are perfectly balanced. On the other hand, my CCs are piling up at an extremely slow rate.
Let me do some math.

Going to the top of the spire in a gold medal fellowship will give you:
- an average of 3*4900=14700 fragments,
- exactly 22 CCs from fellowship rewards and
- around 11 CCs from chests (both regular and mystery).
You can also craft up to 28 CCs per week in the MA for a total of 61 CCs per week. Assuming you use them at a ratio of 300 SF per CC and use all 14850 fragments from the spire, you will be left with 12 CCs per week.

This calculation changes drastically, if you add the library. Each set will give you 3675 fragments and 7 CCs per week. So with 1 library you can have 18375 fragments and 68 CCs per week. At the 300:1 ratio you will still be left with 7 CCs per week.
With 2 libraries you have 22,05k fragment and 75 CCs per week. So, you can still stockpile 1,5 CCs per week.
Any more libraries than that and your fragments will start piling up as there is no way for the CC production to keep up.

But that is what the Transporters are for...?? I use these bad boys for Events and FAs - usually to take out the S1.S2 manufactories for a week...but I guess those who have 8-10 Moonstone Libraries..(and they DO give you HEAPS of T2) could clear space temporarily until needed again..

I am also using Transporters to take out Workshops...5 Magic Workshops seems sufficient in most cities...UNTIL you preplan a blitz with excess PETS (for the Brown Bear) and Time Instants to totally replenish troops over a 12 hour period...having 5 Magic Workshops and 6 Standard ones fully cultured up to ~270 can REALLY make use of that ONE PET on the Brown Bear.