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Duplicate quest "Spiritual Reinforcements" cann't be completed.

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Active Member
Game version: v0.35.3-(c5f36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Google Chrome Version 48.0.2564.103 m
Flash Player version: version 20,0,0,286
Operating System: Windows 10 x64
Screen resolution: 1920 X 1080 (native)
Account name: Olenenok
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Quest title: Spiritual Reinforcements

Current situation:

The mission "Train 150 Sorceresses" in the quest "Spiritual Reinforcements" cann't be completed.
When trying to train Sorceress-II in my Barrack, this isn't accept for the quest.


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Game version: v0.35.3-(c5f36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 43.0.4
Flash Player version: version 20,0,0,286
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: Tintagel
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Quest title: A bridge to lost dimensions

Current situation:

The requirement "train 20 Priests" cannot be completed as the Priests I'm training aren't accepted by the quest.

Perhaps this quest bug has got something to do with the barracks problems mentioned in this bug ?


Well-Known Member
Happens to me too

The mission "Train 150 Sorceresses" in the quest "Spiritual Reinforcements" cann't be completed.
When trying to train Sorceress-II it does not count to the Quest when training is completed

Game version: v0.35.3(c5f 36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 44.0
Shockwave Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows7 64

Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Brummbaer
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5
Thanks for the reports. We can confirm the issue for all the mentioned quests, but this issue has been reported in this thread as well, so we must close this as a duplicate of the other. We do thank you for listing the quests, though!
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