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Discussion May Celebrations


Well-Known Member
I like to play these events to get prizes I can’t get in other ways. As consolation prizes, supply windfalls, coin rains, time boosters, and troops are okay, but I don’t try for any daily exclusive if it is anything I could craft or produce, for example troops, and I don’t care if it is 25 squads. Virtually any old event building could be offered and I would be happier.

If a player could choose what relic they got, it MIGHT make a more interesting consolation prize.

I like the 2-part quest system, assuming it is not twice as much effort for the same reward. It gives players the chance to choose what to do first, or to do both at once. It might be better-received if all the quests were two parts, or if the reward was doubled for the two-part quests.


@feire Do you mean you got a Stonehenge building between your prizes on the shuffle board today?
I have a Stonehenge building on my live city, from the last spring grand prize. My Stonehenge building is level 9, so I wanted to know if you will allow to complete evolution.

More options for us to advance, means more reason for us to follow your updates. While you enjoy developing new content, please consider your players, who also want to enjoy your game.

Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your feedback so far. Besides the shuffle board mechanic itself (since we've already forwarded that feedback), what do you think about it in combination with the current balancing (amount of seeds you get, amount of presents you can open now, milestones in between, more valuable end reward building, easier to get to level 10 etc). Since we made a lot of balancing changes there compared to Winter, we're curious about how you feel about that.

just now I can get from the board
5 x only 1 relict
1 x reshuffle
1 x double
1 x reveal two
1 x 10 seeds (which means, its only cashback for opening)
1 x 5 books
1 x 10 books
1 x barracks quads (I am not longer interested in this kind, cause I prefer training ground and mercanary camp)
1 coin rain 5 %
1 x flower cage
1 x black lotus
1 x daily

So I am only interested in the last three items, nothing else. I have to waste my seeds and if I am unlucky (as normal) I dont get any of this three items.

cashback for seeds is just a joke. because I have to use 10 seeds to get 10 seeds back. not a winning situation.

And I can be "lucky" not to get only 1 book. Rest of all profits are for the toilet.

daily quests were good, because everyone could do them, when ever they want to do. Log in bonus seems good at first sight, but all players, who cannot join the gamie one day, will get lost of them.

Did we not got outpost this time? Or did I miss it? Because this time outpost would be very good getting more seeds and really worthwhile.

And: I DO NOT LIKE this mechanic, because I feel frustated at all. Even if I win, I am not lucky, because I feel at the mercy of this mechanic and having no choice.


Well-Known Member
i've got 7 daily prizes for entire event while getting May tree to level 8 atm. Still little bit left.

Half year ago 7 daily prizes was maybe half of drops each day of event. And they wonder why i'm mad.
May tree with astonishing 100+ culture when todays daily gives like 500 with 380 pop in chapter 3.

Deleted User - 84311

For us advanced players it's even more terrible than for less advanced players. You can see in my post, that T5 production at top level at best equals 6h production of a T5 manufactory. The pop is terrible compared to the standard House, 3KPs/day are simply not enough for 4x4 building and nobody at the end would build an evo building just for the coin or tool production.
well i did no disagree with you that is terrible for advance player
i just comment to someone that it is more oriented to new players
and i said even for new players the gifts are a joke
1 relic?? 1 kp or 2 or 5?
very bad "gifts" for any level player

Deleted User - 84311

I think the company wants to introduce new things to keep the interest of old players
but they either have no time, no imagination or they are just greedy and make the wrong decisions

look what happen with phoenix this year new artifacts?!?!?!? why? why punish the old players that may want to build an old phoenix?
yeah rob them in the prize of 2 new for one old lol

phoenix event evolving building no one like it
and what we get now an even worse evolving building
with new mechanics to make sure people will even win less wort prizes

so when people cried stronger evolving building and better prizes in phoenix event
the company heard we get too many gifts and the evolving building is too strong?

when you have so overwhelming negative feedback and you ignore it then what the point to have the forums and ask for input?

if anything with the lock down the game has fewer new players than before or at least that my take in world arendyl

this game is great when you do not have lots of time to play every day, now that people stayed home and have more time it seems they search for other games to spent their long days

will they return when normal life returns?

well it does not help that company is in a contest to make the worse event ever and every new event they win the prize again and again and again
i have friends in Spanish server also and they talk about the may event as no event at all and they will not waste their time and effort

and in a previous big comment explaining the problem of the new system

they call it balancing balancing on what winning fewer and worse prizes?
why not bring the old system for may
and have the chest have 100% chance to win 1 prize
and the player will have to choose between 3 of them and decide which one he wants?
have the chest have a % to appear and you can have arouns 10 chest of prizes so 3 will be up to choose of
1. daily prize
2. troops with 20% to get one type random
3. coin rain
4 supply rain
5. portal profit
6 KP
7 Ancient wonder
8 currency of event
9 building other even with a %
10. enchantments

here you can have 10 chest
but better you merge 3.4 together
and 7,9 also together

so you will end up with 8 chest, ,which you can offer 3 to the player to choose , with same cost of currency or not
and even the ones that will have multiple options in effect they are the same category of prize you win so its the same

there is no reason to spread the unit into 5 different chest and overwhelm how often they appear

do not try to re invent the wheel every event


I just want to point out that i said before that the grand prize is alright for those in its mana reward stage.
I think this might be because its the only stage where its reward doesn't normally require pop in producing buildings so easier to compare.


Well-Known Member
Ok, my 2 cents,

I have stated in past events that I thought that the amount of daily prizes you could aquire so a reduction in dailies I considered a good move in general.
I have also stated that I think that there are to many events, I somewhat have to retract that opinion.

In the past year (and a bit) the game changed a lot, these days the speed in which active new players go trough chapters is at a blistering pace, this is both good and bad, good in that it might prove usefull for those with less patience as the older and more veteran players of this game.

I started a new city when a new world opened up past september/oktober and before an event closes I am already looking out for the next event as I am already passed another 1-2 chapters and need new cultural buildings.

Why do I need those buildings?
1. The do not cost supplies which seems to be the bane of my town atm, even considering I got a bunch of magic ones
2. They have no huge build times
3. Those cultural buildings outperform regular buildings by sometimes as much as 100%

Point 3 doesn't even want me to consider the regular buildings and they have in essence became useless.
This might be the consideration the new game designers are focussing on currently and might be the reason we see "poorer" prizes currently.
Prizes should be better but not in the extend we see them now.
This said I that unlike dailies grand prizes should be grand. and the may tree doesnt make the cut, the grand prizes should be something to look forward to and should be allowed to be 100% better than regular buildings. unfortunatly past few events I found the dailies better than the main prize thats the opposith of what should be.

I already hated 1-5 relics in general
But when you start fresh I loved them in the academy. those 5x boosted relics where awesom and I crafted them a lot untill the tournaments allowed me to max out all my bonus after the first 4 months or so (2 tournament cycles)
But these 1 relic prizes are a slap in the face to everyone
a. there not regular bonus relics
b. 1 is to little it should be at least 5 and boosted relics

Relics currently in this event is not a prize at all, and looks more than a penalty, Minor Items I could use on both the little and my big city troughout the game are coin rains and supply instants.
Those 5% instants instead of relics should be a much better "minor" prize.

I love the fact we get some small filler cultural items in this event, I really like them.
Dailies we will see if there is anyting usefull, but on my rapidly evolving town I am really looking out to some decent cultural ones to augment my culture needs.


New Member
I'm only at Chapter 3 here, and the quests are not geared for newer City's. Its not possible to complete the Quests that ask for large amounts of goods in less then 2 or 3 days. Plus the ones that need large amounts of vaper vision!!!! Definitely achievable in any of my larger City's,but not at Chapter 3. !IMHO I were just starting out in a real world I would just skip the entire thing. The Grand Prizes are not so Grand either, so far the May Tree does not interest me either. Especially if its not much more then a decoration until its upgraded.

Deleted User - 84311

Ok, my 2 cents,

I have stated in past events that I thought that the amount of daily prizes you could aquire so a reduction in dailies I considered a good move in general.
I have also stated that I think that there are to many events, I somewhat have to retract that opinion.

In the past year (and a bit) the game changed a lot, these days the speed in which active new players go trough chapters is at a blistering pace, this is both good and bad, good in that it might prove usefull for those with less patience as the older and more veteran players of this game.

I started a new city when a new world opened up past september/oktober and before an event closes I am already looking out for the next event as I am already passed another 1-2 chapters and need new cultural buildings.

Why do I need those buildings?
1. The do not cost supplies which seems to be the bane of my town atm, even considering I got a bunch of magic ones
2. They have no huge build times
3. Those cultural buildings outperform regular buildings by sometimes as much as 100%

Point 3 doesn't even want me to consider the regular buildings and they have in essence became useless.
This might be the consideration the new game designers are focussing on currently and might be the reason we see "poorer" prizes currently.
Prizes should be better but not in the extend we see them now.
This said I that unlike dailies grand prizes should be grand. and the may tree doesnt make the cut, the grand prizes should be something to look forward to and should be allowed to be 100% better than regular buildings. unfortunatly past few events I found the dailies better than the main prize thats the opposith of what should be.

I already hated 1-5 relics in general
But when you start fresh I loved them in the academy. those 5x boosted relics where awesom and I crafted them a lot untill the tournaments allowed me to max out all my bonus after the first 4 months or so (2 tournament cycles)
But these 1 relic prizes are a slap in the face to everyone
a. there not regular bonus relics
b. 1 is to little it should be at least 5 and boosted relics

Relics currently in this event is not a prize at all, and looks more than a penalty, Minor Items I could use on both the little and my big city troughout the game are coin rains and supply instants.
Those 5% instants instead of relics should be a much better "minor" prize.

I love the fact we get some small filler cultural items in this event, I really like them.
Dailies we will see if there is anyting usefull, but on my rapidly evolving town I am really looking out to some decent cultural ones to augment my culture needs.
i do not share you enthusiasm about the relics
i am a new player and i never was so thrilled for the relics in magic academy

after i enter chapter 3 or better chapter 4 and was able to get somehow a steady supply of catalyst then if anything else was there i got them

you talk about magic academy why not bring the effect that a new player can not use the magic academy because of catalyst
the 5 relics are great
you know what looks really impressive for a new player the building you can craft there

thats why you see all the new players put the new evolving building in their cities compare them to house level 1 or 2 they look really impressive

as a new player the only reliable source of relics was either go out and win territories which for a small time was easy
and also tournament is a good supply for them

and if anything if you build enchantments you will suffer in the non boosted relics
thats where me and my friends have problem not the boosted ones.

which i have even sent ti to zero making catalyst in the past


Well-Known Member
I totally agree that outside a certain period of an event in which certain artefact can be aquired, those evolution buildings should not pop up in the academy,
I too have seen to many of those buildings in new players towns without options to improve them as they do not get it yet.


I see the quest for tomorrow, 1 technology or 30 vapor (+4 trades), really a daily quest ??!! Technology or vapor can take 2-4 days (for vapor, it is random and do not forget, we need to sleep sometimes). Why not some stress or challenge, sure, but not for crazy rewards !

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@cestbienmoi Technology can take even weeks - if you're in the Elvenar chapter and have only 1 or 2 unenchanted T6 manus. So for Elvenar chapter players only VV.
And yes, it's a horrible daily quest. Fortunately still 10 days left. We can only hope that quests during last days will be doable within one day.

Deleted User - 84311

I totally agree that outside a certain period of an event in which certain artefact can be aquired, those evolution buildings should not pop up in the academy,
I too have seen to many of those buildings in new players towns without options to improve them as they do not get it yet.
no i think they building need to stay in magic academy lets say you get polar bear even if you do not evolve it you get the -10% on time while the max one will be -20% while you miss it still makes sense to have it.

while i think for the new players that miss the old events there must be given some options to build or obtain artifacts especially now that the company goes into the route no repeating the same events as they done with phoenix
which left new players with no option to get old artifacts and the company robed them in the prize of 2 new for 1 old and their crime they decide to play the game

it seems that the company wants to punish the new players by making buildings and a way of playing not available to them.

Deleted User - 84311

i see elvergems and it seems you will get 480 event currency form quest!!!!
20 days with a bonus of 10 for another 200
lets say you gather 3 times the 6 flowers and you are unlucky so you get 18 lets round it up to 20??
so 20X20=400

so you will end up with 200+480+400=1080
which means 108 flowers open in the lottery which will give you a spin to the other lottery
and get 108-354 advances for the grand prize divide that 20 so you will get the grand prize 5 times if unlucky to 17 times if extreme lucky

so if you are unlucky you will get only 3 artifacts for the evolving building this way and 3 from finishing all quest for a total of 6?!?!?

so how this event is remote balanced when you can not even win enough artifacts to evolve the building?
and yes there will be players that will be that unlucky

now lets say average 160 ti win a daily?
so 6-7 dailies and that a very rough estimate
once more there will be people with zero dailies won with the existing system

you need to realize that half times you will get the re snuffle before daily and the other half after it
thats why the estimate is needing 160 to win a daily

bit lazy to crunch the numbers and find the most probably outcome but it will be roughly around there.

has anyone finished the missions and share his experience on how many artifacts and dailies he won?


I hope that the EVO will be not craftable, when i see a building with so low pop/cul + gold (lol), ho a crappy reward => salvage (with "mouse over", we can not see it is a EVO building), 2 times, i think to salvage. You say, it is the same for cold phoenix/stonehenge, yes but the icon for May Tree is banal. And i do not want to recraft it to escape the loss of a craft slot.


Well-Known Member
It's simply mini-event, this main reward, 38 main quests and system doesn't quality that as event.
Events don't have trash prizes like this.

For mini-event it's nice.