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Discussion May Celebrations


Hi everyone,

Thank you for your feedback so far. Besides the shuffle board mechanic itself (since we've already forwarded that feedback), what do you think about it in combination with the current balancing (amount of seeds you get, amount of presents you can open now, milestones in between, more valuable end reward building, easier to get to level 10 etc). Since we made a lot of balancing changes there compared to Winter, we're curious about how you feel about that.
I actually really like the current balancing. Getting 1-2 prizes worth of seeds per day by visiting, plus the "free" one each day, extra prizes with the quests, etc, definitely makes it worth it. My one complaint is the quests requiring 15-20 vision vapor in addition to something else, because based on luck in the MA, that can take 1-2 days. (I don't know how many of those there are as I'm not quite to the 20th quest, though) I also don't mind the shuffle-board as much now it's cheaper. I don't love the random aspect, but given I'd sometimes spend 1000 event currency trying to get one event building in normal ones, I can't complain too much, and I'd say that random aspect is balanced by being able to gain a couple flowers' worth of seeds around your city.
The 1 relic as a prize is annoying, though. For that to be worth it I'd say make it at least three, and don't put more than one, maybe two in as prizes.

Deleted User - 84311

daily prizes has nothing to do with number of artifacts, you mismatched this 2
you can rise your evolving building to level 10 without getting single daily prize
i did not miss match it

since trying to get the artefacts aka grand prize you open chest you will end up with some daily prizes.
so far you will get if you are unlucky 2 daily prizes for every artefact you will get or more .

and also lets be realistic the hard core players see what the dailies will be and they decide when they will go all out and spent their currency to get that dailies
and at the same time going for the dailies you will also get the artefacts.

unless the evolving building is something you are interested to build, which for long time there is no evolving building worth to build anyway,
the game instead of going around grand prizes is rather concentrate in DAILY PRIZES and individual chest prize.

and if that true and you get all 9 artefacts and no daily prize is that another way to say the game mechanic is a big failure?
is there anyone here who will not be pissed if he could not win 1 daily prize?

Deleted User - 84934

Major flaw of this kind of mecanics is the reshuffle that you can hit randomly when you don't need it.
Remove it, put it as a button you can press at will (or once a day, or as somebody said earlier that you can win) so you can decide when to go for more prizes on this board or get a new one. And up the prizes. Relics and 1 kp are useless. And i'm low level in live, and it doesn't feel like i won anything if i get this.

Also the number of quests feels really low. But maybe it's balanced i'm not sure depends how much currencies you get in total for trying prizes.
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Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
yeah i knwo you favour the old palyer and you try to give them somethign new to keep their itnerest but this is a joke.
For us advanced players it's even more terrible than for less advanced players. You can see in my post, that T5 production at top level at best equals 6h production of a T5 manufactory. The pop is terrible compared to the standard House, 3KPs/day are simply not enough for 4x4 building and nobody at the end would build an evo building just for the coin or tool production.


Well-Known Member
Questline is nice but 38 quests and then 1 daily each day is too low ammount for event's length.
Event could be faster, 58 main quests without daily for 10-14 days.

Vision vapor quests are brutal for new players, for some they are undoable.

FOE copied main rewards system is nice

The fact that you can get main prize later is nice for players who are on the edge of next chapter but want to progress event

Side rewards are scandalic, dailies are weak

main prize bonuses are mediocre, pop/cult is terrible and should be immediately returned to the level of Gingerbread/Siren/Platform/Golden Phoenix

Scratchboard system's return despite tremendous negative feedback is not understandable

Lack of specific production quests if refreshing, no 9h/1 day ones.

Overall i played since Phoenix 2018
Counting all events in the past i must unfortunately say that Phoenix 2020 is the first event in 2 years deserving 2/10 rating and so is May Celebration
After seeing these 2 events i must change my rating of Winter Event (4/10) to 5.5/10 because of the changes done during winter event, stronger pop/cult of gingerbreads, endless questline and bonus chance for currency in chests.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, what's the point of having a craftable evo buildings when you have no chance of getting artefacts for them?
Either add a way to get the artefacts, or remove those recipes.

Put one of those in your inventory and thats the result.
On the other hand I agree,

This practise makes new players really confused and most will be unfamiliar with forums ect for information so be struggling with it.
New players are a games lifeline and making them confused does not help, to often do I see new towns of seemingly active new players riddled with these useless and for them harmfull buildings.

Having the ability to craft these buildings around events in which those artefacts can be aquired does make sense. like the actual event, FSA, challenge ect, but 2 weeks after such an event they should be disabled by default untill another event pops up that brings "use" to these buildings again.


Well-Known Member
He clearly asked you if there will be stonehenge artifacts for those who didn't complete stonehenge last year.
are you releasing those, to allow people complete evolution of the last year buildings?

Yeah, what's the point of having a craftable evo buildings when you have no chance of getting artefacts for them?
Either add a way to get the artefacts, or remove those recipes.

On the same note, what is the reason of having artifacts if you can't craft 2nd building and you can only exchange them 3:1 for shit building's artifacts.
I missed 2nd stonehenge and 3rd gingerbread by milimeters.
Everything would be easy if it was 1 building, 9 artifacts, end of event, next.
Year later - who doesn't have lvl 10 building = artifacts from event, who has in city or inventory -> other prizes

There's a common consensus starting to appear
Evolution building were a VERY bad idea which shouldn't happen. Not this way it did.
Now damage was done. Set buildings were completely ok.
At least mix them up, not every event = evolution.

Oh, I though it was just a dim screen cap. Yeah, non-pop 1x1 small culture is pretty useless.


There's your rainbow cage ;)
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Well-Known Member
There's a common consensus starting to appear
Evolution building were a VERY bad idea which shouldn't happen. Not this way it did.
Now damage was done. Set buildings were completely ok.
At least mix them up, not every event = evolution.
Lol, this comment is sooooo contradicting
Evolution buildings are set buildings, set buildings that do now grow in size as you add new parts but keep the same footprint.
There in essence the same damn thing but then without all the drawbacks a setbuilding has.

And they could make those just as nuts a some of the older set building, nothing prevents them adding a 300k 6h mana reward or 1m goods per hour to it.
Off course they won't but they could do that, that difference has nothing to do with it being "a set" or an evolution building but about choices they make.


King of Bugs
There's a common consensus starting to appear
That consensus came from your head only, nobody else
Evolution building were a VERY bad idea which shouldn't happen. Not this way it did.
Evolution buildings werent bad idea at all, some of them are still best buildings in the game if you like it or not
Set buildings were completely ok.
Set buildings werent OK, some of them was crap, like no power and too big space needed and others were great, which leads to nerfing them now with almost zero power increase per chapter
At least mix them up, not every event = evolution.
I can agree with that tho, the more variety the better


Well-Known Member
That consensus came from your head only, nobody else

Very rude but thanks that you agree with at least one thing i said at the end with mixing evo and sets.

Lol, this comment is sooooo contradicting
Evolution buildings are set buildings, set buildings that do now grow in size as you add new parts but keep the same footprint.
There in essence the same damn thing but then without all the drawbacks a setbuilding has.

And they could make those just as nuts a some of the older set building, nothing prevents them adding a 300k 6h mana reward or 1m goods per hour to it.
Off course they won't but they could do that, that difference has nothing to do with it being "a set" or an evolution building but about choices they make.

Tavern Set is more rewarding than Gingerbread+Platform+Coldfire+May Tree combined in terms of productions that matter.
There's no way to compare failutions to sets. Failutions can be crafted in academy. If you missed a set - it's over for you. They ignored pleads to bring them back.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@CrazyWizard I meant it for new players, they can craft those buildings but not evolve them. I myself have a Stonehenge and 11 artefacts in my inventory in my main city - I just have never build it.

@Karvest Anything usefull, or following the pattern of Cold fire & May Tree (which means so useless that even a manufactory is better)?

ps: Why use spoiler function? We are on beta, we are here for spoilers.


Well-Known Member
Very rude but thanks that you agree with at least one thing i said at the end with mixing evo and sets.

Tavern Set is more rewarding than Gingerbread+Platform+Coldfire+May Tree combined in terms of productions that matter.
There's no way to compare failutions to sets. Failutions can be crafted in academy. If you missed a set - it's over for you. They ignored pleads to bring them back.
It's also rude to define what is on other peoples mind, we are human to and are entitled to our own opinions.
Something with a kettle, a pot and the color black ;)

You compare an OP building with a lesser one and then take the stupid conclusion that it's because it's a set.
Like the owl set was any good (that was the same event as the OP cristmas tree and owl set was the main prize while the other set was the daily prize set.
I am still running that daily set to this day, and that owl set? it was turned into spel fragments a long time ago.

It's like comparing 4x4 buildings and then conlude that one is better than the other because it has the color green in it.
and all buildings now should be green because green is more powerfull and the color yellow is crap so yellow should be thrown away.

A set or not a set defines in no way if a building is good or not, neither with the evolution buildings, just because it's an evolution building doesn't make it good nor bad.

To think that way is insane.


Well-Known Member
It's also rude to define what is on other peoples mind, we are human to and are entitled to our own opinions.
Something with a kettle, a pot and the color black ;)

You compare an OP building with a lesser one and then take the stupid conclusion that it's because it's a set.
Like the owl set was any good (that was the same event as the OP cristmas tree and owl set was the main prize while the other set was the daily prize set.
I am still running that daily set to this day, and that owl set? it was turned into spel fragments a long time ago.

It's like comparing 4x4 buildings and then conlude that one is better than the other because it has the color green in it.
and all buildings now should be green because green is more powerfull and the color yellow is crap so yellow should be thrown away.

A set or not a set defines in no way if a building is good or not, neither with the evolution buildings, just because it's an evolution building doesn't make it good nor bad.

To think that way is insane.

I've seen multiple comments in all elvenar forums combined confirming my comment.
If you can't see that people hate IG's doings, that's not my problem.

How am i supposed to enter "quest" menu if there's no more quests? I can't check quest number i did and prizes
I have only window with scratchboard now
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Well-Known Member
How am i supposed to enter "quest" menu if there's no more quests? I can't check quest number i did and prizes
I have only window with scratchboard now

I had same question, but if you wait until the next day’s quest comes up you will be able to check that.