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Discussion Fellowship Adventures


Well-Known Member
did someone check what format it is?


1) I and a lot of people I know have been waiting for another FA for quite some time. Thanks for supplying one finally.
2) The most irritating feature was allways the quest cycling and having to sometimes discard partially complete quests. SO thanks for getting rid of that.


Well-Known Member
This is even more wonderful than I originally thought. I was thinking when I opened it that you had to click the button for the badge you wanted to collect, so i was being very careful when picking up, but just discovered that isn't the case! Excellent! I am curious if you can queue them though? I'm going to find out in 24 minutes. Unless someone already knows and answers it here. I have my regular 6 workshops that I set nightly for 9 hour - I'm going to pick up all 6 and see if it holds that 1 for another badge. Probably not, but worth checking out.

Thanks for making this so much easier to collect the badges - it's very appreciated!

Test complete - and... nope it doesn't hold the extra badge.
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Deleted User - 65616

This is even more wonderful than I originally thought. I was thinking when I opened it that you had to click the button for the badge you wanted to collect, so i was being very careful when picking up, but just discovered that isn't the case! Excellent! I am curious if you can queue them though? I'm going to find out in 24 minutes. Unless someone already knows and answers it here. I have my regular 6 workshops that I set nightly for 9 hour - I'm going to pick up all 6 and see if it holds that 1 for another badge. Probably not, but worth checking out.

Thanks for making this so much easier to collect the badges - it's very appreciated!

Test complete - and... nope it doesn't hold the extra badge.
Good to know, thanks for testing this :)


This is a super suprise improvement, it gather all suggestion

Inno ...Excellent works...thanks for listening player's response

However, I wish I can another better improvement ( trying to draw blood from rock )
I have hear , in past, get some player upset about city space that he can only place
e.g. he has available space which he can place
place( 2 plank, 2 steel ) or ( 2 plank, 1 steel, 2 marble )
is that possible that for 3 hour
for a falcon, 1 plank, 1 steel, 1 marble
player can stack more than 1
player can produce 2 plank, 2 steel and store in counter
next round, change 1 steel to 2 marble
after 2 marble is done, then he will have 4 plank, 3 steel and 2 marble
then he can collect 2 falcon , but his counter after collection become 2 plank 1 steel and 0 marble
so he can proceed on...

e.g. brewery 50 no 5 mins ws
he can stor emore than 50...
each collection, minus 50 from counter


Hallo, ich finde sämtliche Vorschläge wurden super umgesetzt. Einfach großartig.

Und wieder ein Wermutstropfen: Besuch auf der Weltkarte nicht möglich genauso wie keine NBH. Schade.