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Discussion Fellowship Adventures

Deleted User - 12740

Another thought related to the requirement for unboosted manufacturies. I assume the idea here is that by only requiring tier one manufacturies (and thus the need for unboosted ones), everyone can participate regardless of their level.

How about allowing the quests to be fullfilled in multiple ways. E.g., for the current Recurring Offer No. 7 quest, which requires:
  • Produce Marble Mosaic 1 time
  • Produce Precious Ring 1 time
  • Produce Wooden Figurines 1 time
how about it instead required (assuming Marble, Silk and Gems are the boosted goods):
  • Produce Marble Mosaic 1 time
  • Produce Precious Ring 1 time or Produce Handmade Bag [boosted tier 2 item] 1 time
  • Produce Wooden Figurines 1 time or Produce Pendant [boosted tier 3 item] 1 time
That way the quest can be fulfilled by either producing only tier 1 goods, or by producing boosted goods from each tier.


@conqueror9 - The 3 paths are intended to be different. There are two sets of rewards for the adventure.

The first is the reward for getting through the levels, if your FS just wants to get those rewards and not compete with the other FS then they can take the easy path and get those rewards.

The second is the reward for ranking higher than the others to get the competition rewards, you can complete all three paths before you claim the prize on each level and each checkpoint on each level gives you points to increase your rank, so doing the harder paths will give you more ranking points.

I know there are rewards at the end of route in 3 rounds and
I also know there is Fellowship ranking with rank 1 ,2 and 3 get a building reward

but all things should be fair
it is not a fair game if player is allowed to carry any items for future rounds, we start with nothing and end without carry anything for next round, that is fair

I do not object there is 3 routes
I do suggest point of way-point should be measured with items's diffculties ( which i suggest using timing and quantity )to reflect diffulties
This will turn out ...there is different total point in different routes ( Inno can make a route super hard that it carry out tons of points for those fellowship who is planning to go to rank 1.., easier for weak fellowship) But only 1 route from "start" to "end" is enough. This is fair to all fellowship

The PIT is the final battles for FA ranking....that is what INNO design PIT is for ranking
It is fair to have a inventory-type, you can throw everything in , rather than to wait for the waypoint request those items
< if waypoint do not ask for that item, your item become rubbish even you have 1>
You want to get FA rank 1, your fellowship work harder to throw more items to get more points...that is fair..u work harder , u may get more <may becos you have competitor too>

The current PIT design is not good. Inno say
"Infinite reoccuring bottomless pits will be spawn by the game one after another, each with their own pay-in requirements. Active guilds can use these to obtain extra Fellowship Adventure ranking points - making them end up higher in the ranking for that adventure and therefore getting them more valuable end rewards."
but active fellowship can put more amount and type they expected and score more points. Throwing just 3 type items specified in waypoint is super-under-estimated active fellowship's strength
To me, I still have a lot of item that I cannot throw into the PIT... after i go to PIT round, I immedialtey it is a bad design


Well-Known Member
it is not a fair game if player is allowed to carry any items for future rounds
It would only be unfair if not everyone was allowed.
Let's face it, 99% of fellowships will never get a top 3 spot. Unless... maybe they save up for months and months just to give it one big push so that just this once they can compete with players that spend $1,000s on the game.
Why take that away from them?


It would only be unfair if not everyone was allowed.
Let's face it, 99% of fellowships will never get a top 3 spot. Unless... maybe they save up for months and months just to give it one big push so that just this once they can compete with players that spend $1,000s on the game.
Why take that away from them?

when that fellow give the "super big push"

those player who spend $1,000s on the game ...spend another $1,000 to send that poor fellow back away from rank 1, 2 and 3
this may happen ???

even that the magnitude of "super big push" is not enough, that poor fellow may .....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that might happen, but some chance is better than zero chance imo.

More importantly being able to carry badges over allows you to build up a bunch when you have room, and still help when you don't.
Like my Beta- just unlocked Forest glade, and I had lots of room set aside for fabrications. I used that space to help my FS complete the FA, and now I'm making extra badges, because during the next FA I might not have any room to spare.

I think that is how most players will use the carry-over. I know I wouldn't waste 10 months of badge making to try and beat some diamond player so I can win an egg.:rolleyes:


At what time will the adventure end? it says 1 day left, but does it end at midnight? Or in the afternoon?


Well-Known Member
(A) If the items is allowed to carry over, Fellowship adventures will be completed broken. Player can easily store a lot of items (e.g. store items of 4 FA ) and only place them in the 5th FA in order to anchor into rank 1 location easily.= or some other combination.
I cannot image ...it is a super base game design concept....do not bring item over to next new-start in that similar events, do not let any chance to any player to break the game
As far as i know every adventure will be different (since they aint weekly) so nothing guarantees you that you will still need the same badges.Tho i cant imagine they will all change, most likely the waypoint requirements will change a bit, maybe an extra item that you couldnt produce in last adventure?
(B) some player already know...score additional points by putting items on the other routes in stage 1 ,2 and 3. Inno should consider ..only counting ranking points on a single route...on each stage, try to put ?? point in route 1, ?? point in route 2, ?? points in route 3...when it reach the end, only count the points that connect "start" and "end" points
i dont get this suggestion, this is the main challenge of the adventure, do we move to the next stage, or do we wait and do some extra waypoints for extra points, with the risk of not making it to the end of the last stage? If only 1 route counted, we would all end up with the same amount of points at the end of the adventure week.

(C) Regarding to ranking points on each route, different item require different time to get. So i suggest, ranking point weight as the time player spend to get it....
then route's ranking points can be weight according to their diffculties. Moreover, a factor should be given so they work a slight different and better than stage 4. It s up to fellowship to decide which route they are heading to score FA points
this is also dont agree with. For high end players spending 500k tier 2 is a piece of cake ( devide by 25 is 20k each). but for a fellowship of low players, thats a huge deal. So why make this waypoint give more.
I understand you would prefer to take the goods path out, but even then same thing applies. For a fellowship of active players who are online all the time, gettting the beer badge is super easy and fast, but the 1 day badges are hard since their workshops are bussy all the time.
For a fellowship with players who only log in once a day, getting the 1 day production badges is easy but it would take them several days to get 1 beer badge unless their city is full of workshops.

Thats is the reason why i think we have the 3 different paths, you choose the path that fits the playstyle of your fellowship the most, and 1 doesnt need to get more points then the other just because you have a super active or a super passive fellowship
(D) The Pit is just used "way point nature" to allow player to dispose items. That is no good at all. it should operate as "fellowship inventory type"
that is to say, it has 10 fellowship-adventures-item, whenever any member of fellowship prepare a item, they can inject into that "fellowship inventory type" without waiting for the "suitable way-point". Total ranking items can be easily calculated with method described as (C)
this i kinda like, and easily fixed, Just make 3 bottemless pits, each pit for the possible quest. Then a player can always dump his excess badges in one of the pits and he doesnt have to be online at the perfect time.

(E) There is event building awarded to the rank 1, 2 and 3 fellowship. I have no objection to those event buildings. However, would Inno consider another new items. An item which allow player to upgrade building to recent chapter they are.....so we can upgrade our old event building
Since every adventure will be different, i assume all the rewards will be different also. But lets face it, we shouldnt worry about those rewards since only the top 3 will get a building. And nobody can beat the power of money, a diamond player could go from spot 5+ to 1 in a few seconds, just before the adventure ends.

(F) I would also like FA can also be operate like " tournament ". Tournament that fellow-members work together to get to blue-print, rune, kp..etc. Non-involved will not get it. Individual player can score ranking points as a reward to their active involment in tournament.
I hope Inno can use same logic. Apart from giving reward to member who has show their ( even a small size) help in each stage, they get reward. For those active FA player, count the amount and type of item they input into FA, ranking to provide a suitable ranking points as a reward .

The way i see it, tournaments were designed as a single player feature, with a little help of your neighbours (past) or your fellowship (current) you can get more rewards, but originally it was a single player thing so giving rewards like ranking points to individuals makes sense.

Adventures seem like they are designed as a multiplayer feature, i dont see a fellowship of 1 player getting very high in score and thus not getting much rewards. So to me it also makes sense that the reward is ranking point for the fellowship and not individuals

Problem was, none of us who were playing had the rank of Mage, Ambassador or Arch Mage, and since no one but those ranks can collect a reward, none of us playing can collect. If the designers want to continue this game, I would suggest they either remove the rank requirement for getting rewards or put in some substitute for players to use who want to.

Actually id rather have this requirement moved to Mage or higher like it was originally announced. Archmage is the leader, mages are the co-leaders, it makes sense the leaders get to decide to advance or wait, but all non leaders can now only have the rank member.
I liked it that you could promote loyal players or players who have a high participation in the fellowship, or players who are very helpfull for the image of the FS (forum posting) to Ambassador. now this rank just dissapears. Everyone is a member now except archmage and mages.

And having an inactive leadership in your FS? well time to just leave the FS with all the active players and make a new one. Give everyone the rank mage then if you fear the leadership will go inactive again.
Last edited:


I have a couple of questions please.
Can you change paths at every waypoint or are you locked into one color?
Our fellowship completed level 1 and the big prize I received was 2 instants not much of a prize. Does it get better than this?
How does this benefit the fellowships?
I have read the discussions on this subject and it is not very clear.
I play FoE and love the Guild Expeditions but those have a clear benefit for your guild in the leveling up process these adventures have othing that i have seen to entice fellows to spend the time needed to finish especially if you onl have 4-5 people involved out of 15. I am just curious. Thank you for your time.


Our fellowship completed level 1 and the big prize I received was 2 instants not much of a prize. Does it get better than this?

Not really, the 2nd round will give you an Orc nest and some other instants. The 3d round a building that will produce mana, which might be fine for mana chapters. But it will give supplies and very low culture (115!) if you don't produce mana yet. So for the "lower chapter" (below woodelves) the prizes are really crappy :mad:

The pitt is even worse. No prizes to win, just 50 points if you complete a pit. It also cycles between 3 pits, so it becomes boring as hell pretty quickly.

How does this benefit the fellowships?

Your fellowship can win fellowship points, which could bring you up in the fellowship ranking (but not really because most FS will gather some FS points) and maybe a time instant.

I play FoE and love the Guild Expeditions but those have a clear benefit for your guild in the leveling up process these adventures have [n]othing that i have seen to entice fellows to spend the time needed to finish especially if you onl have 4-5 people involved out of 15. I am just curious. Thank you for your time.

Yep the Guild Expeditions in FoE are a lot better. You can win a lot of extra prizes when completing waypoints (goods, units, blueprints), and a fellowship prize that will increase certain aspects of your city for all Guild members (like higher production, shortening building time, stronger units, etc. )


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of questions please.
Can you change paths at every waypoint or are you locked into one color?
Our fellowship completed level 1 and the big prize I received was 2 instants not much of a prize. Does it get better than this?
How does this benefit the fellowships?
I have read the discussions on this subject and it is not very clear.
I play FoE and love the Guild Expeditions but those have a clear benefit for your guild in the leveling up process these adventures have othing that i have seen to entice fellows to spend the time needed to finish especially if you onl have 4-5 people involved out of 15. I am just curious. Thank you for your time.
yes every time you come across a 3 colored waypoint, you can switch paths.


I found the information put out to us by the design team was confusing, I was further confused by some of the info that was put into here. (However, there was much helpful info here as well.) For those of you who will need to explain how this works to your FS on the other worlds, a guide has been prepared that simplifies the whole thing. Check it out! https://tinyurl.com/y9v6dl4r

Deleted User - 60107

Just saw this:
Hi everyone,

This is not a bug but rather working as intended. The change to step size +/-1 happens only when it goes into the region where the player has to pay with diamonds. Everytime the player changes the amount of goods/badges he has, the step size is +/-100 (exactly the same behavior as in the trader).

Should you want to make suggestions to change this, please let us know in the FA Feedback thread, but the way it works now is exactly as it's currently designed :)
Excuse me? This is so unbelievably STUPID I am at a loss for words!

If I have 5 badges of one type and a waypoint asks for 5 badges of that type, I have to either use all 5, or none at all? Why? What if I want to add only 1 badge and let other people contribute the other 4 badges? After all, there's a limited number of waypoints so only a limited number of players can contribute. The more badges I contribute the less chance other players have to also contribute, and players that have not contributed to the current difficulty doi not get any rewards for it.

A step of +/- 100 makes sense when trading, as we quicklly start to produce hundreds (later thousands) of each resource. The same makes NO SENSE when adding badges, as we earn them one at a time. If each quest gives 100 badges of one type, and each waypoint also needs hundreds of badges (100, 200, 300, etc.) then it would make sense to have a step of 100. But when we get 1 badge at a time and need only a few per waypoint a step of 100 makes no sense. It only serves to cause frustration in players by limiting their control over how they spend their badges, and by making it more difficult for everyone in the Fellowship to contribute.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

Thank you once again for your feedback. To answer some of your questions:

will this be tested once more here on beta before going live? next week or something?

We are currenly not planning to test another round here before Live release. After this round, we will get The Masquerade part 2 here on Beta and when that's over, the Fellowship Adventures are already planned to start on Live. That's why we're currently on such a tight schedule. As you can see in the Release Notes of today, we're currently working hard on resolving all the reported FA issues. The most important one is the Waypoint stream errors, since that one is really blocking progression. Today a fix was deployed so let's keep our fingers crossed that that one works :D If anything major still breaks, we might change the planning but we currently don't intend to do so.

My apologies if this has been brought up, but the timer for the adventure is just on number of days ("1 day") and really should have dropped to some kind of hour counter a while ago.o_O

Yes, this was indeed already brought up and forwarded for future improvement.

Once the adventure event ends and we thus no longer have the option to access the adventure map, will there be some way to see what adventure items we have (in preparation for the next adventure)?

At the moment these overviews are connected to the FA Map but this feedback too, has been forwarded for future improvement so it is subject to change :)

At what time will the adventure end? it says 1 day left, but does it end at midnight? Or in the afternoon?

It is planned to be 24th of august 23.59 German Time. We also forwarded this by the way, so we will probably get clear countdown timers in the future (like we have for the normal events).


Well-Known Member
If I have 5 badges of one type and a waypoint asks for 5 badges of that type, I have to either use all 5, or none at all? Why? What if I want to add only 1 badge and let other people contribute the other 4 badges?

Well, in that case you could just type in the number of badges you want to contribute, like it works in the Trader as well. It's more a matter of User Interface here but as said: If you have improvement suggestions, please do feel free to share them so we can discuss them together and forward them for consideration :)


@Marindor Did you also forwarded the feedback on the prizes to be won in FA?
Because if it stays like this, cities below the Woodelves will not likely to participate again


Just saw this:

Excuse me? This is so unbelievably STUPID I am at a loss for words!

If I have 5 badges of one type and a waypoint asks for 5 badges of that type, I have to either use all 5, or none at all? Why? What if I want to add only 1 badge and let other people contribute the other 4 badges? After all, there's a limited number of waypoints so only a limited number of players can contribute. The more badges I contribute the less chance other players have to also contribute, and players that have not contributed to the current difficulty doi not get any rewards for it.

A step of +/- 100 makes sense when trading, as we quicklly start to produce hundreds (later thousands) of each resource. The same makes NO SENSE when adding badges, as we earn them one at a time. If each quest gives 100 badges of one type, and each waypoint also needs hundreds of badges (100, 200, 300, etc.) then it would make sense to have a step of 100. But when we get 1 badge at a time and need only a few per waypoint a step of 100 makes no sense. It only serves to cause frustration in players by limiting their control over how they spend their badges, and by making it more difficult for everyone in the Fellowship to contribute.

I was just able to insert 5 Farmer's Badges in a waypoint that is asking for 5/5 and I have 7 total. I chose the green Maximum button. Then I changed my mind and clicked the minus (-) button to remove 2 of these, as we still need 2 other types of badges at that waypoint, and 2 of our players haven't contributed any badges yet (this stage) and may be working on the Farmer's. So, no, you don't have to use all or none, you can use however many you want :rolleyes:;)


The "adventure" is amusing in its way, but it's way overcomplicated,
too long, too hectic and should NOT be going on at the same time as tournaments.
That's just way too demanding and not fun at all.
The overcomplexity is even worse because most members can't see all the mechanics of it.
Make Level 1 just two "paths" and omit the pointless "bottomless pit" phase.
And eliminate some of the quests/trinkets (eg the beverage and simple-tool drudgery).
Three and a half or four days would be plenty.