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Discussion Fellowship Adventures


Well-Known Member
as a Beta player Noob or Old timer 5 arcane residues do not belong in the pitt it deffinetly stops game play ,
production and some loose a lot of relics and end up with nothing to help,
waiting 5 hours for the ma to update crafting items, unacceptable,
having five items in the ma only adding up to 10 vision vapours unacceptable ,, and
then your items 6 hours to make,and are over the 15 vision vapor that are unaccountable ,
example item 23 vision vapour we need 15 so 8 are wasted ,when they should count in on the next Vision vapor
your timers and everything have disappeared trying to finish off the 3 stage let alone have to do 5 at the time for Pitt
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Well-Known Member
We have been stuck on a waypoint requiring 35 Arcane Residue for almost a whole day now. With not much hope of even finishing it today. We have produced 100s of the other badges in preparation for the Pit and all of these will probably be wasted as it doesn't seem possible to make the Bracelets and Residue to complete the numbers needed per round in the Pit. This is one of the dumbest situations I have seen in this game and the lack of even the smallest effort from the devs to improve the situation is disgusting. Beta testing at its best.
We had the same issue were doing so well running in First place and poof right out the window on the green requiring 35 arcane residues heart breaking


Well-Known Member
When the FA begins on the live worlds I will look at whether changes have been made for bracelets and residue. If not, I as Archmage, will explain how tough these two badges will make getting all 3 rounds done. I will recommend against doing the FA unless:
  1. Almost everyone in the fellowship will work hard
  2. Most players will use MM spells to boost T1 production for bracelets
  3. Most players will spend some time boosts to craft items for residue
  4. Everyone must be very patient when we hit the points that require these badges. Frustration is very likely at times
  5. Do the rewards really justify the cost of doing the FA? - MM spell and time boosts
My fellowships are not super competitive going for ranking points. But most players have enjoyed working together to do FAs. This may end if they find that they have to waste MM spells and time boosts in order to get it done.

Part of me says, "Please don't change the tough badges. Give us a really good reason to stop doing FAs."


I just read that the bug with the pit won't be resolved before the end of FA. This is SO disappointing. We are a smaller fellowship but we are full and have excellent teamwork and participation. I know I'm not the only person in my fellowship who exhausted every resource. Time boosts, CCs, relics, even diamonds to get past that arcane residue and reach the pit. Now it's a wrap.
Sad Mystic


Well-Known Member
For active FS these badges are not a big problem. Yes, balance shifted from "who can place most lvl1 buildings and click there until he die" to somewhere closer to normal gameplay, and I'm happy with that. For half of the badges you don't need to do anything more than you do anyway. I'd be glad if they get rid of the rest of lvl1-buildings-badges.
To close all 3 maps you don't need to spend MMs/diamonds/CCs/time boosters more than you spend in normal gameplay, unless you are at very early stage of the game and have no spire access. You need to spend more only if you want to compete for the top.

For the pit bug - seems it fails to load third chest when there are only 2 chests, so app players can't donate wonderhelpers, units, tiaras and ghosts. But still can donate the rest.

Deleted User - 89452

Well, I have a new city on beta, chapter III when the FA started and I had carefully gathered around 50 CC's to get relics from the MA if and when they come up to get my goods boost up and done. Maybe gather some time on occasion for making troops. I have none left now and had to get a bunch of things not helpful for the size and chapter my city in beta is in. At least we made it to the pit. Imagine the horror when pit 6 is asking us to produce another 5 residues. Ugh. Residues may be a good idea for a top FS but it is breaking for an FS that is not in the top.


Well-Known Member
Our FS is in the pit now. It is very apparent that the golden bracelet is asking for too much in the way of t1 goods, but thinking this through for how the FA affects game play, well, on live worlds the FA was getting very competitive in that huge amounts of cities were drained to put in level 1 buildings. I believe I had about 250 workshops once.

So, with the current bracelet only using t1, I can see the super competitive push would be to be to put away the t2 and the t3 manufacturers, and try to have about 20 fully levelled t1, and if you are competing, that is what you'd need to do, and it is completely unnatural game play. With t2 and t3 added to it then you wouldn't need change your manufacturers and do weird stuff to compete.

If you just add t2 and t3 and not change the amount required, it would probably balance out so that bracelets are not a weak link and then there would be less pressure for using the MM to make the Tiara. You still could, but they wouldn't feel so lean you feel you really need to polish.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Ok, so I think that majority of players can agree on 2 badges which are far too hard (especialy for smaller FSs or FSs composed mainly of lower chapter players) and needs to be adjusted:

Residue - either change it to 1 recipe or lower the VV amount (8 would be reasonable, while 10 would be compromise between Inno's don't make it too easy for players and players' don't make it too hard)

Bracelet - either lower the amount of T1 needed (divide it by half) or change it to accept T2 and T3 also (so it accepts all combinations of T1-T3 goods as in events)

Deleted User - 88799

Overall I have enjoyed the changes, However, the Arcadian Residue has to go. This has got to be the worst badge I have ever seen in my life. 15 vv are you crazy? I am on chapter 5 going on 6 and I can't even make one. You have made such great changes to the New FA but do us a favor and get rid of this ridiculous badge or change it so we can get it with t123 goods. This badge has caused just me alone to be in excess of 60 useless badges in the pit bc we could not pass The A Residue. Not Fair at all.


Well-Known Member
arcane residue is not easy but not impossible badge , with our small fellowship (city 3 to 7) , it takes one day to complete the point on map 3 asking for 35 bages. for live it will be easy because we know from now that people who wanted to compete in the FA should have stock pile of CC

in fact not much combined catalyst lost doing unwanted thing because at the very beginning of the FA , i adviced my fellow to craft all usefull item as soon as they seen one (using time boost if several usefull in the 5 displayed and also time boost to finish craft before change of item every 6 hours, so having always 5 proposal)

by the way changing from 15 VV to one craft as suggested, will give a too easy badge , with time booster 5 badges in 6 hours is far too much compare with blacksmith
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Well-Known Member
So, with the current bracelet only using t1, I can see the super competitive push would be to be to put away the t2 and the t3 manufacturers, and try to have about 20 fully levelled t1, and if you are competing, that is what you'd need to do, and it is completely unnatural game play.

it's probably unnatural (but not less than having 200 workshop putting away T1, T2 and T3) , and it can be usefull for team running low in T1 (on the market lot of cross tier exchange are asking for t1 )

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Overall I have enjoyed the changes, However, the Arcadian Residue has to go. This has got to be the worst badge I have ever seen in my life. 15 vv are you crazy? I am on chapter 5 going on 6 and I can't even make one. You have made such great changes to the New FA but do us a favor and get rid of this ridiculous badge or change it so we can get it with t123 goods. This badge has caused just me alone to be in excess of 60 useless badges in the pit bc we could not pass The A Residue. Not Fair at all.
Gizmowofl, if you have the Magic Academy you can make vision vapour. You get them every time you craft something. You just need to have enough spell fragments and catalysts to make them. This is a quite doable badge.


The main problem with arcane residue, it is a "random" badge (Inno loves random !) because you can be unlucky and having bad recipes : low vapor, low interest or high vapor but need only 1 to finish the badge !

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Inno, when are you going to add the Pool for the FA? We voted on this earlier this year prior to the October FA and the majority was in favour thereof. It was not implemented for the October FA and we hoped you would implement it now. (FA Pool: a space where we put all the badges in that we have made so that when offline, it can still be accessed when needed by those online, preferrably a mage or archmage.)

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Also, in live words I have 8 members in a team, 5 of which are lower than chapter 3 with 1 or 2 in chapter 1 so there is a lot they wont be able to do. The previous type of FA was doable for us, and we managed to get to the end of stage 3 on the last day, but I dont think we're going to even get to finish stage 2 this time around. Is there a map available for the FA yet?