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Daily Exclusive pictures please


Well-Known Member
This page has some pictures of some buildings that I haven't seen elsewhere. The bulk of the blog is not in English, but it's the pictures that matter!

If you get one of the daily exclusives or see one in someones city could you please let me know so I can add it to my event guide?

day 1- Lazy Snowman 3x2
day 2- Father Frozen Tree 3x3
day 3- Was frozen Tree again, but confirmed as known bug
day 4- Frozen Flame (orange)
day 5- Snowball fight
day 6- Sun Codex (not a bug)
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MrCapnSpanky has the orange frozen flame, and MrsCapnSpanky has both the orange frozen flame and the snowball fight. :D


Well-Known Member
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Congrats. Looks nice, better than the Father Frozen Tree but I still wait for the Winter Star. :D


Looks very american flag-like imo
It's so weird: I completely agree with this, and am generally not keen on American-flaginess, and yet... it is so improbably beautiful somehow. If someone had given me a purely verbal description of it, I'd have said it sounded terrible, but somehow they managed to make it lovely instead. I didn't think I'd want one, but seeing it now I kinda do. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the Father Trees.


I saw a couple of cities with "snow flake mountains" and I'm not so sure if it ever will have a place in my city. It looked too.... eh, white as a whole. Like a a cake made of dusted sugar or something. And that frosted flame effect adds up like decoration made of frozen orange juice. Depends on if I need extra population at that time, and ofc if I find a place for it. But really doubt it just because probably a few weeks from now we'll have summer in the city again.


That Lampion Winter Pond is beauuuutiful :) and just when I've been thinking that during this even I haven't been opening boxes because I want a particular building. But now... for me it's worth 950 culture and 3x3 size is just right. Only one problem remains - when I really want a building prize I usually don't get it :oops:
I think I must try a couple of times anyhow.

PS. Whopeee !!! got one, first attempt. :)
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How do you capture those animated ones ? I have only ever used printscreen & paint combo.