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Discussion Crafting on Beta


Well-Known Member
yesterday in the evening I crafted 1 Unicorn and got it. after ending of timer 8 h recipes dosnt change to new ones.

In this morning I opened up academy again and nothing happend. timer was saying 7:59 h for next chance, but all receips are the same as yesterday, as I created the Unicorn.

Now, 2 openings later, timer says again 7:59, but receips have changed. there is something wrong with changing and timer.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

First of all, we would like to thank you all for your extensive feedback. Please know that we are forwarding everything that is mentioned and that the development team is also reading the forums currently to see your feedback. It was already mentioned that all the points mentioned so far will be considered to see what can still be improved with the feature. Everything might not be perfect from day one on, but we will do our best to make sure that everyone will have a good time with the Crafting feature. That comes down to the understanding of how Crafting works, as well as the things that you will be able to craft.

There are currently about 90 different recipes in the Crafting feature. At the same time we already know that there will be more cool, exclusive and exciting recipes added as we go along.

For example, there are already some first things we will implement based on your feedback.

After one of the next beta updates, you will be able to find recipes for:
  • Grounds of the Orc Strategiest
  • Vallorian Valor
  • Orc Nest
Additionally, we are planning to have buildings that will be exclusive to Crafting (meaning that they will no longer be available elsewhere). After today's update, you are already able to find recipes for:
  • Enlightened Light Range
  • Magnificent Mage Multiplier
  • Unleashed Unit Upgrade
We know a lot of you here on the forums are highly experienced players, some of you even in the latest chapters. Please keep in mind that we want this feature to cater to all players and the stages they are in here at Elvenar, meaning that there will be recipes that are better in early stages of the game and others that are better for late game players.

Again, we would like to thank you a lot for your feedback and ask you to please keep it coming!


Well-Known Member
these buildings are balanced for all chapters (orc nest doesn't give you orcs until orcs chapter)


  • KP and spells we get loads of from the tournament and MA, so crafting those rarely (if ever)makes sense
  • Coin, supply, and timer instants are extremely plentiful each event., so crafting those rarely (if ever)makes sense
That leaves buildings.
Culture buildings could increase your coin and supply production, but how do you get them? Eventually, you'll nuke all of your old buildings and very rarely get more, especially if RR spell is ever implemented, then even old buildings may have potential.
So what then?

Don't forget Broken Shards. I've been able to craft two of those in three days. And not everyone can participate in 10 chest Fellowships, and Crafting will be open to everyone. I AM in a 10 chest FS, and I'm excited about crafting lots of small Instants. I burn through those like kindling, and this will give me a steady supply of them.

There are currently about 90 different recipes in the Crafting feature. At the same time we already know that there will be more cool, exclusive and exciting recipes added as we go along.
Would it be possible to provide a list of these 90 recipes? Perhaps something like this...
Add a "Book of Crafting" into the game (a button right of Inventory at the bottom bar). With all the recipes possible. At first all the recipes are grey and are called "*Recipename* Unknown Recipe".
Even better, you can access all the things you have crafted before and recraft them again at all times; but if it's not in the 5 recipes provided by your MA it takes 5 more Catalysts and double the spells, or something along those lines.


King of Bugs
Please keep in mind that we want this feature to cater to all players and the stages they are in here at Elvenar, meaning that there will be recipes that are better in early stages of the game and others that are better for late game players.
While this would be nice i just dont see how low-chapter players can craft anything in currect build, even if they devote MA to craft only catalysts, they just wont have enough items to disenchant (most if not all items are usable in low-chapters), unless you increase quantity of items given out everywhere.
I believe there will be other sources of getting spell fragments, like in events, quests, event buildings, future AWs (daily, per enchantment usage, increased bonus per MA lvl), but until then they are excluded from this feature (not to mention recipes are not cheap either)


Well-Known Member
Check your relics from your main hall. It would be nice to be able to see how many relics where relics are used rather than needing to flip all over the place.

I cant check at the relic, cause I dont know the number of relics I own.

I don't think I am ever going to like the idea of taking away the ability to craft spells in order to craft the catalyst. Why not do a separate catalyst page and have a different kinds of catalysts to craft.

I do like the changes that have been announced.


I think there should be an icon over the MA when the crafted item is finished, as there is when all other productions (anywhere) are finished. A mini Combining Catalyst, the new, improved version which is much more cohesive with the other spells, by the way. Nicely done :)
cc done.jpg
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Well-Known Member
I like the idea of crafting and love the idea of turning some of the dead-wood event buildings in my inventory into something useful. Crafting coin rain spells or relics, or shards are a joke to me though. Why would I craft quite expensive items that I can get for free in events and tourney?

Some of the people I play with are not terribly excited about the game at the moment and something like crafting could be a cool thing to get them a bit more involved, but the current version will, I fear, not do it. Please try and think of what players want instead of giving us mediocre and expecting us to be amazed.

This is a cool idea - make it better and more user-friendly and you will have a winner. And FYI - unicorns are not, never have been and never will be cool. Giving us a chance to craft some of the set buildings from previous events we missed would be very, very cool. Thinking caps on, chaps - you can do it!


Well-Known Member
I think that after today's update and news about crafting, is finally this feature getting into right way. From now on, players will consider this feature more unique, since it offers something with the only option to get. Maybe it's really time to sell some of my historic buildings..


Well-Known Member
Crafting needs to offer something different than what we get in the events and tournament, otherwise, it's just the same thing with extra steps.
Buildings are an awesome option, but we need more than just a small culture. If the balance is a concern, then offer expiring buildings.
And then This:
Additionally, we are planning to have buildings that will be exclusive to Crafting (meaning that they will no longer be available elsewhere). After today's update, you are already able to find recipes for:
  • Enlightened Light Range
  • Magnificent Mage Multiplier
  • Unleashed Unit Upgrade


Well-Known Member
I've been playing on mobile for the last few days so haven't really had a chance to try this out but since my magic academy lies idle all the time - apart from when I need spells for FA or an event - and I have hundreds of Power of provision spells that I will never use, I am looking forward to getting some more use out of the building. And to clearing out my inventory of so many out of date buildings


Well-Known Member
Additionally, we are planning to have buildings that will be exclusive to Crafting (meaning that they will no longer be available elsewhere). After today's update, you are already able to find recipes for:
  • Enlightened Light Range
  • Magnificent Mage Multiplier
  • Unleashed Unit Upgrade

i cant wait to find out what that means for winterevent (and other currency events) what will take their place on the double days....


Well-Known Member
there is still something, which should be fixed.

8 h timer will only reset by opening the academy. It should do so automaticly, because otherwise i.e. you go to sleep with only some minutes left to next change. Next morning by first opening the adacemy the time will reset and not really in time it should.