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Discussion Chapter 17 - The Traders of Unur


Active Member
And that means that at least in my case my Portal produces nothing (And will do for the whole chapter). All Elvenarin0 will be produced by PPs in my case (to save more precious resources).

Since the portal actually only produces ElvenarinZero, it will be pretty much out of work for me as well. I will use my tons of PP's and save other resources .
In any case, Unurium will be a pretty limiting factor for me, as I will produce more seeds than I can collect Unurium. For this reason I'm producing live already plenty of sentient goods (luckily Simia is fully developed) so that I can only produce Unurium in the first time and don't have to worry about seeds.


Well-Known Member
Is this a bug or intended? Do all the large ships make one race merc at the expense of another? If intended they are a waste of (lots of) space, I hope we don't have to build 3 of them, they are useles, at least mine will remain idle. And the same happens with the small ships?

Screenshot at Oct 25 06-08-34.png

Deleted User - 81190

Is this a bug or intended? Do all the large ships make one race merc at the expense of another? If intended they are a waste of (lots of) space, I hope we don't have to build 3 of them, they are useles, at least mine will remain idle. And the same happens with the small ships?
These are not useless, they increase overall production. While technically it is possible to do the whole chapter with flagships alone, IIRC it would take 300+ days to do so. Basically, a year.


Yes, the middle and small ships "only" convert one guest race good into another of the same resource layer. The 4:2:1 relation between those resources makes it less obvious, but each production is actually a gain.


Well-Known Member
I guess after you research first residence or workshop technology (at least that way it worked in previous chapter, if I remember that correctly).

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
After researching the first appropriate tech. (like it was some time ago in some chapters without scouting tech.)
For residences it's Optimized Elvenar Style residences. (already researched and upgraded)
For workshops it's Optimized Elvenar Style workshop. (still unresearched and waiting for research)

Dl. Goe

Active Member
Hi guys,

Now that chap. 17 hit the live worlds, I took a deeper look into settlement production circle and noticed 2 things:

  • One can run the settlement with any number/ratio of large/small ships
  • For 3 hrs production time (the only common value) yields from small and large ships are similar, while the size is double for the large ones.
And hence the question: does it make any sense to place large ships at all? (at least after the small ones have been researched).
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Deleted User - 91965

does it make any sense to place large ships at all?

Large ships are better than small ones if no Blooming Trader Guild. The key question is not only the production level, but also the cost to produce it.

Let’s take as example luxuries ships for 3h production without Blooming Trader Guild (data taken from minmaxgame)

A large ship produces 62 luxuries, equivalent to 124 delicacies-eq (ratio 1:2) while a small ship produces 57 luxuries = 114 delicacies-eq. Per square, the production in delicacies-eq is 5.90 and 7.60. Until now, small ships are more efficient per square. But let’s take a look at their production costs.

The equivalent costs (in delicacies-eq) for the large and small ships for 3h are 62 and 76 respectively. Per square, the costs are 2.95 and 5.07 respectively. Then, the ratio production/cost for large ships is exactly 2.0 and for small ships is exactly 1.5. In result, per square, you gain 5.90-2.95=2.95 delicacies-eq with the large ship and 7.60-5.07=2.53 delicacies-eq with the small ship. In an hourly basis, you gain 0,98 delicacies-eq with the large vs 0,84 with the small.

ONLY if we move to a 15min production time, small ships are better than large ones. It is also true that large ships with production time of 6h and 9h are worse than any production time with small ships, but they produce overnight.

Finally, all this depends on your Trader Guild level as production is increased while cost remain the same. For 3h production, large and small ships are equivalent if your Trader Guild is at level 17 (production +25%). More levels in the Blooming Trader Guild will make small ships more appealing (much more with shorter production times).

Am I wrong? Can anyone confirm my numbers?
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WinterLord Byron

New Member
A large ship produces 62 luxuries, equivalent to 124 delicacies-eq (ratio 1:2) while a small ship produces 57 luxuries = 114 delicacies-eq. Per square, the production in delicacies-eq is 5.90 and 7.60. Until now, small ships are more efficient per square. But let’s take a look at their production costs.

The large luxuries ships are 28 squares (7x4), not 21 squares. So you want to use 124/28 = 4.43 rather than 124/21 = 5.90.

Deleted User - 91965

The large luxuries ships are 28 squares (7x4), not 21 squares. So you want to use 124/28 = 4.43 rather than 124/21 = 5.90.

You are right!! Then, small ships are allways better. Per square, you get 2.21 with the large vs 2.53 with the small.
34Have at least one large Pirate Ships and one large Collectors Ships and one large Gourmet Ships

There is any quest asking for three large ships of each type?