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Discussion A Gateway into the Past 2023

Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see the announcement for the A Gateway into the Past here and let us know what you think about it!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
You may not like the style, but according to elvenArch, the Solunar Nexus has the 2nd highest mana production of all the evolving buildings, at least for chapter 21. Wise Golem is higher, but mine would require 80 RR to upgrade.


Well-Known Member
I like the format of this event and the building is worthwhile as @Yogi Dave says chap 21 mana hungry. It's nice there's not so much blue colour when fully evolved. As MRs and MWs are so blue it would be great to have event buildings of completely different colours as my cities are so very eye achingly bluuuue.
Whilst I appreciate some people aren't keen on regular events I enjoy them so yay for me but would be much happier if FAs were a special once a year thing then we could actually look forward to it, and have a worthwhile prize.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Ehm....who the *** did the board so small?
I just logged to my inactive beta city and I'm seriously thinking about not playing this event on live - and i play all events, but with the board so small it seems pointless to even try.

Deleted User - 101740

I don't know if it's just me being cranky because I'm tired or whether the game board is truly irritating but I found the whole thing just a bit too fiddly and time consuming. Takes ages to assemble a chosen menu and then if only rubbish menus come out that offer very low ROI you have to wait 30 min for another option. What am I supposed to do for those 30 min? It's not like I sit at the game all day.
I'm going to bed. Fingers crossed I'll have a more agreeable disposition in the morning.


Well-Known Member
I see others notified it also, but IMO the board is way to small now.
Previously i could arrange the items before merging them as i want. The space availble for it now is very limited.

The previous 5x9 is much better as 4x6


Well-Known Member
Ehm....who the *** did the board so small?
The board was made smaller to make the recipes more expensive and let you waste more event currency.
If you have a large board, you also have a better chance of getting the right piece out of one of the cups and don't have to shove anything together, which would increase your costs.

Therefore smaller board better for Inno.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if there are event quests that require us to use Lucky Draws, like in the last merge event? Do we have to hoard them for quests or can we use them as we win them?


Active Member
Does anyone know if there are event quests that require us to use Lucky Draws, like in the last merge event? Do we have to hoard them for quests or can we use them as we win them?

Maybe there will be quests like that in the next "season". But I think nobody could know that before the season will start.


Well-Known Member
Is event currency supposed to drop out of the ether as in other events?
I haven't had any yet and its 7 hours after the start. I logged out and back in and checked for up-dates as well (there weren't any).


Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Is event currency supposed to drop out of the ether as in other events?
I haven't had any yet and its 7 hours after the start. I logged out and back in and checked for up-dates as well (there weren't any).
Have you completed a quest? I don't think they start dropping until you do one.