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Fixed [5580] Broken Quest: "Perfect Logistics"


As requested by Marindor, I post my bugreport again in the bug-section of this forum (I requested the other thread to be moved over here, but that didn't happen).

[Discussion] Release Notes version 0.14

Title: Perfect Logistics
Text: The time has come to strengthen our logistics. We shall achieve this goal by building better workshops.
Reward: 30000 coins, 7000 supplies

Condition: Upgrade 1 workshop that is at least lvl 5

Bug: apparently, upgrading a workshop from lvl 9 to 10 does NOT match the condition.

what does that quest demand?

race elves, server beta, juni, win7 64 bit, firefox 37.0.1, flash (but I suppose that the os-version and firefox-version is irrelevant, as you'd otherwise have a way to exploit the quests).

I do know that I posted that very bug already in the text-error section 2 days ago. and it was very successful, as you can see over there.

EDIT: and please don't move this thread into the text-error section, that would look very weird, as the same bugreport is already over there. by me. I didn't want to double-post this issue, but it was requested.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this here Juni. Just some additional info here:

* Did you start and finish the upgrade of your workshop after accepting the quest?
* Were you online when the upgrade finished?

Also, are there any other players who have problems with this quest? And if so: Would you please fill in the template as well, so we can see if there are any common factors?

Thanks! :)


started the upgrade of the building AFTER* the quest

and I was online when the building was finished.

besides, what was wrong with the other thread, where I didn't receive an answer for 3 days, with the exact same topic and the exact same issue?

upgrade a workshop that is at least lvl 5

I just want to know, because I didn't get ANY* attention over there.

*yes, I'm writing allcaps, because I no longer want to edit font-sizes and so.

EDIT: interesting, the other thread is now marked as "Fixed".

I guess, the problem is now solved and the quest-system should tell me that I solved that particular quest. or what does "Fixed" mean?
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Well-Known Member
Please read the explanation on that in the other thread. Since it was a double thread and placed in the wrong section, we'll continue here on this problem.

Is anyone else having these issues with this particular quest?


today I upgraded another workshop, from 5 to 6.

I was offline when it was done, and the quest-system recognized it as it should be. The quest is now completed.


Acc. to the wish of Marindor here again:

Game version:
0.17.13711-7a045c7-(master) (2015-05-26 10:46)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: FF 38.0.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1280x1024
Account name: Tundor
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 2/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: Perfekt Logistics

Current situation:
I have upgraded 4 workshop from 9 to 10 right now but they don´t count for the quest.

Expected situation:
Quest says : upgrade one workshop that is at least lvl 5.

Reproduction Steps
Quest is aktive
2. First try: started upgrade of 3 Workshop from 9 to 10 logged out - logged in next day upgrades complete quest not.
3. Second try: started upgrade of 1 Workshop from 9 to 10- logged out- logged in next day - upgrade complete quest not.
4. Thirtd try: started upgrade of 1 workshop from 9 to - logged out - logged in next day and upgrade and quest where complete