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Fixed [5503] Broken Quest: "Strengthen Ties to the earth"



In this quest, I have to build a mysterious cyclone.

I have done it. My mysterious cyclone is built but the quest didn't finished.

I wasn't on line when the construction of the mysterious cyclone has finished.

Thank you for your investigation :)


Well-Known Member
We haven't been able to reproduce this issue yet. Therefore, could you please fill in the template you can find in this topic? If everyone does that, we might be able to track some common factors here :)


Game version: 0.14.13212-d58ab70-(master) (2015-04-13 16:43)

Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: google chrome Version 41.0.2272.118 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 64bits
Screen resolution: 1600*900
Account name: thyca
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: Strengthen Ties to the earth

Current situation:
I have built a mysterious cyclone but it isn't counted in the quest.

Expected situation:
The quest has to be finished

Reproduction Steps
Build a mysterious cyclone
2. Waiting the end of the construction
3. The quest would have to be finished
4. __
5. __

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)



ok :)
But you can do this quest unlock because I can not cancel the quest ?
More Quest are blocked :(

Deleted User - 8093

Game version: 0.15.13364-d34d73e-(master) (2015-04-28 9:23)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Firefox 37.0.2
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 64bits
Screen resolution: 1920*1080
Account name: ledjeuf
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5

Quest title: Strengthen Ties to the earth

Current situation:
I have built a Mysterious Cyclone and another one is in construction but the quest doesn't finish.

Expected situation:
The quest has to be finished

Reproduction Steps
Build a mysterious cyclone
2. Waiting the end of the construction
3. The quest would have to be finished

Screenshots of the bug:



I have the same problem with this quest, (build one cyclone and quest not finished).
Some days ago their was the same problem with a quest were i had to build an "Statue of the sacred sage" one time.
The first statue i build was not counted for the quest, i was not online when the statue was finished.
When the second statue finished i was online by accident and the quest was finished.

For the first cyclone i was also not online during the finish.

Deleted User - 8093

I confirm that behavior: I've tested to be online when my second Mysterious Cyclone finished and the quest finished correctly.


Same problame for me. I wasn't online when the build was finished.


I finaly maged it to be online when the construction of a cyclone finished and the quest finished correctly.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Can everyone who experiences these issues or have experienced them in the past, please make a post here with a filled in Bug Report Template (found here)? We are currently investigating these issues, so this would be of great help to us. Thank you! :)


Game version: __0.16.13576-51c10fe-(master) (2015-05-12 12:27)
Game world: __Beta
Browser + version: __Firefox 37.0.2
Flash Player version: __17.0.0.169
Operating System: __Windows 7 64bit
Screen resolution: __1280 x 1024
Account name: __Tundor
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: __2/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __Strengthen ties to the earth and the quest were i have to build one Statue of the sacred sage

Current situation:
In both quests i build one of the asked buildings and the quest was not finished because i was not online when constuction finished.
in the second try for both quests the quest finished because i was online when the construction finished.
Expected situation:

Reproduction Steps
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __
We have (again) tested this quest, but without successfully being able to reproduce the mentioned issue, unfortunately. The steps we've tried are as follows:

1. Have quest "Strengthen Ties to the Earth" active
2. Start construction of a Mysterious Cyclone
3. Log out
4. Wait for construction to be finished
5. Log back in after construction has been finished

Even with those steps, the quest still completed perfectly fine. What are we missing here?

Tested with game version 0.16.13576-51c10fe-(master) (2015-05-12 12:27)


I have no idea Muf-Muf because that is exactly what i have done in both quests the first time and they finished not.
Maybe the problem was solved accidently in a previous update??
Possibly, yes. We did fix a couple of issues with quest progress not updating correctly. I asked because you listed the current version number in the template in the post above my previous one. But, if you experienced it before that, it would have been on version 0.15. And, in that case, we will be archiving this thread, as this seems to work correctly now - unless we receive more information about the bug, of course. :)


Ok acc. to the release dates my last try with the cyclone where it did not work was in version 0.15 and with the statue at least 0.14 so that´s maybe it.