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Not a Bug workshop production glitch.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1502
  • Start date


My elfven town has a strange problem with it's level 15 workshops(I have 5). I set a production time of 3 hrs. sometime when I set it the amount shows up as 1600 for that time. OTHER times it says 2000 for the same workshop same amount of time. I have also seen it set for 1600 for the same 3 hours and when I go to collect it gives me 2000, and vice versa. Are some of my people slacking off? Please look into this.


did your culture bonus change in the mean time ?
this is quite an obvious solution, but it is the fist thing that came to my mind ...
your production depends on the amount of culture you have, including cultural buildings that have been helped;
so if you get a higher culture bonus during production, what is displayed is what it could be if collected right now, but if some of the help effect wears off in the mean time, you end up getting less than expected;
the other way round, your workshops may display a certain production value, but if some of of your cultural buildings get help, even just before collecting, you may end up getting more than expected;
you can check your culture bonus in the field that displays clouds/sunshine on the left of you KP counter :)
an exclamation mark pops there whenever your culture bonus changes


Like Philplessis already said it sounds pretty much like cultural bonus.
Elven workshops 15 produce 1600 supplies in 3h @ 100%, 2000 supplies @125%, 2400 supplies @150% Bonus, ...
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did your culture bonus change in the mean time ?
this is quite an obvious solution, but it is the fist thing that came to my mind ...
your production depends on the amount of culture you have, including cultural buildings that have been helped;
so if you get a higher culture bonus during production, what is displayed is what it could be if collected right now, but if some of the help effect wears off in the mean time, you end up getting less than expected;
the other way round, your workshops may display a certain production value, but if some of of your cultural buildings get help, even just before collecting, you may end up getting more than expected;
you can check your culture bonus in the field that displays clouds/sunshine on the left of you KP counter :)
an exclamation mark pops there whenever your culture bonus changes
Before I leave for the night I set it for 9 hrs. In the morning when I collect and reset it for 3 hrs. it says 1600 when I collect it GIVES me 2000.
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Ok..Thanks...I just thought at first I was losing my mind.