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Discussion Winter Magic


I am entirely disappointed in the Winter Event. I loved the grand prize of the Gingerbread Mansion, but it seems impossible to get it to its' highest level, or any useful level, by just playing in the event.

We get 10 Ribbons for each quest, but it takes 60 Ribbons to open a present, and get 1 hammer to fill out the required gingerbread house. Meaning that we get 1 hammer for doing every 6 quests! So how many quests will you have to complete to fill out just one gingerbread house? And then you have to finish how many houses to get all the upgrades? 10? 20? How many Ribbons would you have to get to do that----without buying them with diamonds?

It is ridiculous. It is apparent that you cannot win the grand prize without spending diamonds, and a whole lot of them. While I do understand the motives of the designers, it is blatantly unfair for them to make an Event that requires the spending of diamonds. It does not even make good business sense. You do not discourage your customers from playing an event----you need to encourage them!

A grand prize should be winnable for anyone who plays the game, Diamonds are there for the advantages they can provide. I often buy diamonds myself for that very reason. But lately it seems to me that the designers are getting far too greedy. They are making it so that there is no point to even playing the event at all unless you want to spend a lot of diamonds. This is foolishness. You do not discourage players from playing in your event. Making diamonds all but mandatory to win grand prizes is only preventing people from playing at all. This is the reason that I have not played the last three Events. So that is at least one customer they have chased away from their events. How many more customers have also not played their events for the same reason?


Well-Known Member
could you repeat those questions? cause honestly i have missed them aswell. And i think i've read everything. And i always try to help other players on forum by giving answers.
Or maybe i missed them because they werent really questions, but demands that are unlikely to happen? (like trash this event and go back to previous one)
My questions were directed to the moderators, however, if you're really interested and read them all then you saw mine.

Burger Meister Meister

Well-Known Member
I am entirely disappointed in the Winter Event. I loved the grand prize of the Gingerbread Mansion, but it seems impossible to get it to its' highest level, or any useful level, by just playing in the event.

We get 10 Ribbons for each quest, but it takes 60 Ribbons to open a present, and get 1 hammer to fill out the required gingerbread house. Meaning that we get 1 hammer for doing every 6 quests! So how many quests will you have to complete to fill out just one gingerbread house? And then you have to finish how many houses to get all the upgrades? 10? 20? How many Ribbons would you have to get to do that----without buying them with diamonds?

It is ridiculous. It is apparent that you cannot win the grand prize without spending diamonds, and a whole lot of them. While I do understand the motives of the designers, it is blatantly unfair for them to make an Event that requires the spending of diamonds. It does not even make good business sense. You do not discourage your customers from playing an event----you need to encourage them!

A grand prize should be winnable for anyone who plays the game, Diamonds are there for the advantages they can provide. I often buy diamonds myself for that very reason. But lately it seems to me that the designers are getting far too greedy. They are making it so that there is no point to even playing the event at all unless you want to spend a lot of diamonds. This is foolishness. You do not discourage players from playing in your event. Making diamonds all but mandatory to win grand prizes is only preventing people from playing at all. This is the reason that I have not played the last three Events. So that is at least one customer they have chased away from their events. How many more customers have also not played their events for the same reason?
Actually I have stopped playing the event now.
I will check in from time to time to see if the developers have made any changes but until that happens I am done with the event.
If no significant improvements are made I will not be playing this event in my Live world.
I will continue to read this Forum for any modifications.
I am going back to developing my City.

Deleted User - 56274

For my feedback - I am unlikely to generate as much as previously simply because I am burned out. I know @ashrem and @MinMax Gamer and others have made similar points.

For the quest revamp - So far kudos on this.
Thank you for listening and reducing the tourney encounters down to 4 per encounter province, this makes it much more doable and for lowering the level of them. The duplication seems to be resolved.

Some specifics, there is a fair variety and that is good. I wouldn't mind seeing some use enchant quests etc.

A little more critical feedback -
I feel that the quests have both become more restrictive while being slightly more manageable... granted I don't know if this will change on later tiers or not.

Specifics -
  1. Collect 3 Enchants from the Magic Academy - is this only on the production or if you 'craft' them do they still count?
  2. Produce goods - I am glad to see this opened up to varied goods, I would prefer they not have to be all of the same type to count. I have to look more closely to just the 'reasonableness' of this quest as I know that it cannot be done in a set of 3 hour productions.
  3. Produce Supplies - again, reasonableness on the amount of supplies come into play. We do have a gain supplies so there is one that can be done with NH or the windfall.
  4. Trade with Wholesaler - glad to see it for variety, 7 is a little more than I'd like to see but not unmanageable.
  5. Soapbox Item - I still LOATHE Buy KP and would much prefer it to be Gain KP so that all the ways of gaining KP count for something.

In general the quests are within reason and that is a huge improvement. None of them should be true show-stoppers.

Okay - now the truly critical part. I truly dislike the utter random nature of the presents and building. Every part of it from the prizes on offer, to how many bricks you get to build with is random.

So far none of the presents are particularly worth while. Out of 16 there MIGHT be 2 that I want, which means that there is very little incentive to participate in the event. The previous 3 chest system, like others, I had things that I loved to get, such as time boosts, PP and daily prizes for myself and I selected chests based on that. Now everything is a rather pricey 60 event currency for a low rate of return on anything I want and an really, I'm not even halfway through the first grand prize yet. So, for me, this change is a fail.

My main feedback here is as previously with the quests themselves - anything that limits player choice on HOW to approach the system is a bad thing.

This new system has more in common with roulette - random chance of getting my number. The three chest system, even when I got three chests that did not have anything in particular I wanted, I had the option to choose which would be most beneficial or simply spend the least amount of currency to roll with to see what I get next. Now, I am throwing away currency like water and not earning it at a rate that will allow me to evolve the building to any decent level.

You have 16 more than half of which are.... filler (I'm sorry, even low chapter players barely gain a significant benefit from relics, they are very, very meh).
Looking at my prize board - Coin rain 33%, Daily Prize, Windfall 10%, 3 silk relic, 1 inspiring meditation, double reward, 2x1 culture building, EEx2, 1 hour speed boost, reshuffle board, pet food x 1, 3 gems relics, 200 event currency, PP 15%, Preview, 3 KP

So.... PP got randomized, speed boost is utter junk at a single 1 hour boost, EEs I never use, culture building meh, relics Meh.... the only thing that would be worth getting is more event currency on that list and I do at least use coin rain and windfalls when I am expanding and building like crazy, otherwise, nothing on this board is really worth spending the event currency to try to get.

As I have said previously, I do not feel it is an outrageous expectation for an active player who is using speed boosts and enchants to fully evolve the building. If you do not want players to evolve more than one building, do not offer more than one.

My suggestions on how to improve the prize board
1) Reduce the cost of the presents - one or 2 quests should be able to purchase a present not 4 or 5​
2) Raise the event currency reward of the quests (see #1)​
3) Instead of 16 presents on the board, remove some of the filler and only have 9.​
4) (edit)I will agree with others who have stated better 'filler' prizes, blue prints, RRs, even CCs etc are all more desirable than enchants, let alone relics or runes. It also gives players who are not tourney players a chance at getting some of those very useful items.​

@Marindor comment that there is not enough time to change things between beta and live - well, I have said before that you do not allow enough time between beta and live to even begin to examine the feedback that is being given let alone properly plan for it. Your development system is extremely reactionary vs. actionary and this is a very bad way to be.
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So far just got runes, relics, spells. 1 building (2x2) that's going to be disenchanted one day in the future and 1 of those 2X prizes. Todays Daily prize (MM spells) is worthless to me. So no need to see what the boxes hold today. Still very disappointed. I wanted to like this. But like everyone else, I want options, the ability to choose what is good for my city. I will keep playing here in beta, see what changes happen to this event, and see if I want to play it in my live cities. Currently, I will not be playing it in my other cities. But like I said before, maybe that will change. Hopefully it will get an update or two, and change my mind.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
This new system is different, which is ok, sadly in this case it has more "flaws" from a player perspective that need tweaking. Hopefully they do some of those and this style will actually be very good. This style actually has the potential t be better than 3 chests if they make the right tweaks.
How exactly?
I myself can't see any tweaks to get this cassino be ever better than previous chest system. Any tweaks can just lower the disaster this system is. It's rotten in the core, you cannot make it better than previous system without a complete overhaul.

@Kasia Yeah, definitively much more restrictive system.
After finishing yet another produce goods quest (this time T1 only), I got quest for creation the 3 spells in MA.
So it's obvious that new quests are designed to slow us down, they just do it in a different way than in previous event. Less invasive for our cities, but designed to limit our gains from event - so unless major tweaks are done, majority of players will have 5 or less artifacts (and the main prize building is a complete garbage at that level) and little to no daily buildings due to their pitiful chance.

Maybe the developers will be satisfied with this new system when 1/3 of players stops playing events and the second stops playing completely.
If they want to have an ilusion of being possible to get more than 1 grand prize but do everything possible to restrict us to do that, that's called a false advertisment.


Well-Known Member
The same 16 box opening event runs on FOE beta.

400 starts equals to 40 boxes open. This direction is really the wrong one. I suggest to drop this mechanism for Elvenar for the future.


Well-Known Member
Next time, just put a slot machine and call it "Event".

Quite agreed!
I also have no use for the Grand Prizes; with the exception of Fire Phoenix, I never place them.
My only reason for doing the events is filling up my stocks of 'filler items' like Knowledge Points, Time Boosters and selected Instants - and now I have no control over that whatsoever.

A slot machine would be a lot easier and less time consuming - and would give the same random results.


Well-Known Member
My questions were directed to the moderators, however, if you're really interested and read them all then you saw mine.
a feedback thread isnt ment for a questionaire with the moderators, If you want to have a talk to a moderator, i suggest you send them a private message?
Since you can't repeat any question, ill just assume your questions were all answered or your questions werent really questions that are answerable.


Actually I have stopped playing the event now.
I will check in from time to time to see if the developers have made any changes but until that happens I am done with the event.
If no significant improvements are made I will not be playing this event in my Live world.
I will continue to read this Forum for any modifications.
I am going back to developing my City.

I doubt very much that I'll be playing the event in my live world and as soon as I get a quest that will mess with my city building plans here I'll stop. If I can't get the prize building levelled up to at least lvl 8 then I see absolutely no point in playing the event because I'm spending far much more in resources and my time than the prize fillers are worth.


With this new reward system it is a lottery crap shoot at best. You and I will play the same game. No strategy, no personalization.

I totally agree with you, and i must add, about the deny of ambient criticism, that there is a moment when you must face the truth : if a car enters a one-way lane by the wrong side, you can not just be positive and offer to put the car aside on two wheels to let the vehicles in the opposite direction ; it must be said that it is imperative to reverse !


Hello :)

I came to Beta to test the event for our community in Germany, but my city is little. Lille city :D

The best of all is the Music. The idea with gifts would be good, but I wonder: A Christmas Calendar has 24 windows, not 16.

:eek: I see the trouble. I am afraid, if Santa Clause will visit us life. :eek:

Deleted User - 81220

It would be great to have a tool tip for multiple choice quests, so we can see progress of all alternatives, not jut the most advanced one. Thanks


Well-Known Member
there is also another thing
In the academy you will get 150 ribbons with filled up mystical object.

Now that means I am able to open up only 2 1/2 boxes.

In earlier events with the chests I could open up 5 chests with an average of 30, maybe even more chests and had extemly more possibilities to get the daily. Exctremly lucky, I could get at least 5 dailies, now I am only able to get one daily, if I am also extremly lucky to get the daily at the first try. Second try could not open one more daily.


Well-Known Member
there is also another thing
In the academy you will get 150 ribbons with filled up mystical object.

Now that means I am able to open up only 2 1/2 boxes.

In earlier events with the chests I could open up 5 chests with an average of 30, maybe even more chests and had extemly more possibilities to get the daily. Exctremly lucky, I could get at least 5 dailies, now I am only able to get one daily, if I am also extremly lucky to get the daily at the first try. Second try could not open one more daily.
there has not been an official statement yet, but i think that was the point? we were getting too many prizes so it needed to be reduced?

Every won prize is still something more then i had before tho, so im not angry about less prizes. However i dont plan to invest much in this event myself (like diamonds or timeboost) unlike the fall event.


Well-Known Member
I am still waiting for a daily prize that is worth trying for - in my estimation. I can get plenty of MM spells already, don't need them from an event. Until then I will keep getting more ribbons and using none of them. Since most of the presents contain things I don't want I prefer to wait until there is at lest the daily that is desirable.

On the quests, I am honestly sick of being told to produce quantities of T1 goods that I don't need. I am in Chapter 15 and T1 is not what is important. Why can't the developers make quests pertinent to the chapter one is in. I need mana, seeds, orcs, sentient goods, not T1. I have millions of T1 in stock for tournaments and provinces. I don't need to make more.

Sorry but this is stupid. I don't know which I like less. Chapters that have ridiculous demands for T6 or events that have ridiculous demands for T1.

I know that the programmers can tell what chapter we are in - they demand that we utilize certain levels of factories and workshops. So why can't they make use of this knowledge and give us relevant quests? You might create some events fans rather more and more event haters.


I hope there is no daily prize tomorrow, imagine winter star, and if people wins 2-3 winter stars and plenty of relics, i think it will be a elvenarquake.


Hello :)

I came to Beta to test the event for our community in Germany, but my city is little. Lille city :D

The best of all is the Music. The idea with gifts would be good, but I wonder: A Christmas Calendar has 24 windows, not 16.

:eek: I see the trouble. I am afraid, if Santa Clause will visit us life. :eek:

What a great idea for a future Winter event! How about an advent calendar (calendar that counts down the days till christmas, usually 24 days) where everyone gets the same prize each day after filling a single quest...like collect x amount of goods, or gain 3 spells, anything that can be done in a short amount of time. Prizes could be simple items already coded...like instants, wishing wells, time reducers, etc.


Well-Known Member
We have increased the amount of Red Ribbons that you can get at the start of the quest line by making the Red Ribbon rewards increase more linearly throughout the quest line. This means that the start of the event will be quicker, and feels smoother and more rewarding. To counter-balance for this, we have had to decrease the amount of Red Ribbons you can receive towards the end of the quest line.
So those who are already done more than 1/2 of quest line would not get enough event currency at all. Thanks, Inno...
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