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Was the trader range increased?


Even with the increased range crystal and magic dust are barely seen in my trader, but gladly there are some who take my offers so i get some.


Even with the increased range crystal and magic dust are barely seen in my trader, but gladly there are some who take my offers so i get some.
I'll keep an eye out for you
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Well actually , I hate this addition.
Before, I had 10-20 pages, and I had discovered more than half of my trade partners.
Now I have 20-30 pages and I have discovered that a small part of all my partners.
This is very unpleasant , for now , my trader is filled with offers for 0 or 1 star.
This addition is useless , because with the " trader fee" , the offers are not fair ...


How do you dislike posts here?...

All we need is an additional filter by fairness.

That said, there are many situations when you're short on certain goods and it's a blessing to trade at 50% surcharge.


Some people are never happy :p
I'm just glad there's more people who can accept my offers now. Before I only had 1 neighbor for gems and 1 for magic dust, now I have 2 or more for both :)


I don't mind paying the trader fee. Its still cheaper then wholesale. Plus it helps "stimulate" the economy, gotta help the newer players to get them to be able to discover more partners imo


Hm, at the moment...
last days I had trader pages up to 17 and it seems to work....trading..
..but today.....only 6 pages....again...and the most with that stupid tradingfee of 50%.
Did so many players quit game or was it a bug being solved? Like Sorella asked ?
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You're simply in a bad neighbourhood, my trader has 51 pages and i'm not even trading anymore myself atm cause i have plenty of everything. I only take a few goods from others so at least they get the goods they need.


You mean my neigbourhood is too lazy to trade? At the weekend?
I hope.
Trading last 5 days was even better.
See my resume after this weekend :cool:


Me too; I've now a lot of offers but they're not so useful for me 'cause of their high quantity, or they're all players I've not discovered and far from my village etc...:confused:
I hope to be a little bit more lucky in the next future

Alexander1972? I started a visit. See only main hall and builders hut in your village.:confused:
Is it a bug?


you've to search for Alessandro1972 ;)
Aha- I got you. Nice city- wonderful name. Alessandro.
Not only mention a hit of LadyGaga. :p
No, a great name like Leonardo.
If I´d have a son......Alessandro ´d be my favourite name given - followed by Tristan and Leander.

I want my 17 pages back

Inda Love
Yours (just call me) Ellie


You mean my neigbourhood is too lazy to trade? At the weekend?
I hope.
Trading last 5 days was even better.
See my resume after this weekend :cool:
Maybe your neighbourhood was/is too busy trading at the weekend and all the good offers placed are gone in minutes so you see less then in the week :p


I can report, that my trader went down too.
There are around 35 pages but half of them filled with one player offering his expensive goods in great number in small trances, without success as is seems. So I have a look from time to time to change my boosted goods 1:1 if there is an offer. Because I have enough goods of all kind in stock I don't put offers in myself and I heard from others that they act the same. That may be the reason for shrinked again trader.

IMHO the restricted trading possibilities with that ratingsystem to judge quality of offers is an obstacle for a healthy tradingtraffic.
In that given way it is more a changingstation than a trader and no fun to find in trading.


I also put less offers in the Trader, then before the range increase, because i want to activly support my discovered neighbourhood.
When I put Silk for Scrolls, or Gems for Elixir in the Trader these offers get really quick purchased from players far far away, so I put these offers only if I realy need them and check the trader regulary to see if someone in my discovered neighbourhood need some of it instead of people far away.


Ok. Here´s my resume of last weekend.
Seems LordB has been right as he? ->(LordB) posted that maybe- my traders/customers are lazy at weekend.
Today- I have 25 pages again.. höhö. :)
Not very usefully 25 pages, pardon, most of them zero or non star -ranking. I know, this depends on that demotivating tradingfee of 50!% by undiscovered mats on map.
I´ve learned. And I sell my goods (when I think- ojejippieah I got plenty of it) at a 3star in trade.:cool:
But- why are our offers not be ranked realistic?
If I sell (for example) 100 marble and I wanna 100 planks. By discovered traders my trade is shown with 2 stars. -> Fair trade.
Players I haven´t discovered have to pay my 100 planks (asked ) and a plank plus 50!% tradingfee = 150 planks. (half of 100 is 50)
Then. -> My trades are going in traderranking to 1 or zero star.... shown .for undiscovered trading mates.
That´s not very okey.
And reaching some undiscovered is ......incredible..but I try -aua aua and:eek: