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Discussion The Fairy Queen's Garden


Well-Known Member
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see the announcement for this year's May Event here and let us know what you think about it!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Well-Known Member
What does the Day One Exclusive give, please?


Well-Known Member
May event buildings are now the part of my database portal. Space for tracking may event daily prizes is prepared on the All Events subpage. Since the last event a couple of improvements were made on the website, including an implementation of new language system. There is currently one more language next to en and more languages will be added soon (in order from the most visiting communities).
Thanks to everyone who contacted me with reporting the bugs found on the website - all of them are fixed now.


Active Member
@Indianaking It produces boosted T2. I would appretiate more if T2 was removed and seeds production boosted (so it would produce only KP instant + seeds).

That's the problem. As a scroll producer, getting your own bonus goods is doubly stupid. More seeds instead would of course be much better.
btw- unfortunately, none of the new event buildings known so far will produce Unurium.
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Well-Known Member
That's the problem. As a scroll producer, getting your own bonus goods is doubly stupid. More seeds instead would of course be much better.
btw- unfortunately, none of the new event buildings known so far will produce Unurium.
I can see your point.
However I myself am struggling with T2 production right now (in my younger city), I think I managed to solve my T3 with last events buildings (losing space, but saving manpower) at least for now. I'm now looking forward to doing the same with T2.
So, looking good from my point of view, at least for now.

Deleted User - 70079

Does anyone already have a task list for the may event?
Here's what I've got so far. Will add to it as I open up more quests. Below is all 76 quests for the event.
1. Gain coins (quantity depends on chapter).
2. Produce 8x Beverages (5min workshop production).
3. Spend 8KP.
4. Produce any 2x Precious Ring/Marble Mosaic/Wooden Figurine (3hr tier1 production).
5. Produce 7x Simple Tools (15min workshop production).
6. Use 1x enchantment.
7. Solve 4x encounters/spire encounters. Produce 3x Groceries (9hr workshop production).
8. Produce 2x Groceries (9hr workshop production). Gain 400 spell fragments OR scout 1 province.
9. Gain 8 relics. Solve 4x encounters OR collect 10 vision vapour.
10. Gain coins. Produce 3x Bread (1hr workshop production).
11. Solve 2x encounters/tournament encounters. Collect 5 vision vapour OR scout 1 province.
12. Solve 4x encounters/tournament encounters. Produce 6x Bread (1hr workshop production).
13. Place 3 trade offers. Gain 1x Combining Catalyst OR collect 4 relics.
14. Use 2x enchantments. Produce 6x Advanced Tools (3hr workshop production).
15. Spend 8KP. Produce 4x Precious Ring/Marble Mosaic/Wooden Figurine (3hr tier1 production).
16. Solve 2x encounters/tournament encounters. Produce supplies.
17. Solve 6x encounters/tournament encounters. Produce 3x Groceries (9hr workshop production).
18. Gain 12 relics. Produce 6x Precious Ring/Marble Mosaic/Wooden Figurine (3hr tier1 production).
19. Spend 8KP. Accept 4x trade offers from wholesaler.
20. Produce 6x Precious Ring/Marble Mosaic/Wooden Figurine (3hr tier1 production). Use 3x troop refills OR negotiate 3 encounters.
21. Produce 6x Groceries/Warrior Masks/Decorative Pillars/Wooden Chests (9hr workshop/tier1 production). Invest 15KP into wonder or research.
22. Solve 6x encounters/spire encounters. Produce 3x Groceries (9hr workshop production).
23. Solve 4x encounters/tournament encounters. Produce 6x Bread (1hr workshop production).
24. Place 4 trade offers. Gain 2x Combining Catalyst OR 12x relics.
25. Use 2x enchantments. Produce 6x Advanced Tools (3hr workshop production).
26. Spend 8KP. Produce 4x Precious Ring/Marble Mosaic/Wooden Figurine (3hr tier1 production).
27. Solve 6x encounters/tournament encounters. Produce supplies.
28. Gain 400 spell fragments OR Scout 1 province OR Gain 2x Combining Catalyst OR Fight and win 3x encounters.
29. Spend 12KP.
30. Produce 8x Precious Ring/Marble Mosaic/Wooden Figurine (3hr tier1 production). Collect 15 Vision Vapour OR Gain 8 relics.
31. Gain coins. Spend 8KP.
32. Scout 1 province OR Produce 1x Groceries (9hr workshop production). Solve 6x encounters/tournament encounters.
33. Collect 4x enchantments. Collect 10 Vision Vapour OR Negotiate 4x encounters.
34. Gain 600 spell fragments. Accept 3x trade offers from wholesaler.
35. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Collect 2x enchantments.
36. Produce supplies. Gain 800 spell fragments OR Gain troops.
37. Produce tier1 goods.
38. Gain 12 relics. Research 1 technology OR Collect 15 Vision Vapour.
39. Solve 4x encounters/tournament encounters. Collect 10 Vision Vapour OR Scout 1 province.
40. Gain coins. Produce supplies.
41. Gain 12 relics. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods.
42. Produce supplies. Gain 600 spell fragments OR Recruit troops.
43. Solve 8x encounters/tournament encounters. Gain 2 Combining Catalysts.
44. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Spend 20KP.
45. Invest 15KP into wonder or research. Recruit troops OR Gain coins.
46. Solve 6 encounters/tournament encounters. Gain 600 spell fragments.
47. Buy 8KP. Give 7x neighbourly help.
48. Produce supplies. Gain 2x Combining Catalyst OR Collect 20 Vision Vapour.
49. Collect 2x enchantments. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods.
50. Gain coins. Produce supplies.
51. Gain 16 relics. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods.
52. Produce supplies. Gain 800 spell fragments OR Recruit troops.
53. Solve 10 encounters/tournament encounters. Gain 3 Combining Catalysts.
54. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Spend 20KP.
55. Spend 12KP. Scout 1 province OR Upgrade 2 buildings to level 5 or higher.
56. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Gain coins.
57. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Gain 12 relics.
58. Solve 8 encounters/tournament encounters. Produce supplies.
59. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Gain 2 Combining Catalysts OR Gain 16 relics.
60. Produce 4x Groceries (9hr workshop production). Gain 600 spell fragments OR Recruit troops.
61. Solve 8 encounters/tournament encounters. Gain 3 Combining Catalysts.
62. Produce supplies.
63. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Spend 16KP.
64. Gain 12 relics. Research 1 technology OR Gain 20 Vision Vapour.
65. Spend 12KP. Scout 1 province OR Upgrade 2 buildings to level 5 or higher.
66. Solve 10 encounters/spire encounters. Research 1 technology OR Collect 25 Vision Vapour.
67. Place 4 trade offers. Buy 12KP.
68. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Scout 1 province OR Collect 1 enchantment.
69. Solve 8 encounters/tournament encounters. Collect 20 Vision Vapour OR Scout 1 province.
70. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods. Produce supplies OR Recruit troops.
71. Gain coins. Use 2x enchantments.
72. Gain 16 relics. Research 1 technology OR Collect 25 Vision Vapour.
73. Solve 10 encounters/spire encounters. Produce supplies.
74. Spend 20KP. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods.
75. Gain coins. Produce tier1/tier2/tier3 goods.
76. Solve 10 encounters/spire encounters. Collect 4 enchantments.
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Deleted User - 70079

I agree with previous comments that it would be better if the main event building produced more seeds instead of producing tier2. We already have lots of tier2 production in the game. My sympathies to all the scrolls-boosted players out there.

Although well done for making the golden shovel artwork really stand out against the background. It almost seems to glow. Very well done.

Also, I like the new mechanics for 'OR' type quests, where the two options are separated out but clearly linked, and you can see your progress for both, and when you finish one it turns green and the other gets greyed out. Much clearer than the old version.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with previous comments that it would be better if the main event building produced more seeds instead of producing tier2. We already have lots of tier2 production in the game. My sympathies to all the scrolls-boosted players out there.

Although well done for making the golden shovel artwork really stand out against the background. It almost seems to glow. Very well done.

Also, I like the new mechanics for 'OR' type quests, where the two options are separated out but clearly linked, and you can see your progress for both, and when you finish one it turns green and the other gets greyed out. Much clearer than the old version.

Woe I agree...I can really see the Golden Shovel...Well done designers...at last ;-)