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Discussion Sorcerers' Homecoming


Well-Known Member
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see the announcement for our Sorcerers' Homecoming event and new Leagues mechanincs here and let us know what you think about it!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Well-Known Member
No FA after May event? Wow.
if im correct there wasn't one last year either

btw is this how many quests you done at the end of event?



Well-Known Member
if im correct there wasn't one last year either

btw is this how many quests you done at the end of event?

Last year you could get like 4+ additional may tree artifacts and May tree itself is 2nd weakest evo building in game, Queen's Retreat is 3rd most powerful pop/cult evo in the game.

This is league system from FOE. If you are in 1% of players who made biggest score in event you get best rewards.
I remember this system from Sakura Tree event from FOE in April 2020 when i tried other game.

No it's how far you get in the event.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
This is league system from FOE. If you are in 1% of players who made biggest score in event you get best rewards.
I remember this system from Sakura Tree event from FOE in April 2020 when i tried other game.
Might be implemented differently in Elvenar.
See the symbol on "chests" icons. The same staff is on the banners, so it might be tight to the event progression only (independent on other players).

We will see.

ps: Seems I was right:
After getting 10 staffs (3x3 + 1x1 chests) i moved to next column:

Deleted User - 88256

Might be implemented differently in Elvenar.
See the symbol on "chests" icons. The same staff is on the banners, so it might be tight to the event progression only (independent on other players).
View attachment 9021
We will see.

ps: Seems I was right:
After getting 10 staffs (3x3 + 1x1 chests) i moved to next column:
View attachment 9022
But there's also written "top 50%"... and 70 seems extremely low for the last tier. Maybe numbers will move up as more players advance in the event.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@PaNonymeB Yes, top x% are there. Maybe @Arthus was right after all.

And it might work as: To get Amateur rewards you need to have at least 10+ points and be in top 50%.

Now question arise: Are those rewards cummulative?

If i end up with 70+ quests finished and end up in the 1%, do I get the gold banner rewards only? (or rewards from all banners?)
If i end up with 70+ quests finished(i always finish all event quests) and end up outside 1%, do I get some rewards? (silver rewards, or silver and lower rewards?, or nothing at all (and players who don't finish the quests but qualifies for lower tier gets the tier rewards, while i get nothing)?)
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Well-Known Member
All the new buildings from this event are now public on my portal, space for daily prizes is prepared here.

Since last event a couple of changes were made on the website, including:
  • Set feature - set buildings are now fully operational and each building can be displayed together with it´s connection bonuses
  • Each building can be opened in it´s own window and shared with URL - by clicking on a small arrow next to any building table
  • Search feature - searching buildings by typing their name is now possible
  • New language - the most visiting community after the last event has became German, so DE language is now available (let´s see who is the next)
Also thanks to everyone who contacted me with finding the bugs, all of them should be resolved now.

Ursus Major

Well-Known Member
Well, the new set building is too huge for the rewards. 8 x 5 !!! and expect the pilgrim's manor, I don't saw the interest of loosing so much space for that. Standard goods (T1), really when my city is on the chapter 17 ???
I think it's an other building that i will not use at all !


Well-Known Member
Well, the new set building is too huge for the rewards. 8 x 5 !!! and expect the pilgrim's manor, I don't saw the interest of loosing so much space for that. Standard goods (T1), really when my city is on the chapter 17 ???
I think it's an other building that i will not use at all !

Quantity of goods is huge but could be sentient for high chapters

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Ursus Major Depends, if you get more than 1 Pilgrim's Manor and manage to puzzle it to get max bonuses, it might not be as big for getting 2 CCs (and relics for another 2 CCs) / day.

@Marindor Would you be wiling to share how the League system works?

I'm specificaly interested in these cases:
Case 1: Player finish all quests and is within the 1% for the gold flag.
What rewards will he get? Just the gold flag, or also flags below (hobby+amateur+bronze+silver+gold)?

Case 2: Player finish all quests and is not within the 1% (but is within the top 20%).
What rewards will he get?
Just Bronze
nothing at all?


Well-Known Member
my understanding of this league thing is you get the rewards from the league you're in

what I don't know is who the 100% people are.
All people on the server?
only those that actively play?
only those that actively play the event?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

From the info I have, it should work as follows:
  • You only get the rewards for the League you're in when the event ends.
  • Only actively participating players in the event are counted to determine the League you're in.
  • Every hour the leagues are recalculated, repositioning players based on the current payback event currency they have and how they position in terms of the percentage limitation of each league. This also causes the minimum requirement for each league to become dynamic. As soon as the player with the lowest amount of payback is still positioned within one of the leagues (based on the percentage groups), that League's requirement becomes that players amount of payback currency.
  • The last calculation happens 1 hour before the end of the event.
  • We are aware that at the end of the event we can have more players inside a league that its own limitations would allow for if a lot of players acquired the same amount of payback currency. This is a "bonus" we will be giving those players in that case.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Marjade Quest list is made by players playing the event, so probably nobody has finished yet since the event has started 2 hours ago.

@Marindor Ok, thank you. So in popular daily rewards, there will probably be a lot of movement between leagues (not sure how many players concentrate on one or two daily rewards only (probably majority of forum active players, but not sure about others)).


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of the League mechanics. Up until today there was no competition between players for prices in the event. My result was determined solely by my own effort (and the mercy of the RNG). This new feature goes against my reasons for choosing this game. There’s plenty of games where you play AGAINST other players. Not that many where you play WITH them.

IF there’ll be players completing whole event (all quests, collecting dropped currency and spending everything) who won’t fit into the top category, that it basically means that “my success causes someone else’s failure”. Or maybe the goal is to make the top rewards paid only? Well, let’s test it and see ...

For those going to argue with FA and Tournament ladder: the rewards are ranking points, just symbolic items and bragging rights. That doesn’t go against what I said above. Also there is for example no artificial limit on the number of 10th chests (blueprints) per server.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Fairy Village As I understand the League rewards are extra, you can still have full set from the event itself.
In your tournament example, this would be that 1% highest FSs would get second one.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call it "pay to win" because at 1% you get 2 bonus elements that you might have problem to connect with anything else.
I guess you can have one full set without big problems and these bonus elements might not have enough other elements to connect them with.

What? Leaving aside the great ones like 2019 Phoenixes and Bears, the May Tree is definitely amongst my favourites of all the evolving buildings.

2.5k population at chapter 18 when Fire Phoenix gives 6k plus is terrible. Only Coldfail Phoenix is worse.
For this population to be worth staying in city in later chapters May Tree would have to produce like 50k sentient good, not 9k.