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New Game Features Small passive village



Players will have a small village in which they can invest ressources. The village will build itself and in payback you will get ressources later.


Players can visit a village. This village only has 1 House, 1 Supply. After the player send gold and supplies to the village, the village will evolve. It will grow all by itself. After the trader is unlocked, the village will start sending some ressources back. You can go to the village, click a button and will get Gold/Supplies and Villagers once every 24 hours. Let me explain it on some more detailed things.

The village only has 1 House, the Main Hall and 1 Supply. The village need 200 Gold to build another house. After that house, they will build a supply building, then streets and so on. You have to pay for it. But what the village will build and where is already planned.

Village build order (e.g.):

House (200 Gold)
Workshop (500 Gold)
House (200 Gold)
Workshop (500 Gold)
Street (50 Supplies)
Street (50 Supplies)
Street (50 Supplies)
Street (50 Supplies)
House (200 Gold)
Culture Building (200 Gold, 200 Supply)
Upgrading House from 2 to 3 (5000 Gold, 2500 Supplies)
Trader (10000 Gold, 5000 supplies)

From now, the village gives you every 24 hours a certain amount of its production. Like 10% of the daily production of gold and supplies and you can get even villagers from time to time.

So you invest in that village and you will get a payback after a while.

Some important specifica:

- the village can evolve all buildings just to level 3 by now
- the village has a building time too
- maybe an "increase village level/buildings/area" research is possible
- maybe some more village research options like: "more ressources from village"

Just a suggestion. Would be a nice gimmick to have a little brother which you can support and see evolve. :)


Small question : where will be placed this village? On the world map ? If so, how many players will have the same small village ? Only one ? This would mean that the worldmap should be expanded ?
Can you tell me more ?


The best way would be to not show the village anywhere. Its just visible for the player. Its more about another feature to keep players busy. Its not supposed to be on the world map :)


On the world map the "village" could "rent an apartment" in a weak but established city, and use that city as their base of operations until they had accumulated enough points to own a nearby city sector outright, perhaps replacing a weak owner who would then become a renter. The renter would see their own set of relics and neighboring cities, but they would not get any visits from other players because they wouldn't have a city of their own just yet.

The backside of this approach is that we'd still need some way to shuffle the neighborhoods in accordance with the underlying City Scores, but we could limp along for quite a while if we could "rent apartments" to low activity players.


Following the answer to my questions , I agree with your idea :)