I have created a new page on my website -
Some parts of this page are still work in progress, but its content that is intended as the main one is now fully implemented and is available under the
Season Pass tab (that can be found within the left bar on the site).
The primary purpose is to show all the available rewards of the Season Pass (including goods (and their exact amounts), instants, units and also buildings with links leading to their respective details pages). At the top of the page you can find the
Effort calculator. This is supposed to show you how much effort you need to put into the season in order to receive the final Season prize (50th).
Your input is required, so that the website holds correct data to calculate with:
- Select your server (live or beta - they only differ in start dates and end dates, but this is an important aspects in the calculation process)
- Mark as "Finished" all the rewards you have received so far
- Insert amount of petals you have obtained since unlocking your last reward (using the text box displayed under your first "Unfinished" reward)
- Select how many weekly quests are currently waiting in your queue
- Check if you have already completed today's daily quests and/or current weekly quests
After setting your data properly, you will see the remaining petals for completing the Season Pass, as well as how many of the remaining Daily Quests you can miss in order to still receive the final prize. In case you have already missed too many Daily Quests, you will see which one is the final prize you can receive.
For live servers the calculator will work as soon as they have the Seasons running.
This is the very first version of this feature so I expect that some bugs or imperfections may appear here and there. I will be most happy if you leave me a private message (either here or using my
Contact Page) if you find one.
The advantage is that the most of this content is auto-generated (as always on the website), so it can be easily and quickly adjusted for any future season.