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Discussion Release Notes version 1.2


I completed City Expansion 27, but it does not show up as available. I have also completed City Expansion 28 and 29, but I am afraid to activate them because I am afraid they will disappear just like 27 did.


I completed City Expansion 27, but it does not show up as available. I have also completed City Expansion 28 and 29, but I am afraid to activate them because I am afraid they will disappear just like 27 did.
You can activate and place them, I've done the same and got the missing expansion today after the hotfixes.
All issues related to expansions should now be fixed. If you believe something may be wrong, please check with Support so that we can double-check. So far we've reviewed a number accounts today already, and all have been correct, so we're quite convinced that the issues we have had in the past two weeks are gone now. :)


I was deeply impacted by a non-declineable quest that came shortly after the introduction of faeries;
this quest requires that you have 120% culture bonus;
as my city was tuned to have a permanent 160% culture bonus by its culture buildings, allowing me to get to the top culture bonus thanks to help from fellows and neighbours (thank you gals and guys :) ), I actually had to destroy 6 (six) temples of the holy fire to complete this quest;
I had to rebuild them afterwards to get back to my usual level and ensure proper harvests of gold and supplies;
this has terribly impacted my stocks of supplies and gold and I am now permanently running behind, not sure whether I can restart my manufactories next time I collect;
add to this the cost of upgrading farms and the fact that some faeries resources need spending gold and supplies to be produced, and you will understand the extent of this predicament;
I am certain that I am not alone in this case;
an easy way to avoid killing the fun for players would be to have the quest require a culture bonus of at least 120% and not exactly 120%
but did develolpers think of this : no, just plain no.
in the mean time, I have decided to grind repeatable quests to sustain my city : if a repeatable quest cannot be completed within a few hours, down the drain it goes.

and I started using power of provision spells
so yes, the magic academy is huge, and its interest is limited, but it can prove useful for people in a dire situation...
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I see we have a new version (v1.3.3-(5c4a37e) (2016-04-04 14:45)), what's new ?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed one new thing with 1.3.3 - I'm seeing stacking of debuff effects in battle.
e.g. a Divine Curse II and Daze both effective at the same time. Interesting !
... and I genuinely can't tell if this is a bug or intended :)

WHOA: There does appear to be a serious bug, though - I fought and won an encounter. Before the encounter I had around 2000 Storm Barbarians in my camp - I used three squads (x 252) in the battle, and now I have NO Storm Barbarians left.

I'm going to raise a support ticket as well ...
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I really have to wonder what is wrong with the designers! I just got a look at some of the Fairy land buildings, and while some are very beautiful, a few are downright ugly! One of the largest culture buildings is a huge disgusting snail, and the Silk goods building has a big ugly spider sitting on top of it! Honestly, with all of the beautiful images that they could use in Fairy land, the best thing they can come up with is bugs and snails? Creepy critters disgust me, and I can't image that I am the only player who feels the same way. You would think the designers would be aware of many people's aversion to bugs, and avoid using them so prominently.