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Discussion Release Notes version 0.31


@Muf-Muf I know (from dev side working for corporation) how it works ;) Time between idea and shift to development often can be counted in quarters :D I am active user on national forum of this game, and for months put there many ideas. Some of them even with graphical design, ready to implementation. And always heard something like: "Idea is really good, we informed owners about it"... and month after that still nothing ;) Example? Idea about how to interact with brotherhood and neighbours with time to next visit?
About 4 months ago ;)
Time to end of visit in brotherhood? 5 month ago
Trader optimization with mass buy? 5 months ago :)
Also redefinition of tech tree (5 month ago) or many ideas like War Academy, Economy University or Heroes Hideout/Guild (2-3 months ago), so still many months before I can see something at least partially used ;)
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As you can imagine, we are getting a lot of suggestions for Elvenar from all of our language versions. We try to gather the best ideas and we do forward these to our development team. The ideas then get added to a big list of ideas, and our game designers go through them. Forwarding an idea as proposed by our community does not in any way guarantee that it will make it into the game - when it's forwarded the only thing we can guarantee is that we show the idea to the right people. Whether or not they then take it and make it happen, so to say, is not up to us. All we can do is making sure that you get heard, which is what we do for you on a daily basis. :)


I fully understand this @Muf-Muf :) That is why I don't wait for answer. Some parts of my ideas are for example visible in Ancient Wonders. However in fashion I cannot accept. For example I mentioned use of Relics, but laying around our inventory - not those boosting our production. If such list is available, why not give people monthly or quarterly to choose one or two most important for us? I know this strip people from surprise effect, but at least we will be waiting for something we really want. Besides this could involve people into project.
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Very interesting reading! Only problem I see is that Inno want's to earn money
out of them betas instead of supporting the players/testers!
Quite a few betas had to be taken down because of this! The only one doing well is FOE!
I feel sorry for the likes of Muf-Muf and mods by mostly having to make excuses, but than
these are not paid jobs (or are they?)
My tip for Innos manager/owner is to setup some computers and pay a few testers before
putting all this half cooked stuff onto players!!...;)


@GrafKoks2 From what I know, mods aren't volunteers and don't work for free. But I don't know how and how much they are paid. But I'm not 100% sure of those sources.


I think there are moderators on the forum that work for free. I read through the job description once, when they were searching for moderators on the forum.