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Duplicate Red Number stays active on News Icon


Game version: v1.37-(e9280b249) (2017-08-21 8:36)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Opera 47.0.2631.55 (PGO)
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise (UK edition)
Screen resolution:2048 x 1152
Account name: Ritsel
Humans or Elves:Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Current situation:
After I clicked on all the new news items, the red marker stays on "1", apparently indicating there is a new news item. But it's not.

Expected situation:
After you looked at all new news items, the red indicator should disappear.

Reproduction Steps:
1. New news items appear
2. Click on news Icon
3. Read the news
4. Close the news window
5. Still appears to be 1 more new news item.
6. Look again, nothing new



Jup, I can confirm that too. No matter what you try the number won't disappear.