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Old news, but still...


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I am happy you where not my math teacher, or if you where I was most likely that brat that annoyed you and corrected you.
Certainly you'd get the award for how to insult. Time and time again my students came to me extremely low in math skill with extreme math anxiety and by the time they graduated it shocked me how many said math was their favorite subject. I recently went to the wedding of one of my students that score perfect on his diploma exam, who was ready for the exam 2 years before he finished high school (in the big city). He just graduated as a cardiologist. I ran into another student doing the Grouse grind and she threw her arms around me and told me I'd saved her with her math and she was just finishing university. I'd actually taught her in summer school and ran into her having problems not even in my class and I just let her join the other students I was helping. I had another student make a bet with me that it didn't matter what he did, he just didn't get math. My students were in class an hour before school started if they couldn't figure out their homework and they weren't penalized for not getting it. That student got me a card thanking me for teaching him how to learn and he just never believe he could ever do well in math and I remember he got in the +80% range on his final, from barely passing when he started with me. I worked with another student for 3 years that didn't recognize a question she'd just done 5 minutes earlier when I started with her, and couldn't pass a test even when she was given the test to take home a study before being given the test. By the time I finished with her she was sometimes getting the top mark in her class. Later I taught in a tiny community and I was away because my sister was dying and when I got back this student told me he went to every other teacher in the school for help, and he went to airport and asked there, and he went to every adult he could think of in town for help and no one could help him. The community was so small, he was the only student taking the course, so I was teaching it to him after school, after the rest of my teaching load. For so many people, not a second thought is given to crapping on teachers.

I want my game to have an inkling of working now. The single largest contribution to the vast difference in starting squad size for people in the same chapter is the AWs and the penalty for leveling AWs is far greater than any benefit that you can make up in any way in the game. That has nothing to do with understanding the concept that you keep claiming I don't understand.
If you "half" a multiplying value you might cover up the underlying problems for a bit longer, the extremes are then not as quickly visible.

It's not a solution in any shape way or form, at best it's a temporary patchup. so those that want to deny the issue can ignore it a bit longer.

This response shows why you do not understand the tournaments at all.
Ok, so it would take until somewhere between chapter 25 to 30 for the level extremes we are seeing now to show up again if only the higher of the two AWs each chapter was counted. Just because I'm looking for a quasi now solution doesn't mean I don't understand the problem. I think the 36 versus 30 tech in chapter 18 versus chapter 17 is an extra 20% tech penalty hit which has probably pushed the wall for players. My tournament starting troop squad size is up 23% since February and 500 to 525 increase speed in the mercenary camp is only a 5% increase in speed. I was out of troops at province 19. I queued my military building for 2 days and polished bears and for province 22 I now have 9 light rangers and 8.7 blossoms. That effort isn't going to take me very far at all. I need 630k of t1 to cater a single encounter, which is 74 manufacturer collections, so if you had say 7 manufacturers, that's 10x 3 hour collections, or almost 2 days of production.

I'm not going to deny that the game would still be broken, but it would be more playable than it is now, which from my view is looking more and more like "why bother?" My interest level in my live game is pretty low. Did searches this week and found "the mindful gamer." I think this is it for my live game, but, my beta city is just chapter 14 right now and it is still playable and actually very close to getting the timewarp.
You definition only works in an envoirment where "not able to win" a battle is the limiting factor, but with the correct wonder / combat building setup winning a battle is NOT an issue. so if winning a battle is not a problem, then it's not a difficulty.

100% vs 200% not an issue when you boost your units to be 200-250% stronger, then it's still a 200%+ vs 200% battle.

Consider this is climbing a 20 cm or a 40 cm wall a difficulty? at best it's an annoyance. that wall needs to grow to a good size before it becomes a difficulty. in this case a size thats beyong the normal boost range of units.

Only when you have more resources than win power is when winning becomes a difficulty. (read; you have all the units you need but simply cannot win the battle)

But in elvenar we can win battles, what we lack are units to field untill we reach that point of no longer winning.
So we are bound by units, and thats our difficulty, the tournaments are not a battle difficulty game, but a resource management game.
Once you are out of units to field, it's game over. you might be able to win if you field units but you have none to field.

Of course on the lower chapters winning is an issue, here difficulty might be either winning or resource depending on the case, but once you're on steam, there is no winning issue.
With huge squad size even if you only lose 10-20% of your units, losses are still massive... And the way the tournaments are set up now you can have an almost 100% win and then a 100% loss. But, like you said, they killed the learning provinces. I used to experiment with the old tournament, but it is very expensive with this tournament format.


Well-Known Member
I want my game to have an inkling of working now. The single largest contribution to the vast difference in starting squad size for people in the same chapter is the AWs and the penalty for leveling AWs is far greater than any benefit that you can make up in any way in the game. That has nothing to do with understanding the concept that you keep claiming I don't understand.
It does not het an inkling of working, it like driving a car with broken brakes, as long as you drive 5km/h you can open the door and use your feet to stop the car. but does it fix the problem?

Ok, so it would take until somewhere between chapter 25 to 30 for the level extremes we are seeing now to show up again if only the higher of the two AWs each chapter was counted. Just because I'm looking for a quasi now solution doesn't mean I don't understand the problem. I think the 36 versus 30 tech in chapter 18 versus chapter 17 is an extra 20% tech penalty hit which has probably pushed the wall for players. My tournament starting troop squad size is up 23% since February and 500 to 525 increase speed in the mercenary camp is only a 5% increase in speed. I was out of troops at province 19. I queued my military building for 2 days and polished bears and for province 22 I now have 9 light rangers and 8.7 blossoms. That effort isn't going to take me very far at all. I need 630k of t1 to cater a single encounter, which is 74 manufacturer collections, so if you had say 7 manufacturers, that's 10x 3 hour collections, or almost 2 days of production.

I'm not going to deny that the game would still be broken, but it would be more playable than it is now, which from my view is looking more and more like "why bother?" My interest level in my live game is pretty low. Did searches this week and found "the mindful gamer." I think this is it for my live game, but, my beta city is just chapter 14 right now and it is still playable and actually very close to getting the timewarp.
No it does not, it changes almost nothing, what it does change is the gap between having X something and not having X something.
But it's still there. your 300% gap might become a 100-150% gap for wonders, expansions a similar decrease.
It does nothing to say after chapter 15 it's all spiraling downwards. not does it really limit the gap in any meaningfull sense.

It's just you wishing and being happy at this point that half the crap, is better than full crap. it doesn't change it's still crap and that all the issues are still there, maybe not as bad but still hopelessly horrible.
It's to a certain extend like the triple production thing, that was also a mitiligation thing, but it created a lot of issues for many players.

Sometimes not using these temporary allivations is better than doing any at all, because once you do people can and will ignore the problem for a while again, instead of being pressed to fix it.

With huge squad size even if you only lose 10-20% of your units, losses are still massive... And the way the tournaments are set up now you can have an almost 100% win and then a 100% loss. But, like you said, they killed the learning provinces. I used to experiment with the old tournament, but it is very expensive with this tournament format.
Yes I loved the experimental part of the old tournament, and I wish in a revision in the future they would bring that back.
But I also like the fact that it's easier in general of you are a limited tournament player so more play, I also like the fact it's no longer a how many provinces have I unlocked game, but instead having more of a softcap in place based on recources.

I have been there, where just showing up in the tournaments was a 100% guaranteed win, as I had the most provinces on my server.
It's much more boring, and it makes little sense.

so the idea behind the changes was solid, how they excecuted it was the biggest fail they ever made.