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No more forum, just Discord...


Active Member
wow. This is VERY Distressing.

I will NEVER join DISCORD, I loath it. Too bad.

Inno keeps making horrible decisions and that is why Elvenar and its other games have lost so many of its players. They invent the game and then as time goes by they keep losing players due to STUPID decisions.
I agree. And now I can't see announcements in the Beta game without joining Discord (which I will never join!). I just came back to the game after a couple of months of time off. Found a really good FS in Beta, was enjoying being back.... and then there was an announcement about the upcoming FA which I CANNOT EVEN READ!


Well-Known Member
It seems that the announcement to change over to Discord has made the once fairly-active forums a bunch of ghost towns.
I think we’re all feeling pretty defeated, presuming that the forums are soon to be closed down so what’s the point of conversing on our beloved forums…
Discord was not a good replacement. Elvenar players don’t really fit in to that demographic.
The proof is right there on the Elvenar Discord server for all to see, except all are not going to Discord. Lol
It’s quiet over there with very few discussions happening and short replies given. Not many interactions and little ongoing discussion happening.
Having all 3 English speaking servers together didn’t improve the activity either. Maybe they were hoping it would? I don’t know.
Combined, there are only a small handful of comments made each day on Discord, if that.
It’a just not as welcoming or easy to navigate over there.
Discord is better for quick replies and that’s it. Not for long term information.
This decision to move solely to Discord was a mistake.
Now it’s eerily quiet on most forums and Discord. Not an improvement if you ask me.
They really should have included Discord as another option for players to use, not the only impending option available.
It would also be helpful if inno would let their mod teams know if they are truly planning on keeping a few forums going or not. It’s not fair to keep everyone (staff and players) in limbo like this, for months.
It’s also a bad business decision. *shrugs*

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Well, two main parameters for discussion in Elvenar are:
Number of players
Frequency of changes

If both main parameters are low enough, you'll not have much discussion on any platform. So it's only logical that Discord - after initial influx of players - will be similarily dead as pre-Discord forums were.

Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
I think the main reason is that forums were mostly (if not all) run by volunteers who themselves were also players.. and because of Inno's own change in course and policy, many of them were frustrated trying to create something nice, so they left. Putting paid professionals didn't fit in the new business model, so forums are being phased out and only time will tell if that is the right decision! Like the fora I fear Elevenar is doomed as well...

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Every game is doomed sooner or later. But the time between golden times of the game and shutdown of the game can be very long. For some games it is possible to continue even with a fraction of it's former player base for many years.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
I think the main reason is that forums were mostly (if not all) run by volunteers who themselves were also players.. and because of Inno's own change in course and policy, many of them were frustrated trying to create something nice, so they left.
Then the same would surely also apply to discord? Since it's the same mod teams and CMs over there as on the forums. Nothing has changed in that respect


Well-Known Member
You still have a few options for obtaining information:

- on the one hand, Discord is often posted here as well - by other users

- about iDavis information comes

or simply have a look here:

In the meantime you can switch the forum to multiple languages: just scroll down - there you can see the respective country flags.

We may not be perfect. But it has become a nice replacement for us, where we can exchange ideas, because we don't like Discord either. TimeMachine takes care of our English-speaking users.

Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
Then the same would surely also apply to discord? Since it's the same mod teams and CMs over there as on the forums. Nothing has changed in that respect
I wouldn't know, since I refuse to open a new discord account.. tried one once and decided it was user unfriendly and unsafe..


Active Member
It's a real shame the way this move to Discord was done without consulting us. If Inno is having trouble maintaining several fora, we could have found a way round it. Others have already suggested ways to reduce the total number of fora. Although I don' t see how moving to Discord makes any difference to the moderators. They will still have to moderate! And they will have less control over the platform on which they do it.

And this Beta forum is a VERY IMPORTANT one to maintain, because we are the players who take the time and trouble to crash-test the system before changes are introduced to the other worlds. If problems are fixed in Beta, the moderators of the other fora have less work to do.

Today, I find I cannot even see what the bug reports have been without logging into Discord WHICH I WILL NEVER DO!!! I had a small problem with my system and went to see if it it had already been reported. But the bug report thread here has been shut down. I suppose Inno is hoping that most of us will meekly accept what has happened and migrate to Discord. And as less and less is discussed here on this forum we will have fewer reasons to come here, and so that gives Inno more excuses to close the forum.

But please understand this Inno, I WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER JOIN DISCORD. Discord has NO OTHER USE FOR ME. The only reason to join it would be to find Elvenar news. And handing over my personal data is too high a price to pay for Elvenar news. So I WILL NOT BE JOINING DISCORD.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
And handing over my personal data is too high a price to pay for Elvenar news.
I don't want to be an advocate of Discord, but you don't need to give Discord any of your personal data. They will of course still see an IP address you connect to Discord from, but you can hide all other personal data from them if you access it in the browser.


Active Member
I don't want to be an advocate of Discord, but you don't need to give Discord any of your personal data. They will of course still see an IP address you connect to Discord from, but you can hide all other personal data from them if you access it in the browser.
Thanks Lovec Krys, that's very helpful.
The first time I tried to access a Discord link from an Elvenar announcement, Discord was very pushy and tried to force me to join, so I backed out and didn't try again. After reading your message I decided to give it another try (on the principle of "don't condemn a book you haven't read!") This time it asked for an email address but nothing more, so I went in and browsed for a bit. Not impressed. Much prefer the layout of this forum. Won't be going back.


Well-Known Member
Hello Beta-Community, i was banned from the Discord-DE-server for 24 hours on 9.11.23, but still wasn't able to access the Elvenar Discord-Server today.

After asking german CM, I've learned that they decided to keep me banned forever. Ok, no problem for a time traveller. :)

But I don't see why I should not be able to use Beta- and US-Discord anymore especially because I didn't do any "crime" there.

Maybe it would be great to divide the Discord-Server in any way.

I guess it is not really fair to ban somebody internatonal, just because of some critism which only was spoken in DE channel.

So to all who said: "I will never use Elvenar-Discord-Derver", I've given it a try but I will never ever be able to use it again.
The first ban was directly forever! ;)

That's why I from now on can only get actual informations about the game by visiting https://elvenar-fan-forum.de
I used to feed Elvenar-Fan-Forum with the actual announcements especially from Discord-Beta-Channel and I loved to use Beta-Forum for getting informations and reporting bugs as well.
No need to mention that I will never ba able to earn some diamonds for a bug-report on Beta, just because of DE

Now I am forced to stop this, luckily there are enough other players and mods in Elvenar-Fan-Forum who are keeping it up to date.

Otherwise I would from now on not be able to read them announcemnts even if i would like to do it on Discord.

Is it really that way? No chance for anybody playing on Beta and being banned on DE-Discord to use Beta-Discord-Forum again?
I still cannot believe this. :)

Edit: That's why I have to say goodbye to the Elvenar-Beta-Community because after this Forum will be closed there will be no possibility for me to stay in contact except writing ingame-messages or the Elvenar-Fan-Forum.

I had a good time here on Beta and it was a pleasure to read from and write with all of you! Best Wishes to everybody! I will miss you! :(
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