Hello Beta-Community, i was banned from the Discord-DE-server for 24 hours on 9.11.23, but still wasn't able to access the Elvenar Discord-Server today.
After asking german CM, I've learned that they decided to keep me banned forever. Ok, no problem for a time traveller.
But I don't see why I should not be able to use Beta- and US-Discord anymore especially because I didn't do any "crime" there.
Maybe it would be great to divide the Discord-Server in any way.
I guess it is not really fair to ban somebody internatonal, just because of some critism which only was spoken in DE channel.
So to all who said: "I will never use Elvenar-Discord-Derver", I've given it a try but I will never ever be able to use it again.
The first ban was directly forever!
That's why I from now on can only get actual informations about the game by visiting
I used to feed Elvenar-Fan-Forum with the actual announcements especially from Discord-Beta-Channel and I loved to use Beta-Forum for getting informations and reporting bugs as well.
No need to mention that I will never ba able to earn some diamonds for a bug-report on Beta, just because of DE
Now I am forced to stop this, luckily there are enough other players and mods in Elvenar-Fan-Forum who are keeping it up to date.
Otherwise I would from now on not be able to read them announcemnts even if i would like to do it on Discord.
Is it really that way? No chance for anybody playing on Beta and being banned on DE-Discord to use Beta-Discord-Forum again?
I still cannot believe this.
Edit: That's why I have to say goodbye to the Elvenar-Beta-Community because after this Forum will be closed there will be no possibility for me to stay in contact except writing ingame-messages or the Elvenar-Fan-Forum.
I had a good time here on Beta and it was a pleasure to read from and write with all of you! Best Wishes to everybody! I will miss you!