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Discussion May Celebrations


New Member
Including the quests yesterday, there are 6 quests of gaining Vision Vapor (may be more in the following days). Totally, 130 Vision Vapor required, assuming 1 catalyst can gain 3 Vision Vapor (most often 2), how many catalysts are needed? Is it fair for those who can't earn catalyst from the Spire?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday evening I get 2X (2 off next)
But I have no more spring seeds
I get nothing because on night I start again.
Nothing to use 2X to


  • 2x.gif
    268.3 KB · Views: 183

Deleted User - 82430

Yesterday evening I get 2X (2 off next)
But I have no more spring seeds
I get nothing because on night I start again.
Nothing to use 2X to
And that's the main failure of "new" event system, when You get - reveal two - or - double prize - and You're out of event currency - that feels terribly wrong and unfair. I personally feel cheated (not to mention robbed) by this new solution :mad:

Deleted User - 84311

Yesterday evening I get 2X (2 off next)
But I have no more spring seeds
I get nothing because on night I start again.
Nothing to use 2X to
why auto shuffle every new day?
;let people finish it and then shuffle it.
well one among many failures of this new event

bad "prizes" and i use the word loosely
make the game more unbalanced between players since it makes randoms the advance for main prizes why?
it was already unbalanced and depending people luck some got more that others.

this will be the may failure if anything
nothing to be proud or celebrate


I guess its auto shuffled every new day because the daily prize changes, and this could cause a problem??


A big plus are the daily prizes offering 25 squads! Also refreshing to see new buildings being offered, though not enticing enough to actually get! I got so sick of looking at phoenix stuff for the third time! Lots to hate about the 16 flower board. The shuffle is not a reward unless WE can choose when to use it! Most items on the board are hardly worth the effort it takes to get the seeds to try for it. Why are we doing 2 tasks in some cases and 1 task in others? Where are the mana huts, ferris wheels, and wishing wells? Why is the evolving building a tree when we just had a tree for the Valentine event?

Deleted User - 70079

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your feedback so far. Besides the shuffle board mechanic itself (since we've already forwarded that feedback), what do you think about it in combination with the current balancing (amount of seeds you get, amount of presents you can open now, milestones in between, more valuable end reward building, easier to get to level 10 etc). Since we made a lot of balancing changes there compared to Winter, we're curious about how you feel about that.
It's lipstick on a pig. If you take a concept that is fundamentally broken, and make a few trivial improvements, that doesn't make it any less broken. Literally the only way for this to be anything except awful is to do away with the shuffle board mechanic entirely.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
It's lipstick on a pig. If you take a concept that is fundamentally broken, and make a few trivial improvements, that doesn't make it any less broken. Literally the only way for this to be anything except awful is to do away with the shuffle board mechanic entirely.
Yes, if you have rats in the village, you can't solve the problem by painting those rats to pink color.
Btw, I Think there's someone's personal interest in the shuffle mechanics. Despite it being the worst event system invented, it probably needs to be used at least several times otherwise someone responsible for this system might loose his job - that's by my opinion the motivation to use this system again.
This behaviour is typical for managers, if they make enough bad decision, they still stick to it and try to convice others that it's not bad (reality is not importatnt here, just the opinion of key people), otherwise they might loose their job.

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
May Tree Celebration

I have looked at the May event on elvengems and from the information on there, there is about 66 encounters (more or less) so you will need to scout atleast 9 provinces to do these quests.

This might be easy for the lower levels (up to a point) until troops and resources become a problem. For the higher levels, these quests will present a huge problem as they will have to scout provinces, which takes quite a couple hours to complete.

Perhaps you should rethink some of these quests and include another option other than tournaments and the spire before you release it into the normal worlds. I know there are some high level players that dont do spire or tournaments at all so some of these quests might be a problem for them.

Also if you're low on relics, making catalysts is going to be a huge problem and you cant progress further than the first few quests.

Currently in my chapter 1 (I just achieved chapter 2) on Beta, I'm having a problem with the 12 relics quests as there are too many of them and these are not always easy to get - resources and troops being the main issue here.

I did have an issue to get the vision vapor until I could activate and build the magic academy but a couple quests in the magic academy, and the spell fragments were finished and I'm too small to obtain them in the spire at the moment. As soon as Magic Academy activates, you only get 1000 spell fragments and 10 catalysts so with the very first quest for vision vapor, it can get depleted unless you are lucky to craft pet food or relics but even so it wont last long.

Other than the above, I love the fact that there are new things to do for this event. Its fresh and different, though it does remind me of the gingerbread event we had over Christmas.

Over all I personally think this is an event for the lower levels who will find it more easier than others to do,, apart from the magic academy but once they can get it going they will be fine, whereas it might be problematic for the higher levels. I can say this since I have started playing on Beta about a week ago, a few days after the event has already started and am already at quest 33 making this the furthest I've ever been. I will probably not make it to the end but I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

Great job coming up with this one.

Deleted User - 81672

Where are the 30 AWKPs as a daily prize?
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Well-Known Member
Here are my Event Notes that you are welcome to share with friends who do not play on Beta:


Here is a look at the Festive May Tree evolving building:


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Well-Known Member
Some people from live servers who play on beta servers are signalizing, that they have 56/58 quests here on beta and tomorrow's one is 57/58.
I have 57/58 as majority of the rest and tomorrow is last one.
Where one quest evaporated for some people?
Hope this bug won't go to live version if that's the case

Deleted User - 86059

@Arthus wouldn't it be better for those players that have an issue to let us know themselves and then we can look into the issue rather than a broad 'some players' which we cannot check or confirm so therefore the issue gets bypassed rather than dealt with
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King of Bugs
those people have it at 57/58 aswell, they saw 56/58 on quest completion, and thats correct, window behind reward screen doesnt update after that


Well-Known Member
I get 2 off next
then I get change All = shuffle
funny is it possible to get dobbelt off new ???
who Can use dobbelt rotation ;-D

Sorry but innogames have a funny humor
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Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member

Not only I got 2x on relics, but I got my desired daily reward right after.
But got reshufle 8 steps later (with only 3 remaining roses unpicked).
Previus reshufle was even worse (with only 1 remaining roses unpicked).

[sarcasm on]
Just a lovely system very motivating players to open their wallets.

ps: Could that tree animation be even longer? I realy have nothing to do whole day.
[sarcasm off]

Seriously, is that so big problem to attach the random function directly to the flower picking to get rid of this stupid button with sooooo stuuuuupiiiidlyyy looooooooooooooong animations?:

ps: Why is Savory Food Market without early collection? Was someone lazy when creating this buliding?
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Well-Known Member
10 relics as the last daily quest without tournament in the background is too hard to gain when the crafting doesn't help and the provinces have to be scoutes first. It is not impossible by the help of diamnonds and time boosters but for 10 seeds it is too expensive!