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Luxury problem


well you report your view and I report mine. I don't crawl over the whole map. I saw my space with my neighborhood I slowly discovered. And that never was lot of advanced players and isn't now, All of the very advanced players like Khebeln, Phantom etc. had been out of sight and reach. If your theory is right, your described "center" is so large, that it doesn't matter for that difference between your and mine point of start.
And most of all IMHO it doesn't matter as argument in the discussion of the topic.


Now I read all you have written to the 'luxury problem' and I want to show my point of view.
1. sorella, you are right in critisising the design of the upper level buildings. They are not looking as nice as the building at lower levels.
2. There is something wrong balanced, indeed.
3. I liked this game very much at the beginning, but now... ok - nobody is perfect - and this game too ;-)
4. Following my rules of life I often slow down my activities of building, scouting and discovering - to help other players with trades.
5. Now, as I have reached the end of the tech-tree and the Top100 I spend my time with raising my help to others and founding a fellowship to be a mentor for lower level players so they can benefit of my goods and other help I'm able to give.
Why not use our high position and overwhelming amount of goods to help our friends all over Elvenar. This is a very important aspect in playing together and to give example how to be not egoistic, only working for our own benefits.

This fellowships give us now the long time missed feature to play this game as real fellows, no longer have to play a single player game.

Sure I do. What else could one do as left the game or spend time pampering others?
But Beta isn't installed to bring everybody to a personal solution against boredom and not liking higher leveled buildings.
It is installed to get opinions and reports from players to develop the game.
Sad enough that so many (around half of starters BEFORE start of liveservers!) had quit the game - most of them without leaving their comment.
IMHO INNO needs every clearly spoken comment to get an idea what is wrong with their gamedesign.
Praise? well as I said: some hope at the start because of nice buildings in the lower levels, an at first glance interesting fightingsystem (which is poorly balanced), possibility to build streets without costs and therefore one can spend lot of times to move everything around again and again. Sorry that I didn't find more to my taste.

Edit by Lauwi: Merged posts. Please use the edit button.
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