I'm trying to give the Elvenar Discord a chance.... but I have to say, after being on there since it launched, I'm already kind of over it. It's boring and chaotic to have to rummage through each channel to look at everything that has been said.
There's mainly around a dozen +/- people regularly talking in the English (US/EN & Beta) chats....mainly in the Lounge, Counting Game section and General Chat. There are several other threads, channels and forum/discussion sections but they mostly go unnoticed.
The people chatting there are great but it doesn't feel like a big gaming server/forum at all.
not a lot of player engagement for the
THREE separate Elvenar platforms, all combined together now. That's way less than we see on the US, EN and Beta game forums, regularly.
There are occasional other players who come in, ask a question or say hi, and are never heard from again. So, it really makes no sense to switch over to discord for more player engagement... or whatever the excuse it. It's still the same, if not even less, engagement over on discord than what we see here.
The answers and replies we've read throughout each language forum to what will happen with THESE forums in the future has been incredibly inconsistent or ignored. It's not professional and it's not kind.
This is a pretty bad move that INNO is making. There's no reason not to have both Discord and the Forum.Elvenar.com for all players. It just doesn't make any logical sense.
Edit to say: I'm betting this decision to move to Discord was made mainly for financial reasons, by INNO. It costs way more to run forum sites than throwing everything over on Discord, where it is way cheaper. It would be nice if we could go back to the days where communication was clear between this company and the playing community.
They would have a lot better player retention and income coming in, if only they would get back to the customer care standards they used to hold.