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Is Beta dying?


Well-Known Member
While I hate to admit it, Discord and Fellowship Adventures seem to be made for each other. AW swap threads for your neighborhood, rather than just for your Fellowship, would be another activity.

I'm not into Team Sports, but we would do well to at least acknowledge that Fellowship Chat and the Forum both suck at coordination activities, where weeks-old information is useless anyway.

For the FSA, yes. Because it is a chatserver. But the FSA is a very small part of Elvenar. I really cannot see that as a reason to move to Discord.
But again, that is a far, far cry from being a forum.

Not to mention I absolutely abhor the fact that bloody strangers can (and do) contact you on Discord, about all kinds of things, which is one of the reasons I never stayed on there anyway.


New Member
I just noticed this post on discord:

Karvesttoday 14:16​

> Discord completely disabled and broke APNG support when they addressed the infamous 'aCropalypse' vulnerbility
so I won't post my animated spoilers here...

I wonder where the animated spoilers will be posted instead.............


Well-Known Member
Well, that's typical software development now...
Some idiots made a cropping tools which don't cleanup cropped data, other used it to crop out sensitive data for 3 years, third made hype about it => let force every social app check all images and remove such data => social app developers are lazy and just drop everything past first frame...


Well-Known Member
back on topic
162 goldmines 3 weeks later
172 goldmines now...
Another monday, another part of my neighborhood moved away. Probably active cities, at least one who was returning NH regularly, while very old inactive cities are still there surrounded by goldmines.
Probably moving algorithm should be triggered manually for cities which weren't online since current version was implemented or something like this. Not a single NH returned from cities from "dead area". Checked some of them via elvenstats - most are offline for more than a year, but found one which was not changed for only half a year, so not sure.
@Deadeye Jerry , can you check it?


Well-Known Member
Just recognized that there is a fresh thread in Elvenar-Fan-Forum where "one of a kind forum-avatars" are created and given to users who like to use them in Fan-Forum.
A "tradition" which once started in DE-Forum with the creative corner/avatars will be continued, I am very happy about it!

Just as an example, this was my DE Forum-Avatar and is now my Elvenar-Fan-Forum-Avatar:


In DE Forum I actually use this Avatar because it is slowly dying or something like already undead:


As said above, these avatars were presents by some graphical-creative players who are presenting and sharing their art (like Banksy does ;)) and it was and is a great fun to me, to see the way of the emergence of characters based on user-wishes for an "avatar-look", over nice artwork, leading to optical "pimped" avatars.

For those who are interested in stuff like this, here are the links from the "dying" DE Forum:

..and from the "rising" Elvenar-Fan-Forum:



Well-Known Member
Guys, you can give the Discord server a try, everything we can do here, we can do on Discord as well.
Not true, really, is it?

For me, it is way easier to check Discord than open the forum, but that might be just me.
Agreed, might be just you.
I find the fact that there was never an official feedback thread set up here on Beta, telling.


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

Elvenar-Fan-Forum just opened a new section for english speaking humans and elves all around the world, which should at least substitute this forum a little after beeing shut down.

You are all Welcome to join or to just read upcoming informations with no need to log in in!

I've just opend a spoiler thread like we have/had here and I would like to invite everybody, and especially Karvest, to share information and for example the latest spoilers, which have been already posted here. @Karvest your participation is highly appreciated! ;)
To post something all you need to do ist to log in with an e-mail adress.

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Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

Elvenar-Fan-Forum just opened a new section for english speaking humans and elves all around the world, which should at least substitute this forum a little after beeing shut down.

You are all Welcome to join or to just read upcoming informations with no need to log in in!

I've just opend a spoiler thread like we have/had here and I would like to invite everybody, and especially Karvest, to share information and for example the latest spoilers, which have been already posted here. @Karvest your participation is highly appreciated! ;)
To post something all you need to do ist to log in with an e-mail adress.

I'll have to think about joining. But when these forums go down I may. Provided I'm still going to be playing.


Well-Known Member
Beta unavailable today, from App at least?
Receiving "an internal error has occurred" at login.
Cache clear did not help and no update available. Anyone else with problems?
Perhaps Beta really is dying.


Well-Known Member
probably there were some login issues for app, there is similar questions from live server.
I'm online on beta for almost 3.5 hours now since last update on browser. and just logged in on app without issues.


Well-Known Member
Well we ask for 3 years for colonies/underground/anything for endgame players and there's no such thing in game.
Old players leave unsatissfied, new players don't care about beta.

Game gets only more and more difficult for endgame players, instead of winning encounters easier it's much tougher than when we were in moonelves chapter, we wait around 8 months for 1 chapter, each chapter get's progressively more and more annoying and then all you have left is events and less and less space for everything in city


Active Member
Within the last week or so, an alarming number of players in my fellowship have stopped playing Elvenar and have left the game.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to give the Elvenar Discord a chance.... but I have to say, after being on there since it launched, I'm already kind of over it. It's boring and chaotic to have to rummage through each channel to look at everything that has been said.
There's mainly around a dozen +/- people regularly talking in the English (US/EN & Beta) chats....mainly in the Lounge, Counting Game section and General Chat. There are several other threads, channels and forum/discussion sections but they mostly go unnoticed.
The people chatting there are great but it doesn't feel like a big gaming server/forum at all.
That's not a lot of player engagement for the THREE separate Elvenar platforms, all combined together now. That's way less than we see on the US, EN and Beta game forums, regularly.
There are occasional other players who come in, ask a question or say hi, and are never heard from again. So, it really makes no sense to switch over to discord for more player engagement... or whatever the excuse it. It's still the same, if not even less, engagement over on discord than what we see here.
The answers and replies we've read throughout each language forum to what will happen with THESE forums in the future has been incredibly inconsistent or ignored. It's not professional and it's not kind.
This is a pretty bad move that INNO is making. There's no reason not to have both Discord and the Forum.Elvenar.com for all players. It just doesn't make any logical sense.
Edit to say: I'm betting this decision to move to Discord was made mainly for financial reasons, by INNO. It costs way more to run forum sites than throwing everything over on Discord, where it is way cheaper. It would be nice if we could go back to the days where communication was clear between this company and the playing community. They would have a lot better player retention and income coming in, if only they would get back to the customer care standards they used to hold. :(
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Well-Known Member
my two pence about shutdown forum:

So in addition to the forum, the wiki and the posthorn (see posthorn info post about the beta change on September 25th, 23 building-hiding option also on browser) - as announced by mods themselves in various threads - should also be switched off so that all sheep behave well Inno's wish that their players should get digitally "naked" and "switch" to Discord in order to get any information about the game or blueprints, miracles etc - that's an absolute NO GO! As others have already written, you can receive information here as a guest without being logged in - this is not possible on Discord! So it's a force from inno to register there or to play without information :( that's not possible!! Even Inno should be aware of the questionable nature of Discord! Below is an excerpt on the subject of data protection: "Due to various violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) imposed a fine of 800,000 euros on the US company Discord Inc. The violations mainly included the security of personal data and storage limits. 02/14/2023" Discord also does not comply with German data protection laws!"

meine meinung zur abschaltung forum:
so also neben dem forum soll auch das wiki und das posthorn (siehe beitrag posthorn info zur beta änderung am 25.09.23 gebäude-verbergen möglichkeit auch auf browser) - wie von mods selbst in verschiedenen threads mitgeteilt wurde - abgeschaltet werden, damit alle schäflein brav sich inno's wunsch, dass sich ihre spieler digital "nackig" machen sollen auf discord zu "wechseln" um überhaupt an infos zum spiel oder baupläne, wunder etc zu erhalten - das ein absolutes NO GO ! wie schon andere geschrieben haben kann man hier als gast infos erhalten ohne angemeldet zu sein - dies geht auf discord nicht ! es ist also ein zwang von inno sich dort anzumelden oder halt ohne infos zu spielen :( das geht gar nicht !!
selbst inno sollte die fragwürdigkeit von discord bekannt sein ! unten mal ein auszug zum thema datenschutz:
"Aufgrund von verschiedenen Verstößen gegen die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) verhängte die französische Datenschutzbehörde (CNIL) gegen das US-Unternehmen Discord Inc. ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 800.000 Euro. Die Verstöße umfassten vor allem die Sicherheit der personenbezogenen Daten und die Speicherbegrenzung.14.02.2023"
auch mit dem deutschen Datenschutz geht discord nicht konform !"


Active Member
This Monday it was me who was moved. No there are 0 goldmines around, 14 rings from the center, time to start scouting to the right.=)
But looking at where I was - old inactive cities are still there, so there is definitely something wrong with migration algorithm announced by Inno earlier...
Do please report back regarding your new location. You can look at the JSON code if your location isn't obvious.
  • Cities near the center of the map are surrounded by noob cities, because inactive cities that haven't purchased Diamonds nor progressed very far are simply deleted after a month or so, and the next arrival gets dropped into that empty sector.
  • Weekly (mostly on Mondays and only for part of the map) mature but inactive cities are archived. New cities that landed on the edge of the map (for lack of an empty slot near the center,) THEN "unarchived" cities, THEN active cities on the outer edge of the map (usually lopsided to avoid Goldmines) are considered for the 1/9th of the now empty slots that match their buff configuration.
  • The cities that are 25% to 75% of the distance to edge of the map are in the sweet spot.
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